// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ .
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.objects ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.Enum.* ;
import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid ;
import engine.exception.SerializationException ;
import engine.gameManager.* ;
import engine.job.JobContainer ;
import engine.job.JobScheduler ;
import engine.jobs.UpgradeNPCJob ;
import engine.math.Bounds ;
import engine.math.Vector3f ;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable ;
import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter ;
import engine.net.Dispatch ;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage ;
import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.ItemProductionMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.PetMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.PlaceAssetMsg ;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics ;
import org.joda.time.DateTime ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock ;
import static engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup ;
import static engine.objects.MobBase.loadEquipmentSet ;
import static engine.util.StringUtils.wordCount ;
public class NPC extends AbstractCharacter {
public static int SVR_CLOSE_WINDOW = 4 ;
public static HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < String > > _pirateNames = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
// Used for thread safety
public final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( ) ;
private final ArrayList < MobLoot > rolling = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private final ConcurrentHashMap < Mob , Integer > siegeMinionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( MBServerStatics . CHM_INIT_CAP , MBServerStatics . CHM_LOAD , MBServerStatics . CHM_THREAD_LOW ) ;
public ReentrantReadWriteLock minionLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( ) ;
public ArrayList < ProducedItem > forgedItems = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
public HashMap < Integer , MobEquipment > equip = null ;
public int runeSetID = 0 ;
public int extraRune2 = 0 ;
protected int loadID ;
protected MobBase mobBase ;
protected String name ;
protected int dbID ;
protected int currentID ;
//used by static npcs
protected Zone parentZone ;
protected float statLat ;
protected float statLon ;
protected float statAlt ;
public float sellPercent ; //also train percent
public float buyPercent ;
protected int vendorID ;
protected ArrayList < Integer > modTypeTable ;
protected ArrayList < Integer > modSuffixTable ;
protected ArrayList < Byte > itemModTable ;
protected int symbol ;
// Variables NOT to be stored in db
protected boolean isStatic = false ;
private DateTime upgradeDateTime = null ;
private HashSet < Integer > canRoll = null ;
public int parentZoneUUID ;
public int equipmentSetID = 0 ;
private int repairCost = 5 ;
// New NPC constructor. Fill in the blanks and then call
public NPC ( ) {
this . dbID = MBServerStatics . NO_DB_ROW_ASSIGNED_YET ;
this . currentID = MBServerStatics . NO_DB_ROW_ASSIGNED_YET ;
/ * *
* ResultSet Constructor
* /
public NPC ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
super ( rs ) ;
java . util . Date sqlDateTime ;
try {
this . dbID = rs . getInt ( 1 ) ;
this . currentID = this . dbID ;
this . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_NPC ) ;
this . contractUUID = rs . getInt ( "npc_contractID" ) ;
this . parentZoneUUID = rs . getInt ( "parent" ) ;
this . gridObjectType = GridObjectType . STATIC ;
this . equipmentSetID = rs . getInt ( "equipmentSet" ) ;
this . runeSetID = rs . getInt ( "runeSet" ) ;
this . loadID = rs . getInt ( "npc_raceID" ) ;
this . level = rs . getByte ( "npc_level" ) ;
buildingUUID = rs . getInt ( "npc_buildingID" ) ;
// Most objects from the cache have a default buy
// percentage of 100% which was a dupe source due
// to the way MB calculated item values.
// this.buyPercent = rs.getFloat("npc_buyPercent");
this . buyPercent = . 33f ;
if ( ZoneManager . findSmallestZone ( this . loc ) ! = null & & ZoneManager . findSmallestZone ( this . loc ) . getSafeZone ( ) = = 1 ) {
this . sellPercent = 0 ;
} else {
this . sellPercent = 1 ;
this . setRot ( new Vector3f ( 0 , rs . getFloat ( "npc_rotation" ) , 0 ) ) ;
this . statLat = rs . getFloat ( "npc_spawnX" ) ;
this . statAlt = rs . getFloat ( "npc_spawnY" ) ;
this . statLon = rs . getFloat ( "npc_spawnZ" ) ;
this . guildUUID = rs . getInt ( "npc_guildID" ) ;
// Set upgrade date JodaTime DateTime object
// if one exists in the database.
sqlDateTime = rs . getTimestamp ( "upgradeDate" ) ;
if ( sqlDateTime ! = null )
upgradeDateTime = new DateTime ( sqlDateTime ) ;
upgradeDateTime = null ;
// Submit upgrade job if NPC is currently set to rank.
if ( this . upgradeDateTime ! = null )
submitUpgradeJob ( ) ;
this . name = rs . getString ( "npc_name" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( "NPC: " + this . dbID + " :" + e ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
public static boolean ISWallArcher ( Contract contract ) {
if ( contract = = null )
return false ;
//838, 950, 1051, 1181, 1251, 1351, 1451, 1501, 1526, 1551, 980101,
return contract . getAllowedBuildings ( ) . contains ( BuildingGroup . WALLCORNER ) | |
contract . getAllowedBuildings ( ) . contains ( BuildingGroup . WALLSTRAIGHTTOWER ) ;
//This method restarts an upgrade timer when a building is loaded from the database.
// Submit upgrade job for this building based upon it's current upgradeDateTime
public static NPC getFromCache ( int id ) {
return ( NPC ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . NPC , id ) ;
public static boolean UpdateName ( NPC npc , String value ) {
if ( ! DbManager . NPCQueries . UPDATE_NAME ( npc , value ) )
return false ;
npc . name = value ;
return true ;
public static void serializeNpcForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( NPC npc , ByteBufferWriter writer , boolean hideAsciiLastName )
throws SerializationException {
serializeForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( npc , writer ) ;
public boolean isInSafeZone ( ) {
Zone zone = ZoneManager . findSmallestZone ( this . getLoc ( ) ) ;
if ( zone ! = null ) {
return zone . getSafeZone ( ) = = ( byte ) 1 ;
return false ;
//return this.safeZone;
public static void serializeForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( NPC npc , ByteBufferWriter writer )
throws SerializationException {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
//num Runes
int cnt = 3 ;
boolean isVamp = false , isHealer = false , isArcher = false , isTrainer = false ;
int contractID = 0 , classID = 0 ;
int extraRune = 0 ;
if ( npc . contract ! = null ) {
contractID = npc . contract . getContractID ( ) ;
classID = npc . contract . getClassID ( ) ;
extraRune = npc . contract . getExtraRune ( ) ;
if ( extraRune = = contractID )
extraRune = 0 ;
if ( ( contractID > 252642 & & contractID < 252647 ) | | contractID = = 252652 ) {
isVamp = true ;
cnt + + ;
if ( contractID = = 252582 | | contractID = = 252579 | | contractID = = 252581
| | contractID = = 252584 | | contractID = = 252597 | | contractID = = 252598
| | contractID = = 252628 | | extraRune = = 252582 | | extraRune = = 252579
| | extraRune = = 252581 | | extraRune = = 252584 | | extraRune = = 252597
| | extraRune = = 252598 | | extraRune = = 252628 ) {
isHealer = true ;
cnt + + ;
if ( contractID = = 252570 ) {
isArcher = true ;
cnt + + ;
if ( classID ! = 0 )
cnt + + ;
if ( extraRune ! = 0 & & extraRune ! = contractID )
cnt + + ;
writer . putInt ( cnt ) ;
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( npc . mobBase ! = null )
writer . putInt ( npc . mobBase . getLoadID ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( 2011 ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCRaceRune . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
writer . putInt ( 5 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( npc . contract ! = null )
writer . putInt ( contractID ) ;
writer . putInt ( 2500 ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCClassRune . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
//vampire trainer
cnt = 0 ;
if ( extraRune ! = 0 )
cnt = serializeExtraRune ( npc , extraRune , cnt , writer ) ;
if ( isVamp )
cnt = serializeExtraRune ( npc , 252647 , cnt , writer ) ;
//Healer trainer
if ( isHealer )
cnt = serializeExtraRune ( npc , 252592 , cnt , writer ) ;
if ( classID ! = 0 ) {
writer . putInt ( 4 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( classID ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCExtraRune . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
//Scout trainer
if ( isArcher )
cnt = serializeExtraRune ( npc , 252654 , cnt , writer ) ;
writer . putInt ( 5 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x3DACC ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCShopkeeperRune . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
//Send Stats
writer . putInt ( 5 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x8AC3C0E6 ) ; //Str
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xACB82E33 ) ; //Dex
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xB15DC77E ) ; //Con
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xE07B3336 ) ; //Int
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xFF665EC3 ) ; //Spi
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putString ( npc . name ) ;
writer . putString ( "" ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
if ( npc . region ! = null )
writer . putVector3f ( ZoneManager . convertWorldToLocal ( npc . building , npc . getLoc ( ) ) ) ;
writer . putVector3f ( npc . getLoc ( ) ) ;
float radians = ( float ) Math . acos ( npc . getRot ( ) . y ) * 2 ;
if ( npc . building ! = null )
if ( npc . building . getBounds ( ) ! = null & & npc . building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) ! = null )
radians + = ( npc . building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) ) . angleY ;
writer . putFloat ( radians ) ;
//Running Speed
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
// get a copy of the equipped items.
if ( npc . equip ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( npc . equip . size ( ) ) ;
for ( MobEquipment me : npc . equip . values ( ) )
MobEquipment . serializeForClientMsg ( me , writer ) ;
} else
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( ( npc . level / 10 ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . level ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . getIsSittingAsInt ( ) ) ; //Standing
writer . putInt ( npc . getIsWalkingAsInt ( ) ) ; //Walking
writer . putInt ( npc . getIsCombatAsInt ( ) ) ; //Combat
writer . putInt ( 2 ) ; //Unknown
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ; //Unknown - Headlights?
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( npc . building ! = null & & npc . region ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( npc . building . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
} else {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //<-Building Object Type
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //<-Building Object ID
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
//npc dialog menus from contracts
if ( npc . contract ! = null ) {
ArrayList < Integer > npcMenuOptions = npc . contract . getNPCMenuOptions ( ) ;
writer . putInt ( npcMenuOptions . size ( ) ) ;
for ( Integer val : npcMenuOptions ) {
writer . putInt ( val ) ;
} else
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ;
if ( npc . building ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . StrongBox . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . StrongBox . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
} else {
writer . putLong ( 0 ) ;
writer . putLong ( 0 ) ;
if ( npc . contract ! = null )
writer . putInt ( npc . contract . getIconID ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //npc icon ID
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putShort ( ( short ) 0 ) ;
if ( npc . contract ! = null & & npc . contract . isTrainer ( ) ) {
writer . putInt ( classID ) ;
} else {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( npc . contract ! = null & & npc . contract . isTrainer ( ) )
writer . putInt ( classID ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 4 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
//Pull guild info from building if linked to one
Guild . serializeForClientMsg ( npc . guild , writer , null , true ) ;
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x8A2E ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
//TODO Guard
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ; //Is guard..
writer . putFloat ( 1500f ) ; //npc.healthMax
writer . putFloat ( 1500f ) ; //npc.health
//TODO Peace Zone
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ; //0=show tags, 1=don't
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
private static int serializeExtraRune ( NPC npc , int runeID , int cnt , ByteBufferWriter writer ) {
writer . putInt ( 5 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( runeID ) ;
if ( cnt = = 0 )
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneTwo . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneThree . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( npc . currentID ) ;
return cnt + 1 ;
public static NPC createNPC ( String name , int contractID , Vector3fImmutable spawn , Guild guild , Zone parent , short level , Building building ) {
NPC newNPC = new NPC ( ) ;
newNPC . name = name ;
newNPC . contractUUID = contractID ;
if ( building = = null )
newNPC . bindLoc = spawn ;
newNPC . bindLoc = Vector3fImmutable . ZERO ;
newNPC . parentZoneUUID = parent . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
newNPC . guildUUID = guild . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
if ( building = = null )
newNPC . buildingUUID = 0 ;
newNPC . buildingUUID = building . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
newNPC . level = level ;
newNPC . buyPercent = . 33f ;
newNPC . sellPercent = 1 ;
NPC npc ;
try {
npc = DbManager . NPCQueries . PERSIST ( newNPC ) ;
npc . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_NPC ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
npc = null ;
return npc ;
public static NPC getNPC ( int id ) {
if ( id = = 0 )
return null ;
NPC npc = ( NPC ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . NPC , id ) ;
if ( npc ! = null )
return npc ;
return DbManager . NPCQueries . GET_NPC ( id ) ;
/ *
* Getters
* /
public static boolean ISGuardCaptain ( int contractID ) {
return MinionType . ContractToMinionMap . containsKey ( contractID ) ;
public static boolean UpdateEquipSetID ( NPC npc , int equipSetID ) {
if ( ! LootManager . _bootySetMap . containsKey ( equipSetID ) )
return false ;
if ( ! DbManager . NPCQueries . UPDATE_EQUIPSET ( npc , equipSetID ) )
return false ;
npc . equipmentSetID = equipSetID ;
return true ;
public static boolean UpdateRaceID ( NPC npc , int raceID ) {
if ( ! DbManager . NPCQueries . UPDATE_MOBBASE ( npc , raceID ) )
return false ;
npc . loadID = raceID ;
npc . mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( npc . loadID ) ;
return true ;
public static NPCProfits GetNPCProfits ( NPC npc ) {
return NPCProfits . ProfitCache . get ( npc . currentID ) ;
public final void submitUpgradeJob ( ) {
JobContainer jc ;
if ( this . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Attempt to submit upgrade job for non-ranking NPC" ) ;
return ;
// Submit upgrade job for future date or current instant
if ( this . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . isAfter ( DateTime . now ( ) ) )
jc = JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeNPCJob ( this ) ,
this . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . getMillis ( ) ) ;
JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeNPCJob ( this ) , 0 ) ;
public void setRank ( int newRank ) {
DbManager . NPCQueries . SET_PROPERTY ( this , "npc_level" , newRank ) ;
this . level = ( short ) newRank ;
public int getDBID ( ) {
return this . dbID ;
public int getObjectUUID ( ) {
return currentID ;
public MobBase getMobBase ( ) {
return this . mobBase ;
public Contract getContract ( ) {
return this . contract ;
public int getContractID ( ) {
if ( this . contract ! = null )
return this . contract . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
return 0 ;
public boolean isStatic ( ) {
return this . isStatic ;
public Building getBuilding ( ) {
return this . building ;
public void setBuilding ( Building value ) {
this . building = value ;
public String getFirstName ( ) {
return this . name ;
public String getName ( ) {
return this . name ;
public void setName ( String value ) {
this . name = value ;
public String getLastName ( ) {
return "" ;
public Vector3fImmutable getBindLoc ( ) {
return this . bindLoc ;
public int getGuildUUID ( ) {
if ( this . guild = = null )
return 0 ;
return this . guild . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
public void removeMinions ( ) {
for ( Mob toRemove : this . siegeMinionMap . keySet ( ) ) {
try {
toRemove . clearEffects ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
if ( toRemove . getParentZone ( ) ! = null )
toRemove . getParentZone ( ) . zoneMobSet . remove ( toRemove ) ;
WorldGrid . RemoveWorldObject ( toRemove ) ;
DbManager . removeFromCache ( toRemove ) ;
PlayerCharacter petOwner = toRemove . getOwner ( ) ;
if ( petOwner ! = null ) {
petOwner . setPet ( null ) ;
toRemove . setOwner ( null ) ;
PetMsg petMsg = new PetMsg ( 5 , null ) ;
Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch . borrow ( petOwner , petMsg ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgDispatch ( dispatch , Enum . DispatchChannel . PRIMARY ) ;
public float getSpeed ( ) {
if ( this . isWalk ( ) )
return MBServerStatics . WALKSPEED ;
return MBServerStatics . RUNSPEED ;
public float getPassiveChance ( String type , int AttackerLevel , boolean fromCombat ) {
//TODO add this later for dodge
return 0f ;
/ * *
* @ Kill this Character
* /
public void killCharacter ( AbstractCharacter attacker ) {
//TODO Handle Death
killCleanup ( ) ;
//TODO Send death message if needed
public void killCharacter ( String reason ) {
//TODO Handle Death
killCleanup ( ) ;
//Orphan inventory so it can be looted
//if (!this.inSafeZone)
if ( this . charItemManager ! = null )
this . charItemManager . orphanInventory ( ) ;
//TODO Send death message if needed
//Question? How would a mob die to water?
private void killCleanup ( ) {
//TODO handle cleanup from death here
//set so character won't load
this . load = false ;
//Create Corpse and add to world
//TODO damage equipped items
//TODO cleanup any timers
public Zone getParentZone ( ) {
return this . parentZone ;
public int getParentZoneUUID ( ) {
if ( this . parentZone ! = null )
return this . parentZone . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
return 0 ;
public Vector3fImmutable getLoc ( ) {
return super . getLoc ( ) ;
public float getSellPercent ( ) {
return this . sellPercent ;
public float getBuyPercent ( ) {
return this . buyPercent ;
public float getBuyPercent ( PlayerCharacter player ) {
if ( NPC . GetNPCProfits ( this ) = = null | | this . guild = = null )
return this . buyPercent ;
NPCProfits profits = NPC . GetNPCProfits ( this ) ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) . equals ( this . guild ) )
return profits . buyGuild ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) . getNation ( ) . equals ( this . guild . getNation ( ) ) )
return profits . buyNation ;
return profits . buyNormal ;
public float getSellPercent ( PlayerCharacter player ) {
if ( NPC . GetNPCProfits ( this ) = = null | | this . guild = = null )
return 1 + this . sellPercent ;
NPCProfits profits = NPC . GetNPCProfits ( this ) ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) . equals ( this . guild ) )
return 1 + profits . sellGuild ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) . getNation ( ) . equals ( this . guild . getNation ( ) ) )
return 1 + profits . sellNation ;
return 1 + profits . sellNormal ;
public boolean canBeLooted ( ) {
return ! this . isAlive ( ) ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getModTypeTable ( ) {
return this . modTypeTable ;
public void updateDatabase ( ) {
DbManager . NPCQueries . updateDatabase ( this ) ;
public int getSymbol ( ) {
return symbol ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getModSuffixTable ( ) {
return modSuffixTable ;
public ArrayList < Byte > getItemModTable ( ) {
return itemModTable ;
public boolean isRanking ( ) {
return this . upgradeDateTime ! = null ;
public void runAfterLoad ( ) {
if ( ConfigManager . serverType . equals ( ServerType . LOGINSERVER ) )
return ;
this . contract = DbManager . ContractQueries . GET_CONTRACT ( this . contractUUID ) ;
if ( this . equipmentSetID = = 0 & & this . contract ! = null )
this . equipmentSetID = this . contract . equipmentSet ;
// Default to contract load ID
if ( loadID = = 0 ) {
if ( this . contract ! = null )
loadID = this . contract . getMobbaseID ( ) ;
else {
Logger . error ( "Invalid contract for NPC: " + this . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
loadID = 2100 ; // Default human male
this . mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( this . loadID ) ;
this . building = BuildingManager . getBuilding ( this . buildingUUID ) ;
if ( this . building ! = null )
this . guild = this . building . getGuild ( ) ;
this . guild = Guild . getGuild ( this . guildUUID ) ;
if ( this . guild = = null )
this . guild = Guild . getErrantGuild ( ) ;
if ( this . contract = = null )
return ; // Early exit for npc guild owners
// Name override for this npc
if ( wordCount ( this . name ) < 2 & & this . contract ! = null )
this . name + = " the " + this . contract . getName ( ) ;
// Initialize inventory
this . charItemManager = new CharacterItemManager ( this ) ;
// Configure parent zone adding this NPC to the
// zone collection
this . parentZone = ZoneManager . getZoneByUUID ( this . parentZoneUUID ) ;
this . parentZone . zoneNPCSet . remove ( this ) ;
this . parentZone . zoneNPCSet . add ( this ) ;
// Setup location for this NPC
this . bindLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( this . statLat , this . statAlt , this . statLon ) ;
this . bindLoc = this . parentZone . getLoc ( ) . add ( this . bindLoc ) ;
this . loc = new Vector3fImmutable ( bindLoc ) ;
// Handle NPCs within buildings
if ( this . building ! = null )
NPCManager . slotCharacterInBuilding ( this ) ;
if ( this . contract ! = null ) {
this . symbol = this . contract . getIconID ( ) ;
this . modTypeTable = this . contract . getNPCModTypeTable ( ) ;
this . modSuffixTable = this . contract . getNpcModSuffixTable ( ) ;
this . itemModTable = this . contract . getItemModTable ( ) ;
int VID = this . contract . getVendorID ( ) ;
if ( VID ! = 0 )
this . vendorID = VID ;
this . vendorID = 1 ; //no vendor items
if ( this . mobBase ! = null ) {
this . healthMax = this . mobBase . getHealthMax ( ) ;
this . manaMax = 0 ;
this . staminaMax = 0 ;
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
this . mana . set ( this . manaMax ) ;
this . stamina . set ( this . staminaMax ) ;
if ( this . parentZone . isPlayerCity ( ) )
if ( NPC . GetNPCProfits ( this ) = = null )
NPCProfits . CreateProfits ( this ) ;
//TODO set these correctly later
this . rangeHandOne = 8 ;
this . rangeHandTwo = - 1 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 1 ;
this . maxDamageHandOne = 4 ;
this . minDamageHandTwo = 1 ;
this . maxDamageHandTwo = 4 ;
this . atrHandOne = 300 ;
this . defenseRating = 200 ;
this . isActive = true ;
this . charItemManager . load ( ) ;
this . equip = loadEquipmentSet ( this . equipmentSetID ) ;
if ( this . equip = = null )
this . equip = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
try {
DbManager . NPCQueries . LOAD_ALL_ITEMS_TO_PRODUCE ( this ) ;
for ( ProducedItem producedItem : this . forgedItems ) {
MobLoot ml = new MobLoot ( this , ItemBase . getItemBase ( producedItem . getItemBaseID ( ) ) , false ) ;
DbManager . NPCQueries . UPDATE_ITEM_ID ( producedItem . getID ( ) , currentID , ml . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( producedItem . isInForge ( ) ) {
if ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) ! = null & & ! producedItem . getPrefix ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
ml . addPermanentEnchantment ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) , 0 , 0 , true ) ;
ml . setPrefix ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) ) ;
if ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) ! = null & & ! producedItem . getSuffix ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
ml . addPermanentEnchantment ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) , 0 , 0 , false ) ;
ml . setSuffix ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) ) ;
if ( ! producedItem . isRandom ( ) )
ml . setIsID ( true ) ;
ml . loadEnchantments ( ) ;
ml . setValue ( producedItem . getValue ( ) ) ;
ml . setDateToUpgrade ( producedItem . getDateToUpgrade ( ) . getMillis ( ) ) ;
ml . containerType = Enum . ItemContainerType . FORGE ;
this . addItemToForge ( ml ) ;
} else {
if ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) ! = null & & ! producedItem . getPrefix ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
ml . addPermanentEnchantment ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) , 0 , 0 , true ) ;
ml . setPrefix ( producedItem . getPrefix ( ) ) ;
if ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) ! = null & & ! producedItem . getSuffix ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
ml . addPermanentEnchantment ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) , 0 , 0 , false ) ;
ml . setSuffix ( producedItem . getSuffix ( ) ) ;
ml . setDateToUpgrade ( producedItem . getDateToUpgrade ( ) . getMillis ( ) ) ;
ml . containerType = Enum . ItemContainerType . INVENTORY ;
ml . setIsID ( true ) ;
this . charItemManager . addItemToInventory ( ml ) ;
ml . setValue ( producedItem . getValue ( ) ) ;
// Create NPC bounds object
Bounds npcBounds = Bounds . borrow ( ) ;
npcBounds . setBounds ( this . getLoc ( ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public void removeFromZone ( ) {
this . parentZone . zoneNPCSet . remove ( this ) ;
protected ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , CharacterPower > initializePowers ( ) {
return new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( MBServerStatics . CHM_INIT_CAP , MBServerStatics . CHM_LOAD , MBServerStatics . CHM_THREAD_LOW ) ;
public DateTime getUpgradeDateTime ( ) {
lock . readLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
try {
return upgradeDateTime ;
} finally {
lock . readLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;
public void setUpgradeDateTime ( DateTime upgradeDateTime ) {
if ( ! DbManager . NPCQueries . updateUpgradeTime ( this , upgradeDateTime ) ) {
Logger . error ( "Failed to set upgradeTime for building " + currentID ) ;
return ;
this . upgradeDateTime = upgradeDateTime ;
public ArrayList < MobLoot > getRolling ( ) {
synchronized ( rolling ) {
return rolling ;
public int getRollingCount ( ) {
synchronized ( this . rolling ) {
return rolling . size ( ) ;
public void addItemToForge ( MobLoot item ) {
synchronized ( this . rolling ) {
this . rolling . add ( item ) ;
public void removeItemFromForge ( Item item ) {
synchronized ( this . rolling ) {
this . rolling . remove ( item ) ;
public Guild getGuild ( ) {
if ( this . building ! = null )
return building . getGuild ( ) ;
return this . guild ;
public HashSet < Integer > getCanRoll ( ) {
if ( this . canRoll = = null )
this . canRoll = DbManager . ItemQueries . GET_ITEMS_FOR_VENDOR ( this . vendorID ) ;
HashSet < Integer > fullItemList = this . canRoll ;
HashSet < Integer > filteredItemList = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
short maxSkill = 25 ;
switch ( this . getRank ( ) ) {
case 1 :
maxSkill = 25 ;
break ;
case 2 :
maxSkill = 50 ;
break ;
case 3 :
case 4 :
maxSkill = 75 ;
break ;
case 5 :
case 6 :
maxSkill = 100 ;
break ;
case 7 :
maxSkill = 110 ;
break ;
ItemBase itemBase ;
for ( Integer itemID : fullItemList ) {
itemBase = ItemBase . getItemBase ( itemID ) ;
boolean exclude = itemBase . getPercentRequired ( ) = = 0 & & itemBase . getType ( ) = = ItemType . WEAPON ;
if ( itemBase . getPercentRequired ( ) < = maxSkill & & ! exclude )
filteredItemList . add ( itemID ) ;
if ( this . contract . getVendorID ( ) = = 102 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . getRank ( ) ; i + + ) {
int subID = i + 1 ;
filteredItemList . add ( 910010 + subID ) ;
if ( this . getRank ( ) = = 7 )
filteredItemList . add ( 910018 ) ;
return filteredItemList ;
public int getRollingTimeInSeconds ( int itemID ) {
ItemBase ib = ItemBase . getItemBase ( itemID ) ;
if ( ib = = null )
return 0 ;
if ( ib . getType ( ) = = ItemType . SCROLL )
return this . getRank ( ) * 60 * 60 * 3 ;
float time ;
if ( this . building = = null )
return 600 ;
float rank = this . building . getRank ( ) - 1 ;
float rate = ( float ) ( 2 . 5 * rank ) ;
time = ( 20 - rate ) ;
time * = 60 ;
return ( int ) time ;
public ConcurrentHashMap < Mob , Integer > getSiegeMinionMap ( ) {
return siegeMinionMap ;
public boolean remove ( ) {
Building building ;
// Remove npc from it's building
building = this . building ;
if ( building ! = null ) {
building . getHirelings ( ) . remove ( this ) ;
this . removeMinions ( ) ;
// Delete npc from database
if ( DbManager . NPCQueries . DELETE_NPC ( this ) = = 0 ) {
return false ;
// Remove npc from the simulation
this . removeFromCache ( ) ;
WorldGrid . RemoveWorldObject ( this ) ;
WorldGrid . removeObject ( this ) ;
return true ;
public int getUpgradeCost ( ) {
int upgradeCost ;
upgradeCost = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( this . getRank ( ) < 7 )
return ( this . getRank ( ) * 100650 ) + 21450 ;
return upgradeCost ;
public int getUpgradeTime ( ) {
int upgradeTime ; // expressed in hours
upgradeTime = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( this . getRank ( ) < 7 )
return ( this . getRank ( ) * 8 ) ;
return 0 ;
public synchronized Item produceItem ( int playerID , int amount , boolean isRandom , int pToken , int sToken , String customName , int itemID ) {
Zone serverZone ;
City city ;
Item item = null ;
PlayerCharacter player = null ;
if ( playerID ! = 0 )
player = SessionManager . getPlayerCharacterByID ( playerID ) ;
try {
if ( this . getRollingCount ( ) > = this . getRank ( ) ) {
if ( player ! = null )
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( player , this . getName ( ) + " " + this . getContract ( ) . getName ( ) + " slots are full" ) ;
return null ;
// Cannot roll items without a warehouse.
// Due to the fact fillForge references the
// warehouse and early exits. *** Refactor???
serverZone = this . building . getParentZone ( ) ;
if ( serverZone = = null )
return null ;
city = City . GetCityFromCache ( serverZone . getPlayerCityUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( city = = null ) {
if ( player ! = null )
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( player , "Could not find city." ) ; // Production denied: This building must be protected to gain access to warehouse resources.
return null ;
if ( this . building = = null ) {
if ( player ! = null )
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( player , "Could not find building." ) ; // Production denied: This building must be protected to gain ac
return null ;
//TODO create Normal Items.
if ( amount = = 0 )
amount = 1 ;
if ( isRandom )
item = ItemFactory . randomRoll ( this , player , amount , itemID ) ;
item = ItemFactory . fillForge ( this , player , amount , itemID , pToken , sToken , customName ) ;
if ( item = = null )
return null ;
ItemProductionMsg outMsg = new ItemProductionMsg ( this . building , this , item , 8 , true ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( this , outMsg , DispatchChannel . SECONDARY , 700 , false , false ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
return item ;
public synchronized boolean completeItem ( int itemUUID ) {
MobLoot targetItem ;
try {
targetItem = MobLoot . getFromCache ( itemUUID ) ;
if ( targetItem = = null )
return false ;
if ( ! this . getCharItemManager ( ) . forgeContains ( targetItem , this ) )
return false ;
if ( ! DbManager . NPCQueries . UPDATE_ITEM_TO_INVENTORY ( targetItem . getObjectUUID ( ) , currentID ) )
return false ;
targetItem . setIsID ( true ) ;
this . rolling . remove ( targetItem ) ;
this . getCharItemManager ( ) . addItemToInventory ( targetItem ) ;
//remove from client forge window
ItemProductionMsg outMsg1 = new ItemProductionMsg ( this . building , this , targetItem , 9 , true ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( this , outMsg1 , DispatchChannel . SECONDARY , MBServerStatics . STRUCTURE_LOAD_RANGE , false , false ) ;
ItemProductionMsg outMsg = new ItemProductionMsg ( this . building , this , targetItem , 10 , true ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( this , outMsg , DispatchChannel . SECONDARY , MBServerStatics . STRUCTURE_LOAD_RANGE , false , false ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
return true ;
public HashMap < Integer , MobEquipment > getEquip ( ) {
return equip ;
public int getEquipmentSetID ( ) {
return equipmentSetID ;
public String getNameOverride ( ) {
return name ;
public int getRepairCost ( ) {
return repairCost ;
public void setRepairCost ( int repairCost ) {
this . repairCost = repairCost ;
public void processUpgradeNPC ( PlayerCharacter player ) {
int rankCost ;
Building building ;
DateTime dateToUpgrade ;
this . lock . writeLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
try {
building = this . getBuilding ( ) ;
// Cannot upgrade an npc not within a building
if ( building = = null )
return ;
// Cannot upgrade an npc at max rank
if ( this . getRank ( ) = = 7 )
return ;
// Cannot upgrade an npc who is currently ranking
if ( this . isRanking ( ) )
return ;
rankCost = this . getUpgradeCost ( ) ;
if ( ! building . hasFunds ( rankCost ) ) {
sendErrorPopup ( player , 127 ) ;
return ;
if ( rankCost > building . getStrongboxValue ( ) ) {
sendErrorPopup ( player , 127 ) ;
return ;
try {
if ( ! building . transferGold ( - rankCost , false ) )
return ;
dateToUpgrade = DateTime . now ( ) . plusHours ( this . getUpgradeTime ( ) ) ;
this . setUpgradeDateTime ( dateToUpgrade ) ;
// Schedule upgrade job
this . submitUpgradeJob ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
PlaceAssetMsg . sendPlaceAssetError ( player . getClientConnection ( ) , 1 , "A Serious error has occurred. Please post details for to ensure transaction integrity" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
} finally {
this . lock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;