2 weeks ago
2 changed files with 362 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ |
package engine.mobileAI; |
import engine.Enum; |
import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid; |
import engine.gameManager.*; |
import engine.mobileAI.Threads.MobAIThread; |
import engine.mobileAI.utilities.CombatUtilities; |
import engine.mobileAI.utilities.MovementUtilities; |
import engine.objects.*; |
import engine.server.MBServerStatics; |
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; |
import java.util.HashSet; |
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; |
public class MobAi2 { |
public enum State |
{ |
Idle, |
Patrolling, |
Attacking, |
Dead |
} |
public static State getState(Mob mob){ |
if(!mob.isAlive()) |
return State.Dead; |
if(mob.playerAgroMap.isEmpty()) |
return State.Idle; |
if(mob.combatTarget != null) |
return State.Attacking; |
return State.Patrolling; |
} |
public static void runAI(Mob mob){ |
switch(mob.BehaviourType){ |
case GuardCaptain: |
case GuardMinion: |
case Pet1: |
case GuardWallArcher: |
case HamletGuard: |
case SimpleStandingGuard: |
return; |
} |
switch(getState(mob)){ |
case Idle: |
if(mob.isMoving()) |
mob.stopMovement(mob.getMovementLoc()); |
if(mob.combatTarget != null) { |
mob.setCombatTarget(null); |
mob.setCombat(false); |
} |
return; |
case Dead: |
respawn(mob); |
break; |
case Patrolling: |
patrol(mob); |
break; |
case Attacking: |
attack(mob); |
break; |
} |
} |
//handles respawning and de-spawning for mobs and their corpses
public static void respawn(Mob mob){ |
//if mob doesn't have a death time somehow, set it to now
if (mob.deathTime == 0) |
mob.setDeathTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); |
//only execute this logic is the mob hasn't de-spawned yet
if (!mob.despawned) { |
//if the inventory is empty, the mob can disappear
if(mob.getInventory(true).isEmpty()) { |
mob.despawn(); |
mob.deathTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
return; |
} |
//if the mob has been dead for 10 seconds it can disappear
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > mob.deathTime + 10000L) { |
mob.despawn(); |
mob.deathTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
return; |
} |
} |
//disc dropper respawns are handled elsewhere
if(Mob.discDroppers.contains(mob)) |
return; |
//if mob isn't queued for respawn, do so now
if (!Zone.respawnQue.contains(mob)) { |
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (mob.deathTime + (mob.spawnTime * 1000L))) { |
Zone.respawnQue.add(mob); |
} |
} |
} |
//handles patrolling and looking for potential combat targets
public static void patrol(Mob mob){ |
HashSet<AbstractWorldObject> potentialTargets = WorldGrid.getObjectsInRangePartial(mob.loc, Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_AI_AGGRO_RANGE.getValue()), MBServerStatics.MASK_PLAYER); |
for(AbstractWorldObject awo : potentialTargets){ |
PlayerCharacter target = (PlayerCharacter) awo; |
if(mob.canSee(target)) |
mob.setCombatTarget(target); |
if(mob.combatTarget != null) { |
mob.stopMovement(mob.getMovementLoc()); |
return; |
} |
} |
if(mob.isMoving() || !mob.BehaviourType.canRoam) |
return; |
int patrolDelay = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt((int) (MobAIThread.AI_PATROL_DIVISOR * 0.5f), MobAIThread.AI_PATROL_DIVISOR) + MobAIThread.AI_PATROL_DIVISOR; |
if (mob.stopPatrolTime + (patrolDelay * 1000) > System.currentTimeMillis()) |
return; |
if (mob.lastPatrolPointIndex > mob.patrolPoints.size() - 1) |
mob.lastPatrolPointIndex = 0; |
mob.destination = mob.patrolPoints.get(mob.lastPatrolPointIndex); |
mob.lastPatrolPointIndex += 1; |
MovementUtilities.aiMove(mob, mob.destination, true); |
} |
public static void attack(Mob mob){ |
AbstractWorldObject target = mob.combatTarget; |
if (target == null || !target.isAlive()) { |
mob.setCombatTarget(null); |
return; |
} |
if(!mob.isCombat()) |
mob.setCombat(true); |
if (!CombatUtilities.inRangeToAttack(mob, target)) { |
MovementUtilities.aiMove(mob, target.loc, false); |
return; |
} |
switch (target.getObjectType()) { |
case PlayerCharacter: |
PlayerCharacter targetPlayer = (PlayerCharacter) target; |
AttackPlayer(mob, targetPlayer); |
break; |
case Building: |
Building targetBuilding = (Building) target; |
AttackBuilding(mob, targetBuilding); |
break; |
case Mob: |
Mob targetMob = (Mob) target; |
AttackMob(mob, targetMob); |
break; |
} |
} |
public static void AttackPlayer(Mob mob, PlayerCharacter target) { |
try { |
if (!mob.canSee(target)) { |
mob.setCombatTarget(null); |
return; |
} |
if (mob.BehaviourType.callsForHelp) |
MobCallForHelp(mob); |
if (!MovementUtilities.inRangeDropAggro(mob, target)) { |
mob.setCombatTarget(null); |
return; |
} |
if (CombatUtilities.inRange2D(mob, target, mob.getRange())) { |
//no weapons, default mob attack speed 3 seconds.
if (System.currentTimeMillis() < mob.getLastAttackTime()) |
return; |
// ranged mobs cant attack while running. skip until they finally stop.
if (mob.isMoving() && mob.getRange() > 20) |
return; |
// add timer for last attack.
ItemBase mainHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(true); |
ItemBase offHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(false); |
if (mainHand == null && offHand == null) { |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, null); |
int delay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
delay = 11000; |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(true) != null) { |
int delay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
delay = 11000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, mob.getWeaponItemBase(true)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(false) != null) { |
int attackDelay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
attackDelay = 11000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, false, mob.getWeaponItemBase(false)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + attackDelay); |
} |
} |
if (target.getPet() != null) |
if (target.getPet().getCombatTarget() == null && target.getPet().assist == true) |
target.getPet().setCombatTarget(mob); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
Logger.info(mob.getObjectUUID() + " " + mob.getName() + " Failed At: AttackPlayer" + " " + e.getMessage()); |
} |
} |
public static void AttackBuilding(Mob mob, Building target) { |
try { |
if(mob == null || target == null) |
return; |
if (target.getRank() == -1 || !target.isVulnerable() || BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(target.getObjectUUID()) == null) { |
mob.setCombatTarget(null); |
return; |
} |
City playercity = ZoneManager.getCityAtLocation(mob.getLoc()); |
if (playercity != null) |
for (Mob guard : playercity.getParent().zoneMobSet) |
if (guard.BehaviourType != null && guard.BehaviourType.ordinal() == Enum.MobBehaviourType.GuardCaptain.ordinal()) |
if (guard.getCombatTarget() == null && guard.getGuild() != null && mob.getGuild() != null && !guard.getGuild().equals(mob.getGuild())) |
guard.setCombatTarget(mob); |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
MovementManager.sendRWSSMsg(mob); |
ItemBase mainHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(true); |
ItemBase offHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(false); |
if (mainHand == null && offHand == null) { |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, null); |
int delay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
delay = 15000; |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(true) != null) { |
int attackDelay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
attackDelay = 15000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, mob.getWeaponItemBase(true)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + attackDelay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(false) != null) { |
int attackDelay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
attackDelay = 15000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, false, mob.getWeaponItemBase(false)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + attackDelay); |
} |
//if (mob.isSiege()) {
// PowerProjectileMsg ppm = new PowerProjectileMsg(mob, target);
// ppm.setRange(50);
// DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(mob, ppm, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false);
} catch (Exception e) { |
Logger.info(mob.getObjectUUID() + " " + mob.getName() + " Failed At: AttackBuilding" + " " + e.getMessage()); |
} |
} |
public static void AttackMob(Mob mob, Mob target) { |
try { |
if (mob.getRange() >= 30 && mob.isMoving()) |
return; |
//no weapons, default mob attack speed 3 seconds.
ItemBase mainHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(true); |
ItemBase offHand = mob.getWeaponItemBase(false); |
if (mainHand == null && offHand == null) { |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, null); |
int delay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
delay = 11000; |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(true) != null) { |
int attackDelay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
attackDelay = 11000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, true, mob.getWeaponItemBase(true)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + attackDelay); |
} else if (mob.getWeaponItemBase(false) != null) { |
int attackDelay = 3000; |
if (mob.isSiege()) |
attackDelay = 11000; |
CombatUtilities.combatCycle(mob, target, false, mob.getWeaponItemBase(false)); |
mob.setLastAttackTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + attackDelay); |
if (target.getCombatTarget() == null) { |
target.setCombatTarget(mob); |
} |
} |
} catch (Exception e) { |
Logger.info(mob.getObjectUUID() + " " + mob.getName() + " Failed At: AttackMob" + " " + e.getMessage()); |
} |
} |
public static void MobCallForHelp(Mob mob) { |
if (mob.nextCallForHelp == 0) |
mob.nextCallForHelp = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
if (mob.nextCallForHelp > System.currentTimeMillis()) |
return; |
Zone mobCamp = mob.getParentZone(); |
for (Mob helper : mobCamp.zoneMobSet) { |
if (helper.BehaviourType.respondsToCallForHelp && helper.BehaviourType.BehaviourHelperType.equals(mob.BehaviourType)) { |
helper.setCombatTarget(mob.getCombatTarget()); |
break; |
} |
} |
mob.nextCallForHelp = System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000L; |
} |
} |
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