Public Repository for the Magicbane Shadowbane Emulator

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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.gameManager;
import engine.Enum;
import engine.db.archive.CityRecord;
import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse;
import engine.math.Bounds;
import engine.math.Vector2f;
import engine.math.Vector3f;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable;
import engine.objects.Building;
import engine.objects.City;
import engine.objects.Zone;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.time.Instant;
2 years ago
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
* Class contains methods and structures which
* track in-game Zones
public enum ZoneManager {
public static final Set<Zone> macroZones = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Zone> zonesByID = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD);
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Zone> zonesByUUID = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD);
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Zone> zonesByName = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD);
private static final Set<Zone> npcCityZones = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
private static final Set<Zone> playerCityZones = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
public static Instant hotZoneLastUpdate;
public static Zone hotZone = null;
public static int hotZoneCycle = 0; // Used with HOTZONE_DURATION from config.
public static HashMap<Integer, Vector2f> _zone_size_data = new HashMap<>();
/* Instance variables */
private static Zone seaFloor = null;
// Find all zones coordinates fit into, starting with Sea Floor
public static ArrayList<Zone> getAllZonesIn(final Vector3fImmutable loc) {
ArrayList<Zone> allIn = new ArrayList<>();
Zone zone;
zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(loc);
if (zone != null) {
while (zone.getParent() != null) {
zone = zone.getParent();
return allIn;
// Find smallest zone coordinates fit into.
public static final Zone findSmallestZone(final Vector3fImmutable loc) {
Zone zone = ZoneManager.seaFloor;
if (zone == null)
return null;
boolean childFound = true;
while (childFound) {
childFound = false;
ArrayList<Zone> nodes = zone.getNodes();
//"soze", "" + nodes.size());
if (nodes != null)
for (Zone child : nodes) {
if (Bounds.collide(loc, child.getBounds()) == true) {
zone = child;
childFound = true;
return zone;
public static void addZone(final int zoneID, final Zone zone) {
ZoneManager.zonesByID.put(zoneID, zone);
ZoneManager.zonesByUUID.put(zone.getObjectUUID(), zone);
ZoneManager.zonesByName.put(zone.getName().toLowerCase(), zone);
// Returns the number of available hotZones
// remaining in this cycle (1am)
public static int availableHotZones() {
int count = 0;
for (Zone zone : ZoneManager.macroZones)
if (ZoneManager.validHotZone(zone))
count = count + 1;
return count;
// Resets the availability of hotZones
// for this cycle
public static void resetHotZones() {
for (Zone zone : ZoneManager.macroZones)
if (zone.hasBeenHotzone)
zone.hasBeenHotzone = false;
public static Zone getZoneByUUID(final int zoneUUID) {
return ZoneManager.zonesByUUID.get(zoneUUID);
public static Zone getZoneByZoneID(final int zoneID) {
return ZoneManager.zonesByID.get(zoneID);
public static Zone getZoneByName(final String zoneName) {
return ZoneManager.zonesByName.get(zoneName);
public static final Collection<Zone> getAllZones() {
return ZoneManager.zonesByUUID.values();
public static final void setHotZone(final Zone zone) {
if (!zone.isMacroZone())
ZoneManager.hotZone = zone;
ZoneManager.hotZoneCycle = 1; // Used with HOTZONE_DURATION from config.
zone.hasBeenHotzone = true;
ZoneManager.hotZoneLastUpdate =;
public static boolean inHotZone(final Vector3fImmutable loc) {
if (ZoneManager.hotZone == null)
return false;
return (Bounds.collide(loc, ZoneManager.hotZone.getBounds()) == true);
public static Zone getSeaFloor() {
return ZoneManager.seaFloor;
public static void setSeaFloor(final Zone value) {
ZoneManager.seaFloor = value;
public static final void populateWorldZones(final Zone zone) {
int loadNum = zone.getLoadNum();
// Zones are added to separate
// collections for quick access
// based upon their type.
if (zone.isMacroZone()) {
if (zone.isPlayerCity()) {
if (zone.isNPCCity())
private static void addMacroZone(final Zone zone) {
private static void addNPCCityZone(final Zone zone) {
public static final void addPlayerCityZone(final Zone zone) {
public static final void generateAndSetRandomHotzone() {
Zone hotZone;
ArrayList<Integer> zoneArray = new ArrayList<>();
if (ZoneManager.macroZones.isEmpty())
// Reset hotZone availability if none are left.
if (ZoneManager.availableHotZones() == 0)
for (Zone zone : ZoneManager.macroZones)
if (validHotZone(zone))
int entryIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(zoneArray.size());
hotZone = ZoneManager.getZoneByUUID(zoneArray.get(entryIndex));
if (hotZone == null) {
Logger.error("Hotzone is null");
public static final boolean validHotZone(Zone zone) {
if (zone.getSafeZone() == (byte) 1)
return false; // no safe zone hotzones// if (this.hotzone == null)
if (zone.getNodes().isEmpty())
return false;
if (zone.equals(ZoneManager.seaFloor))
return false;
//no duplicate hotZones
if (zone.hasBeenHotzone == true)
return false;
// Enforce min level
if (zone.minLvl < Integer.parseInt(ConfigManager.MB_HOTZONE_MIN_LEVEL.getValue()))
return false;
if (ZoneManager.hotZone != null)
return ZoneManager.hotZone.getObjectUUID() != zone.getObjectUUID();
return true;
// Converts world coordinates to coordinates local to a given zone.
public static Vector3fImmutable worldToLocal(Vector3fImmutable worldVector,
Zone serverZone) {
Vector3fImmutable localCoords;
localCoords = new Vector3fImmutable(worldVector.x - serverZone.absX,
worldVector.y - serverZone.absY, worldVector.z
- serverZone.absZ);
return localCoords;
public static Vector2f worldToZoneSpace(Vector3fImmutable worldVector,
Zone serverZone) {
Vector2f localCoords;
Vector2f zoneOrigin;
// Top left corner of zone is calculated in world space by the center and it's extents.
zoneOrigin = new Vector2f(serverZone.getLoc().x, serverZone.getLoc().z);
zoneOrigin = zoneOrigin.subtract(new Vector2f(serverZone.getBounds().getHalfExtents().x, serverZone.getBounds().getHalfExtents().y));
// Local coordinate in world space translated to an offset from the calculated zone origin.
localCoords = new Vector2f(worldVector.x, worldVector.z);
localCoords = localCoords.subtract(zoneOrigin);
localCoords.setY((serverZone.getBounds().getHalfExtents().y * 2) - localCoords.y);
// TODO : Make sure this value does not go outside the zone's bounds.
return localCoords;
// Converts local zone coordinates to world coordinates
public static Vector3fImmutable localToWorld(Vector3fImmutable worldVector,
Zone serverZone) {
Vector3fImmutable worldCoords;
worldCoords = new Vector3fImmutable(worldVector.x + serverZone.absX,
worldVector.y + serverZone.absY, worldVector.z
+ serverZone.absZ);
return worldCoords;
* Converts from local (relative to this building) to world.
* @param localPos position in local reference (relative to this building)
* @return position relative to world
public static Vector3fImmutable convertLocalToWorld(Building building, Vector3fImmutable localPos) {
// convert from SB rotation value to radians
if (building.getBounds().getQuaternion() == null)
return building.getLoc();
Vector3fImmutable rotatedLocal = Vector3fImmutable.rotateAroundPoint(Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, localPos, building.getBounds().getQuaternion());
// handle building rotation
// handle building translation
return building.getLoc().add(rotatedLocal.x, rotatedLocal.y, rotatedLocal.z);
//used for regions, Building bounds not set yet.
public static Vector3f convertLocalToWorld(Building building, Vector3f localPos, Bounds bounds) {
// convert from SB rotation value to radians
Vector3f rotatedLocal = Vector3f.rotateAroundPoint(Vector3f.ZERO, localPos, bounds.getQuaternion());
// handle building rotation
// handle building translation
return new Vector3f(building.getLoc().add(rotatedLocal.x, rotatedLocal.y, rotatedLocal.z));
public static Vector3fImmutable convertWorldToLocal(Building building, Vector3fImmutable WorldPos) {
Vector3fImmutable convertLoc = Vector3fImmutable.rotateAroundPoint(building.getLoc(), WorldPos, -building.getBounds().getQuaternion().angleY);
convertLoc = convertLoc.subtract(building.getLoc());
// convert from SB rotation value to radians
return convertLoc;
// Method returns a city if the given location is within
// a city zone.
public static City getCityAtLocation(Vector3fImmutable worldLoc) {
Zone currentZone;
ArrayList<Zone> zoneList;
City city;
currentZone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(worldLoc);
if (currentZone.isPlayerCity())
return City.getCity(currentZone.getPlayerCityUUID());
return null;
/* Method is called when creating a new player city to
* validate that the new zone does not overlap any other
* zone that might currently exist
public static boolean validTreePlacementLoc(Zone currentZone, float positionX, float positionZ) {
// Member Variable declaration
ArrayList<Zone> zoneList;
boolean validLocation = true;
Bounds treeBounds;
if (currentZone.isContinent() == false)
return false;
treeBounds = Bounds.borrow();
treeBounds.setBounds(new Vector2f(positionX, positionZ), new Vector2f(Enum.CityBoundsType.PLACEMENT.extents, Enum.CityBoundsType.PLACEMENT.extents), 0.0f);
zoneList = currentZone.getNodes();
for (Zone zone : zoneList) {
if (zone.isContinent())
if (Bounds.collide(treeBounds, zone.getBounds(), 0.0f))
validLocation = false;
return validLocation;
public static void loadCities(Zone zone) {
ArrayList<City> cities = DbManager.CityQueries.GET_CITIES_BY_ZONE(zone.getObjectUUID());
for (City city : cities) {
city.setLoc(city.getLoc()); // huh?
//not player city, must be npc city..
if (!zone.isPlayerCity())
if ((ConfigManager.serverType.equals(Enum.ServerType.WORLDSERVER)) && (city.getHash() == null)) {
if (DataWarehouse.recordExists(Enum.DataRecordType.CITY, city.getObjectUUID()) == false) {
CityRecord cityRecord = CityRecord.borrow(city, Enum.RecordEventType.CREATE);