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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.db.handlers ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.Enum.DbObjectType ;
import engine.Enum.ProtectionState ;
import engine.Enum.TaxType ;
import engine.gameManager.DbManager ;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable ;
import engine.objects.* ;
import org.joda.time.DateTime ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.sql.Connection ;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.time.ZoneId ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
public class dbBuildingHandler extends dbHandlerBase {
public dbBuildingHandler ( ) {
this . localClass = Building . class ;
this . localObjectType = Enum . GameObjectType . valueOf ( this . localClass . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
public Building CREATE_BUILDING ( int parentZoneID , int OwnerUUID , String name , int meshUUID ,
Vector3fImmutable location , float meshScale , int currentHP ,
ProtectionState protectionState , int currentGold , int rank ,
DateTime upgradeDate , int blueprintUUID , float w , float rotY ) {
Building building = null ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "CALL `building_CREATE`(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,? ,? ,?, ?);" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , parentZoneID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , OwnerUUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setString ( 3 , name ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , meshUUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 5 , location . x ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 6 , location . y ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 7 , location . z ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 8 , meshScale ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 9 , currentHP ) ;
preparedStatement . setString ( 10 , protectionState . name ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 11 , currentGold ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 12 , rank ) ;
if ( upgradeDate ! = null )
preparedStatement . setTimestamp ( 13 , new java . sql . Timestamp ( upgradeDate . getMillis ( ) ) ) ;
setNULL ( 13 , java . sql . Types . DATE ) ;
setInt ( 14 , blueprintUUID ) ;
setFloat ( 15 , w ) ;
setFloat ( 16 , rotY ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
int objectUUID = ( int ) rs . getLong ( "UID" ) ;
if ( objectUUID > 0 )
building = GET_BUILDINGBYUUID ( objectUUID ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( e ) ;
return building ;
public boolean DELETE_FROM_DATABASE ( final Building b ) {
return removeFromBuildings ( b ) ;
public ArrayList < Building > GET_ALL_BUILDINGS_FOR_ZONE ( Zone zone ) {
ArrayList < Building > buildings = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT `obj_building`.*, `object`.`parent` FROM `object` INNER JOIN `obj_building` ON `obj_building`.`UID` = `object`.`UID` WHERE `object`.`parent` = ?;" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , zone . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
buildings = getObjectsFromRs ( rs , 1000 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return buildings ;
public Building GET_BUILDINGBYUUID ( int uuid ) {
if ( uuid = = 0 )
return null ;
Building building = ( Building ) DbManager . getFromCache ( Enum . GameObjectType . Building , uuid ) ;
if ( building ! = null )
return building ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT `obj_building`.*, `object`.`parent` FROM `object` INNER JOIN `obj_building` ON `obj_building`.`UID` = `object`.`UID` WHERE `object`.`UID` = ?;" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , uuid ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
building = ( Building ) getObjectFromRs ( rs ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return building ;
public Building GET_BUILDING_BY_MESH ( final int meshID ) {
Building building = null ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "CALL building_GETBYMESH(?)" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , meshID ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
if ( rs . next ( ) )
building = new Building ( rs ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( "Building" , e ) ;
return null ;
return building ;
public String SET_PROPERTY ( final Building b , String name , Object new_value ) {
String result = "" ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "CALL building_SETPROP(?,?,?)" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setString ( 2 , name ) ;
preparedStatement . setString ( 3 , String . valueOf ( new_value ) ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
result = rs . getString ( "result" ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return result ;
public int MOVE_BUILDING ( long buildingID , long parentID , float locX , float locY , float locZ ) {
int rowCount ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `object` INNER JOIN `obj_building` On `object`.`UID` = `obj_building`.`UID` SET `object`.`parent`=?, `obj_building`.`locationX`=?, `obj_building`.`locationY`=?, `obj_building`.`locationZ`=? WHERE `obj_building`.`UID`=?;" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , parentID ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 2 , locX ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 3 , locY ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 4 , locZ ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 5 , buildingID ) ;
rowCount = preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return 0 ;
return rowCount ;
private boolean removeFromBuildings ( final Building b ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `object` WHERE `UID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . execute ( ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public boolean CHANGE_NAME ( Building b , String newName ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `name`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setString ( 1 , newName ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean SET_RESERVE ( Building b , int reserveAmount ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `reserve`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , reserveAmount ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
//CAS update to rank
public boolean CHANGE_RANK ( final long buildingID , int newRank ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `rank`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , newRank ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , buildingID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean UPDATE_BUILDING_HEALTH ( final long buildingID , int NewHealth ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `currentHP`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , NewHealth ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , buildingID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean UPDATE_BUILDING_ALTITUDE ( final long buildingID , float newAltitude ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `locationY`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 1 , newAltitude ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , buildingID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean UPDATE_PROTECTIONSTATE ( final long buildingUUID , ProtectionState protectionState ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `protectionState`=? WHERE `UID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setString ( 1 , protectionState . name ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , buildingUUID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean UPDATE_DOOR_LOCK ( final int buildingUUID , int doorFlags ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET doorState = ? WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , doorFlags ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , buildingUUID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean ADD_TO_FRIENDS_LIST ( final long buildingID , final long friendID , final long guildID , final int friendType ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "INSERT INTO `dyn_building_friends` (`buildingUID`, `playerUID`,`guildUID`, `friendType`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , friendID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 3 , guildID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , friendType ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean REMOVE_FROM_FRIENDS_LIST ( final long buildingID , long friendID , long guildID , int friendType ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `dyn_building_friends` WHERE `buildingUID`=? AND `playerUID`=? AND `guildUID` =? AND `friendType` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , friendID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 3 , guildID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , friendType ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean REMOVE_FROM_CONDEMNED_LIST ( final long buildingID , long friendID , long guildID , int friendType ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `dyn_building_condemned` WHERE `buildingUID`=? AND `playerUID`=? AND `guildUID` =? AND `friendType` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , friendID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 3 , guildID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , friendType ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public void CLEAR_FRIENDS_LIST ( final long buildingID ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `dyn_building_friends` WHERE `buildingUID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
preparedStatement . execute ( ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
public void CLEAR_CONDEMNED_LIST ( final long buildingID ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `dyn_building_condemned` WHERE `buildingUID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
preparedStatement . execute ( ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
public boolean CLEAR_PATROL ( final long buildingID ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "DELETE FROM `dyn_building_patrol_points` WHERE `buildingUID`=?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , buildingID ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public void LOAD_ALL_FRIENDS_FOR_BUILDING ( Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM `dyn_building_friends` WHERE `buildingUID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
BuildingFriends friend = new BuildingFriends ( rs ) ;
switch ( friend . getFriendType ( ) ) {
case 7 :
building . getFriends ( ) . put ( friend . getPlayerUID ( ) , friend ) ;
break ;
case 8 :
case 9 :
building . getFriends ( ) . put ( friend . getGuildUID ( ) , friend ) ;
break ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
public void LOAD_ALL_CONDEMNED_FOR_BUILDING ( Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM `dyn_building_condemned` WHERE `buildingUID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
Condemned condemned = new Condemned ( rs ) ;
switch ( condemned . getFriendType ( ) ) {
case 2 :
building . getCondemned ( ) . put ( condemned . getPlayerUID ( ) , condemned ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
case 5 :
building . getCondemned ( ) . put ( condemned . getGuildUID ( ) , condemned ) ;
break ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
public ArrayList < Vector3fImmutable > LOAD_PATROL_POINTS ( Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return null ;
ArrayList < Vector3fImmutable > patrolPoints = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM `dyn_building_patrol_points` WHERE `buildingUID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
float x1 = rs . getFloat ( "patrolX" ) ;
float y1 = rs . getFloat ( "patrolY" ) ;
float z1 = rs . getFloat ( "patrolZ" ) ;
Vector3fImmutable patrolPoint = new Vector3fImmutable ( x1 , y1 , z1 ) ;
patrolPoints . add ( patrolPoint ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return patrolPoints ;
public boolean ADD_TO_CONDEMNLIST ( final long parentUID , final long playerUID , final long guildID , final int friendType ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "INSERT INTO `dyn_building_condemned` (`buildingUID`, `playerUID`,`guildUID`, `friendType`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , parentUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 2 , playerUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setLong ( 3 , guildID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , friendType ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean ADD_TO_PATROL ( final long parentUID , final Vector3fImmutable patrolPoint ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "INSERT INTO `dyn_building_patrol_points` (`buildingUID`, `patrolX`,`patrolY`, `patrolZ`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , parentUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 2 , ( int ) patrolPoint . x ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 3 , ( int ) patrolPoint . y ) ;
preparedStatement . setFloat ( 4 , ( int ) patrolPoint . z ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < BuildingRegions > > LOAD_BUILDING_REGIONS ( ) {
HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < BuildingRegions > > regionList = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
BuildingRegions buildingRegions ;
int recordsRead = 0 ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM static_building_regions" ) ) {
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
recordsRead + + ;
buildingRegions = new BuildingRegions ( rs ) ;
if ( regionList . get ( buildingRegions . getBuildingID ( ) ) = = null ) {
ArrayList < BuildingRegions > regionsList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
regionsList . add ( buildingRegions ) ;
regionList . put ( buildingRegions . getBuildingID ( ) , regionsList ) ;
} else {
ArrayList < BuildingRegions > regionsList = regionList . get ( buildingRegions . getBuildingID ( ) ) ;
regionsList . add ( buildingRegions ) ;
regionList . put ( buildingRegions . getBuildingID ( ) , regionsList ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return null ;
Logger . info ( "read: " + recordsRead + " cached: " + regionList . size ( ) ) ;
return regionList ;
public HashMap < Integer , MeshBounds > LOAD_MESH_BOUNDS ( ) {
HashMap < Integer , MeshBounds > meshBoundsMap = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
MeshBounds meshBounds ;
int recordsRead = 0 ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM static_mesh_bounds" ) ) {
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
recordsRead + + ;
meshBounds = new MeshBounds ( rs ) ;
meshBoundsMap . put ( meshBounds . meshID , meshBounds ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
Logger . info ( "read: " + recordsRead + " cached: " + meshBoundsMap . size ( ) ) ;
return meshBoundsMap ;
public HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < StaticColliders > > LOAD_ALL_STATIC_COLLIDERS ( ) {
HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < StaticColliders > > colliders = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
StaticColliders thisColliders ;
int recordsRead = 0 ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT * FROM static_building_colliders" ) ) {
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
recordsRead + + ;
thisColliders = new StaticColliders ( rs ) ;
if ( colliders . get ( thisColliders . getMeshID ( ) ) = = null ) {
ArrayList < StaticColliders > colliderList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
colliderList . add ( thisColliders ) ;
colliders . put ( thisColliders . getMeshID ( ) , colliderList ) ;
} else {
ArrayList < StaticColliders > colliderList = colliders . get ( thisColliders . getMeshID ( ) ) ;
colliderList . add ( thisColliders ) ;
colliders . put ( thisColliders . getMeshID ( ) , colliderList ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
Logger . info ( "read: " + recordsRead + " cached: " + colliders . size ( ) ) ;
return colliders ;
// This public class inserted here as it's a generic utility function
// with no other good place for it. If you find a good home for it
// feel free to move it. -
public final DbObjectType GET_UID_ENUM ( long object_UID ) {
DbObjectType storedEnum = DbObjectType . INVALID ;
if ( object_UID = = 0 )
return storedEnum ;
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "SELECT `type` FROM `object` WHERE `object`.`UID` = n LIMIT 1;" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setLong ( 1 , object_UID ) ;
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
if ( rs . next ( ) )
storedEnum = DbObjectType . valueOf ( getString ( "type" ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( "Building" , e ) ;
return DbObjectType . INVALID ;
return storedEnum ;
public boolean updateBuildingRank ( final Building b , int Rank ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `rank`=?,"
+ "`upgradeDate`=?, `meshUUID`=?, `currentHP`=? "
+ "WHERE `UID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , Rank ) ;
preparedStatement . setNull ( 2 , java . sql . Types . DATE ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 3 , b . getBlueprint ( ) . getMeshForRank ( Rank ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , b . getBlueprint ( ) . getMaxHealth ( Rank ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 5 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean updateReverseKOS ( final Building b , boolean reverse ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `reverseKOS`=? WHERE `UID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setBoolean ( 1 , reverse ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , b . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean updateActiveCondemn ( final Condemned condemn , boolean active ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `dyn_building_condemned` SET `active`=? "
+ "WHERE`buildingUID` = ? AND `playerUID` = ? AND `guildUID` = ? AND `friendType` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setBoolean ( 1 , active ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , condemn . getParent ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 3 , condemn . getPlayerUID ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , condemn . getGuildUID ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 5 , condemn . getFriendType ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean updateBuildingOwner ( final Building building , int ownerUUID ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE `obj_building` SET `ownerUUID`=? "
+ " WHERE `UID` = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setInt ( 1 , ownerUUID ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean updateBuildingUpgradeTime ( LocalDateTime upgradeDateTime , Building toUpgrade , int costToUpgrade ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET upgradeDate=?, currentGold=? "
+ "WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
if ( upgradeDateTime = = null )
preparedStatement . setNull ( 1 , java . sql . Types . DATE ) ;
preparedStatement . setTimestamp ( 1 , new java . sql . Timestamp ( upgradeDateTime . atZone ( ZoneId . systemDefault ( ) )
. toInstant ( ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , toUpgrade . getStrongboxValue ( ) - costToUpgrade ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 3 , toUpgrade . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean updateMaintDate ( Building building ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET maintDate=? "
+ "WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
if ( building . maintDateTime = = null )
preparedStatement . setNull ( 1 , java . sql . Types . DATE ) ;
preparedStatement . setTimestamp ( 1 , new java . sql . Timestamp ( building . maintDateTime . atZone ( ZoneId . systemDefault ( ) )
. toInstant ( ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean addTaxes ( Building building , TaxType taxType , int amount , boolean enforceKOS ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET taxType=?, taxAmount = ?, enforceKOS = ? "
+ "WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setString ( 1 , taxType . name ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , amount ) ;
preparedStatement . setBoolean ( 3 , enforceKOS ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 4 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean removeTaxes ( Building building ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET taxType=?, taxAmount = ?, enforceKOS = ?, taxDate = ? "
+ "WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setString ( 1 , TaxType . NONE . name ( ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , 0 ) ;
preparedStatement . setBoolean ( 3 , false ) ;
preparedStatement . setNull ( 4 , java . sql . Types . DATE ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 5 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;
public boolean acceptTaxes ( Building building ) {
try ( Connection connection = DbManager . getConnection ( ) ;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( "UPDATE obj_building SET taxDate=? "
+ "WHERE UID = ?" ) ) {
preparedStatement . setTimestamp ( 1 , new java . sql . Timestamp ( DateTime . now ( ) . plusDays ( 7 ) . getMillis ( ) ) ) ;
preparedStatement . setInt ( 2 , building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ( preparedStatement . executeUpdate ( ) > 0 ) ;
} catch ( SQLException e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return false ;