@ -8,11 +8,18 @@
@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@
package engine.loot ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.gameManager.ConfigManager ;
import engine.gameManager.DbManager ;
import engine.objects.Item ;
import engine.gameManager.ZoneManager ;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage ;
import engine.net.client.msg.chat.ChatSystemMsg ;
import engine.objects.* ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.Random ;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom ;
/ * *
@ -20,212 +27,239 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
@@ -20,212 +27,239 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
* /
public class LootManager {
private static final HashMap < Integer , TreeMap < Integer , LootGroup > > _lootGroups = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , TreeMap < Integer , LootTable > > _lootTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , TreeMap < Integer , ModifierGroup > > _modGroups = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , TreeMap > _modTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private LootManager ( ) {
//new tables
private static final HashMap < Integer , GenTable > generalItemTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , ItemTable > itemTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , ModTypeTable > modTypeTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private static final HashMap < Integer , ModTable > modTables = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private LootManager ( ) { }
// Bootstrap routine to load loot data from database
public static void loadLootData ( ) {
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_LOOTGROUPS ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_LOOTTABLES ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_MODGROUPS ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_MODTABLES ( ) ;
// Method adds a lootGroup to the class's internal collection
// and configures the treemap accordingly
public static void addLootGroup ( LootGroup lootGroup ) {
// If entry for this lootGroup does not currently exist
// we need to create one.
if ( _lootGroups . containsKey ( lootGroup . getGroupID ( ) ) = = false )
_lootGroups . put ( lootGroup . getGroupID ( ) , new TreeMap < > ( ) ) ;
// Add this lootgroup to the appropriate treemap
_lootGroups . get ( lootGroup . getGroupID ( ) ) . put ( lootGroup . getMaxRoll ( ) , lootGroup ) ;
public static void GenerateMobLoot ( Mob mob ) {
//determine if mob is in hotzone
boolean inHotzone = ZoneManager . inHotZone ( mob . getLoc ( ) ) ;
//get multiplier form config manager
float multiplier = Float . parseFloat ( ConfigManager . MB_NORMAL_DROP_RATE . getValue ( ) ) ;
if ( inHotzone ) {
//if mob is inside hotzone, use the hotzone gold multiplier form the config instead
multiplier = Float . parseFloat ( ConfigManager . MB_HOTZONE_DROP_RATE . getValue ( ) ) ;
//iterate the booty sets
for ( BootySetEntry bse : mob . getMobBase ( ) . bootySets ) {
//check if chance roll is good
if ( ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 100 ) < = ( bse . dropChance * multiplier ) ) {
//early exit, failed to hit minimum chance roll
continue ;
if ( bse . bootyType . equals ( "GOLD" ) ) {
//determine and add gold to mob inventory
int gold = new Random ( ) . nextInt ( bse . highGold - bse . lowGold ) + bse . lowGold ;
if ( gold > 0 ) {
MobLoot goldAmount = new MobLoot ( mob , ( int ) ( gold * multiplier ) ) ;
mob . getCharItemManager ( ) . addItemToInventory ( goldAmount ) ;
} else if ( bse . bootyType . equals ( "BOOTYTABLE" ) ) {
//iterate the booty tables and add items to mob inventory
Item toAdd = getGenTableItem ( bse . lootTable , mob ) ;
if ( toAdd ! = null ) {
mob . getCharItemManager ( ) . addItemToInventory ( toAdd ) ;
if ( inHotzone ) {
Item toAddHZ = getGenTableItem ( bse . lootTable + 1 , mob ) ;
mob . getCharItemManager ( ) . addItemToInventory ( toAddHZ ) ;
//lastly, check mobs inventory for godly or disc runes to send a server announcement
for ( Item it : mob . getInventory ( ) ) {
ItemBase ib = it . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( ib . isDiscRune ( ) | | ib . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "of the gods" ) ) {
ChatSystemMsg chatMsg = new ChatSystemMsg ( null , mob . getName ( ) + " in " + mob . getParentZone ( ) . getName ( ) + " has found the " + ib . getName ( ) + ". Are you tough enough to take it?" ) ;
chatMsg . setMessageType ( 10 ) ;
chatMsg . setChannel ( Enum . ChatChannelType . SYSTEM . getChannelID ( ) ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToAll ( chatMsg ) ;
public static void addLootTable ( engine . loot . LootTable lootTable ) {
// If entry for this lootTabe does not currently exist
// we need to create one.
if ( _lootTables . containsKey ( lootTable . getLootTable ( ) ) = = false )
_lootTables . put ( lootTable . getLootTable ( ) ,
new TreeMap < > ( ) ) ;
// Add this lootTable to the appropriate treemap
_lootTables . get ( lootTable . getLootTable ( ) ) . put ( lootTable . getMaxRoll ( ) , lootTable ) ;
public static Item getGenTableItem ( int genTableID , Mob mob ) {
Item outItem ;
int minRollRange = mob . getParentZone ( ) . minLvl + mob . getLevel ( ) ;
int maxRollRange = ( mob . getParentZone ( ) . minLvl + mob . getLevel ( ) + mob . getParentZone ( ) . maxLvl ) * 2 ;
GenTableRow selectedRow = generalItemTables . get ( genTableID ) . getRowForRange ( new Random ( ) . nextInt ( 100 ) ) ;
int itemUUID = itemTables . get ( selectedRow . itemTableID ) . getRowForRange ( new Random ( ) . nextInt ( maxRollRange ) + minRollRange ) . cacheID ;
if ( itemUUID = = 0 ) {
return null ;
ModTypeTable prefixTable = modTypeTables . get ( selectedRow . pModTable ) ;
ModTypeTable suffixTable = modTypeTables . get ( selectedRow . sModTable ) ;
ModTable prefixModTable = modTables . get ( prefixTable . getRowForRange ( 100 ) . modTableID ) ;
ModTable suffixModTable = modTables . get ( suffixTable . getRowForRange ( 100 ) . modTableID ) ;
ModTableRow prefixMod = prefixModTable . getRowForRange ( new Random ( ) . nextInt ( maxRollRange ) + minRollRange ) ;
ModTableRow suffixMod = suffixModTable . getRowForRange ( new Random ( ) . nextInt ( maxRollRange ) + minRollRange ) ;
outItem = Item . getItem ( itemUUID ) ;
if ( prefixMod . action . length ( ) > 0 ) {
outItem . addPermanentEnchantment ( prefixMod . action , prefixMod . level ) ;
if ( suffixMod . action . length ( ) > 0 ) {
outItem . addPermanentEnchantment ( suffixMod . action , suffixMod . level ) ;
return outItem ;
public static void addModifierGroup ( ModifierGroup modGroup ) {
// If entry for this lootTabe does not currently exist
// we need to create one.
if ( _modGroups . containsKey ( modGroup . getModGroup ( ) ) = = false )
_modGroups . put ( modGroup . getModGroup ( ) ,
new TreeMap < > ( ) ) ;
// Add this lootTable to the appropriate treemap
_modGroups . get ( modGroup . getModGroup ( ) ) . put ( modGroup . getMaxRoll ( ) , modGroup ) ;
public static void AddGenTableRow ( int tableID , GenTable genTable , GenTableRow row ) {
if ( ! generalItemTables . containsKey ( tableID ) ) {
//create the new table
generalItemTables . put ( tableID , genTable ) ;
//add row to new table
generalItemTables . get ( tableID ) . rows . add ( row ) ;
} else {
//add row to existing table
GenTable toAdd = generalItemTables . get ( tableID ) ;
toAdd . rows . add ( row ) ;
public static void addModifierTable ( ModifierTable modTable ) {
// If entry for this lootTabe does not currently exist
// we need to create one.
if ( _modTables . containsKey ( modTable . getModTable ( ) ) = = false )
_modTables . put ( modTable . getModTable ( ) ,
new TreeMap < Float , ModifierGroup > ( ) ) ;
// Add this lootTable to the appropriate treemap
_modTables . get ( modTable . getModTable ( ) ) . put ( modTable . getMaxRoll ( ) , modTable ) ;
public static void AddItemTableRow ( int tableID , ItemTable itemTable , ItemTableRow row ) {
if ( ! itemTables . containsKey ( tableID ) ) {
//create the new table
itemTables . put ( tableID , itemTable ) ;
//add new row to table
itemTables . get ( tableID ) . rows . add ( row ) ;
} else {
//add row to existing table
ItemTable toAdd = itemTables . get ( tableID ) ;
toAdd . rows . add ( row ) ;
/ * Mainline interfaces for this class . Methods below retrieve
* entries from the loottable by random number and range .
* /
public static LootGroup getRandomLootGroup ( int lootGroupID , int randomRoll ) {
if ( ( randomRoll < 1 ) | | ( randomRoll > 100 ) )
return null ;
// Get random lootGroup for this roll
return _lootGroups . get ( lootGroupID ) . floorEntry ( randomRoll ) . getValue ( ) ;
public static void AddModTypeTableRow ( int tableID , ModTypeTable modtypeTable , ModTypeTableRow row ) {
if ( ! modTypeTables . containsKey ( tableID ) ) {
//create the new table
modTypeTables . put ( tableID , modtypeTable ) ;
//add row to new table
modTypeTables . get ( tableID ) . rows . add ( row ) ;
} else {
//add row to existing table
ModTypeTable toAdd = modTypeTables . get ( tableID ) ;
toAdd . rows . add ( row ) ;
public static engine . loot . LootTable getRandomLootTable ( int lootTableID , int randomRoll ) {
if ( ( randomRoll < 1 ) | | ( randomRoll > 100 ) )
return null ;
// Get random lootTable for this roll
return _lootTables . get ( lootTableID ) . floorEntry ( randomRoll ) . getValue ( ) ;
public static void AddModTableRow ( int tableID , ModTable modTable , ModTableRow row ) {
if ( ! itemTables . containsKey ( tableID ) ) {
//create the new table
modTables . put ( tableID , modTable ) ;
//add row to new table
modTables . get ( tableID ) . rows . add ( row ) ;
} else {
//add row to existing table
ModTable toAdd = modTables . get ( tableID ) ;
toAdd . rows . add ( row ) ;
public static ModifierGroup getRandomModifierGroup ( int modGroupID , int randomRoll ) {
if ( ( randomRoll < 1 ) | | ( randomRoll > 100 ) )
return null ;
// Get random modGroup for this roll
return _modGroups . get ( modGroupID ) . floorEntry ( randomRoll ) . getValue ( ) ;
public static class GenTable {
public ArrayList < GenTableRow > rows = new ArrayList < GenTableRow > ( ) ;
public GenTableRow getRowForRange ( int roll ) {
GenTableRow outRow = null ;
for ( GenTableRow iteration : this . rows ) {
if ( iteration . minRoll > = roll & & iteration . maxRoll < = roll ) {
outRow = iteration ;
return outRow ;
public static ModifierTable getRandomModifierTable ( int modTableID , float randomRoll ) {
if ( ( randomRoll < 1 . 0f ) )
return null ;
// Roll is outside of range
if ( randomRoll > getMaxRangeForModifierTable ( modTableID ) )
return null ;
// Get random lootGroup for this roll
return ( ModifierTable ) _modTables . get ( modTableID ) . floorEntry ( randomRoll ) . getValue ( ) ;
public static class ItemTable {
public ArrayList < ItemTableRow > rows = new ArrayList < ItemTableRow > ( ) ;
public ItemTableRow getRowForRange ( int roll ) {
if ( roll > 320 ) {
roll = 320 ;
ItemTableRow outRow = null ;
for ( ItemTableRow iteration : this . rows ) {
if ( iteration . minRoll > = roll & & iteration . maxRoll < = roll ) {
outRow = iteration ;
return outRow ;
// Returns minmum rolling range for a particular modifier table entry
public static float getMinRangeForModifierTable ( int modTableID ) {
ModifierTable outTable ;
outTable = ( ModifierTable ) _modTables . get ( modTableID ) . firstEntry ( ) ;
return outTable . getMinRoll ( ) ;
public static class ModTypeTable {
public ArrayList < ModTypeTableRow > rows = new ArrayList < ModTypeTableRow > ( ) ;
public ModTypeTableRow getRowForRange ( int roll ) {
ModTypeTableRow outRow = null ;
for ( ModTypeTableRow iteration : this . rows ) {
if ( iteration . minRoll > = roll & & iteration . maxRoll < = roll ) {
outRow = iteration ;
return outRow ;
// Returns maximum rolling range for a particular modifier table entry
public static float getMaxRangeForModifierTable ( int modTableID ) {
ModifierTable outTable ;
outTable = ( ModifierTable ) _modTables . get ( modTableID ) . lastEntry ( ) ;
return outTable . getMaxRoll ( ) ;
public static class ModTable {
public ArrayList < ModTableRow > rows = new ArrayList < ModTableRow > ( ) ;
public ModTableRow getRowForRange ( int roll ) {
if ( roll > 320 ) {
roll = 320 ;
ModTableRow outRow = null ;
for ( ModTableRow iteration : this . rows ) {
if ( iteration . minRoll > = roll & & iteration . maxRoll < = roll ) {
outRow = iteration ;
return outRow ;
public static Item getRandomItemFromLootGroup ( int lootGroupID , int randomRoll ) {
Item outItem = null ;
LootGroup lootGroup ;
LootTable lootTable ;
ModifierGroup modGroup ;
ModifierTable prefixTable ;
ModifierTable suffixTable ;
// Retrieve a random loot group
lootGroup = getRandomLootGroup ( lootGroupID , randomRoll ) ;
if ( lootGroup = = null )
return null ;
// Retrieve a random loot table
lootTable = getRandomLootTable ( lootGroup . getLootTableID ( ) , ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 100 ) ) ;
if ( lootTable = = null )
return null ;
// Retrieve a random prefix
modGroup = getRandomModifierGroup ( lootGroup . getpModTableID ( ) , ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 100 ) ) ;
if ( modGroup = = null )
return null ;
prefixTable = getRandomModifierTable ( modGroup . getSubTableID ( ) , ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextFloat ( ) * getMaxRangeForModifierTable ( lootGroup . getpModTableID ( ) ) ) ;
if ( prefixTable = = null )
return null ;
// Retrieve a random suffix
modGroup = getRandomModifierGroup ( lootGroup . getsModTableID ( ) , ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 100 ) ) ;
if ( modGroup = = null )
return null ;
suffixTable = getRandomModifierTable ( modGroup . getSubTableID ( ) , ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextFloat ( ) * getMaxRangeForModifierTable ( lootGroup . getsModTableID ( ) ) ) ;
if ( suffixTable = = null )
return null ;
// Create the item!
return outItem ;
public static class GenTableRow {
public int minRoll ;
public int maxRoll ;
public int itemTableID ;
public int pModTable ;
public int sModTable ;
public GenTableRow ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
this . minRoll = rs . getInt ( "minRoll" ) ;
this . maxRoll = rs . getInt ( "maxRoll" ) ;
this . itemTableID = rs . getInt ( "lootTableID" ) ;
this . pModTable = rs . getInt ( "pModTableID" ) ;
this . sModTable = rs . getInt ( "sModTableID" ) ;
// Bootstrap routine to load loot data from database
public static void loadLootData ( ) {
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_LOOTGROUPS ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_LOOTTABLES ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_MODGROUPS ( ) ;
DbManager . LootQueries . LOAD_ALL_MODTABLES ( ) ;
public static class ItemTableRow {
public int minRoll ;
public int maxRoll ;
public int cacheID ;
public ItemTableRow ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
this . minRoll = rs . getInt ( "minRoll" ) ;
this . maxRoll = rs . getInt ( "maxRoll" ) ;
this . cacheID = rs . getInt ( "itemBaseUUID" ) ;
public static class ModTypeTableRow {
public int minRoll ;
public int maxRoll ;
public int modTableID ;
public ModTypeTableRow ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
this . minRoll = rs . getInt ( "minRoll" ) ;
this . maxRoll = rs . getInt ( "maxRoll" ) ;
this . modTableID = rs . getInt ( "subTableID" ) ;
public static class ModTableRow {
public int minRoll ;
public int maxRoll ;
public String action ;
public int level ;
public ModTableRow ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
this . minRoll = rs . getInt ( "minRoll" ) ;
this . maxRoll = rs . getInt ( "maxRoll" ) ;
this . action = rs . getString ( "action" ) ;
this . level = rs . getInt ( "level" ) ;