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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.net.client.msg;
import engine.gameManager.SessionManager;
import engine.net.*;
import engine.net.client.ClientConnection;
import engine.net.client.Protocol;
import engine.objects.*;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class RefineMsg extends ClientNetMsg {
private int npcType;
private int npcID;
private int unknown01;
private int type;
private int token;
private int unknown02;
* This is the general purpose constructor.
public RefineMsg() {
public RefineMsg(int npcType, int npcID, int type, int token) {
this.npcType = npcType;
this.npcID = npcID;
this.unknown01 = 1;
this.type = type;
this.token = token;
this.unknown02 = 0;
* This constructor is used by NetMsgFactory. It attempts to deserialize the
* ByteBuffer into a message. If a BufferUnderflow occurs (based on reading
* past the limit) then this constructor Throws that Exception to the
* caller.
public RefineMsg(AbstractConnection origin, ByteBufferReader reader) {
super(Protocol.ARCUNTRAINABILITY, origin, reader);
* Serializes the subclass specific items to the supplied NetMsgWriter.
protected void _serialize(ByteBufferWriter writer) {
* Deserializes the subclass specific items from the supplied NetMsgReader.
protected void _deserialize(ByteBufferReader reader) {
this.npcType = reader.getInt();
this.npcID = reader.getInt();
this.unknown01 = reader.getInt();
this.type = reader.getInt();
this.token = reader.getInt();
this.unknown02 = reader.getInt();
public int getNpcType() {
return this.npcType;
public int getNpcID() {
return this.npcID;
public int getUnknown01() {
return this.unknown01;
public int getType() {
return this.type;
public int getToken() {
return this.token;
public int getUnknown02() {
return this.unknown02;
public void setUnknown01(int value) {
this.unknown01 = value;
public void setType(int value) {
this.type = value;
public void setToken(int value) {
this.token = value;
public void setUnknown02(int value) {
this.unknown02 = value;
public static void refine(RefineMsg msg, ClientConnection origin) {
if (origin == null)
PlayerCharacter pc = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (pc == null)
NPC npc = NPC.getFromCache(msg.npcID);
if (npc == null)
int type = msg.type;
int token = msg.token;
boolean worked = false;
boolean skillPower = true;
if (type == 0) { //refine skill
worked = refineSkill(origin, pc, token, msg);
} else if (type == 1) { //refine power
worked = refinePower(origin, pc, token, msg);
} else if (type == 2) { //refine stat
worked = refineStat(origin, pc, token, msg);
skillPower = false;
if (worked) {
//update player
pc.getCharItemManager().RemoveEquipmentFromLackOfSkill(pc, true);
//echo refine message back
Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(pc, msg);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, engine.Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
// if (type == 0 && token == 1488335491){
// dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(pc, msg);
// DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, engine.Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
// }
//resend refine screen
RefinerScreenMsg refinerScreenMsg = new RefinerScreenMsg(skillPower, npc.getSellPercent(pc)); //TODO set npc cost
dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(pc, refinerScreenMsg);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, engine.Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
private static boolean refineSkill(ClientConnection origin, PlayerCharacter pc, int token, RefineMsg msg) {
CharacterSkill skill = null;
ConcurrentHashMap<String, CharacterSkill> skills = pc.getSkills();
for (CharacterSkill sk : skills.values()) {
if (sk == null)
SkillsBase sb = sk.getSkillsBase();
if (sb == null)
if (sb.getToken() == token)
skill = sk;
//check if player has skill to refine
if (skill == null)
return false;
//check there's a train to refine
if (skill.getNumTrains() < 1)
return false;
//TODO verify if any skills have this as prereq
//TODO verify if any powers have this as a prereq
//get all players powers
for(CharacterPower power : pc.getPowers().values()){
ArrayList<PowerReq> reqs = PowerReq.getPowerReqsForRune(power.getPowerID());
for (PowerReq req : reqs) {
ConcurrentHashMap<String,CharacterSkill> playerSkills = pc.getSkills();
CharacterSkill playerSkill = playerSkills.get(token);
int currentSkillLevel = playerSkill.getTotalSkillPercet();
if (token == req.getToken() && req.getLevel() == currentSkillLevel) {
return false;
//refine skill
return skill.refine(pc);
private static boolean refinePower(ClientConnection origin, PlayerCharacter pc, int token, RefineMsg msg) {
CharacterPower power = null;
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, CharacterPower> powers = pc.getPowers();
if (!powers.containsKey(token))
return false;
power = powers.get(token);
if (power == null)
return false;
if (power.getTrains() < 1)
return false;
//TODO verify if any powers have this as a prereq
return power.refine(pc);
private static boolean refineStat(ClientConnection origin, PlayerCharacter pc, int token, RefineMsg msg) {
if (token == MBServerStatics.STAT_STR_ID)
return pc.refineStr();
if (token == MBServerStatics.STAT_DEX_ID)
return pc.refineDex();
if (token == MBServerStatics.STAT_CON_ID)
return pc.refineCon();
if (token == MBServerStatics.STAT_INT_ID)
return pc.refineInt(msg);
if (token == MBServerStatics.STAT_SPI_ID)
return pc.refineSpi();
return false;