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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.net.client.handlers;
import engine.Enum;
import engine.exception.MsgSendException;
import engine.gameManager.ChatManager;
import engine.gameManager.SessionManager;
import engine.net.Dispatch;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage;
import engine.net.client.ClientConnection;
import engine.net.client.msg.ClientNetMsg;
import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg;
import engine.net.client.msg.guild.GuildInfoMsg;
import engine.net.client.msg.guild.GuildListMsg;
import engine.net.client.msg.guild.SwearInMsg;
import engine.objects.GuildStatusController;
import engine.objects.PlayerCharacter;
public class SwearInHandler extends AbstractClientMsgHandler {
public SwearInHandler() {
protected boolean _handleNetMsg(ClientNetMsg baseMsg, ClientConnection origin) throws MsgSendException {
SwearInMsg msg = (SwearInMsg) baseMsg;
Dispatch dispatch;
// get source player
PlayerCharacter source = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (source == null)
return true;
// get target player
PlayerCharacter target = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacterByID(msg.getTargetID());
if (target == null) {
"No such character found!");
return true;
if (source.getGuild() != target.getGuild()) {
"That player is not a member of " + source.getGuild().getName());
return true;
// Verify source has authority to swear in
if (GuildStatusController.isInnerCouncil(source.getGuildStatus()) == false) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(source, "Your do not have such authority!");
return true;
// Swear target in and send message to guild
ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(source, target.getFirstName() + " has been sworn in as a full member!");
dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(source, new GuildListMsg(source.getGuild()));
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(target, new GuildInfoMsg(target, target.getGuild(), 2));
return true;