@ -5599,6 +5599,10 @@ public class PlayerCharacter extends AbstractCharacter { |
public void resetRegenUpdateTime() { |
public void resetRegenUpdateTime() { |
this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenHealth", System.currentTimeMillis()); |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenMana", System.currentTimeMillis()); |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenStamina", System.currentTimeMillis()); |
this.timestamps.put("LastConsumeStamina", System.currentTimeMillis()); |
} |
} |
public float getCharacterHeight() { |
public float getCharacterHeight() { |
@ -5690,211 +5694,6 @@ public class PlayerCharacter extends AbstractCharacter { |
dirtyLock.writeLock().unlock(); |
dirtyLock.writeLock().unlock(); |
} |
} |
public void RunRegen(){ |
float healthRegen = 0f; |
float manaRegen = 0f; |
float stamRegen = 0f; |
boolean updateClient = false; |
// Early exit if char is dead or disconnected
if ((this.isAlive() == false) |
|| (this.isActive() == false) || this.getLoc().x == 0 && this.getLoc().z == 0) |
return; |
// Calculate Regen amount from last simulation tick
switch (this.movementState) { |
case IDLE: |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate)); |
if (this.isCasting() || this.isItemCasting()) |
healthRegen *= .75f; |
// Characters regen mana when in only walk mode and idle
if (this.walkMode) |
manaRegen = (this.manaMax * 0.01f) * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate) * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK; |
else { |
manaRegen = (this.manaMax * 0.01f) * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate) * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE; |
} |
if (!PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this)) |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; |
else if ((!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) || this.lastMovementState.equals(MovementState.FLYING)) |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); |
else |
stamRegen = 0; |
break; |
case SITTING: |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_SIT) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_SIT_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); |
manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_SIT) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SIT * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); |
break; |
case RUNNING: |
if (this.walkMode == true) { |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); |
manaRegen = this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate); |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_WALK; |
} else { |
healthRegen = 0; |
manaRegen = 0; |
if (this.combat == true) |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_COMBAT; |
else |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_NONCOMBAT; |
} |
break; |
case FLYING: |
float seventyFive = this.staminaMax * .75f; |
float fifty = this.staminaMax * .5f; |
float twentyFive = this.staminaMax * .25f; |
if (this.getDesiredAltitude() == 0 && this.getAltitude() <= 10) { |
if (this.isCombat()) |
stamRegen = 0; |
else |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); |
} else if (!this.useFlyMoveRegen()) { |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate)); |
if (this.isCasting() || this.isItemCasting()) |
healthRegen *= .75f; |
// Characters regen mana when in only walk mode and idle
if (this.walkMode) |
manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); |
else if (!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) |
manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); |
else |
manaRegen = 0; |
if (!this.isItemCasting() && !this.isCasting() || this.getTakeOffTime() != 0) |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_IDLE; |
else |
stamRegen = -1f; |
} else if (this.walkMode == true) { |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); |
manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK) + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_WALK; |
} else { |
healthRegen = 0; |
manaRegen = 0; |
if (this.isCombat()) |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN_COMBAT; |
else |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN; |
} |
float oldStamina = this.stamina.get(); |
if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, 0, twentyFive) && !this.wasTripped25) { |
updateClient = true; |
this.wasTripped25 = true; |
this.wasTripped50 = false; |
this.wasTripped75 = false; |
} else if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, twentyFive, fifty) && !this.wasTripped50) { |
updateClient = true; |
this.wasTripped25 = false; |
this.wasTripped50 = true; |
this.wasTripped75 = false; |
} else if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, fifty, seventyFive) && !this.wasTripped75) { |
updateClient = true; |
this.wasTripped25 = false; |
this.wasTripped50 = false; |
this.wasTripped75 = true; |
} |
break; |
case SWIMMING: |
if (this.walkMode == true) { |
healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); |
manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK) + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; |
} else { |
healthRegen = 0; |
manaRegen = 0; |
stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; |
if (this.combat == true) |
stamRegen += MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_COMBAT; |
else |
stamRegen += MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_NONCOMBAT; |
} |
break; |
} |
// Are we drowning?
if ((this.getStamina() <= 0) |
&& (PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this) == false)) |
healthRegen = (this.healthMax * -.03f); |
// Multiple regen values by current deltaTime
// Logger.info("", healthRegen + "");
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
Long regenTime; |
if(this.timestamps.containsKey("LastRegen")) |
regenTime = this.timestamps.get("LastRegen"); |
else |
regenTime = currentTime; |
float secondsPassed = (currentTime - regenTime) / 1000f; |
healthRegen *= secondsPassed; |
manaRegen *= secondsPassed; |
stamRegen *= secondsPassed; |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegen",currentTime); |
//ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(this,"Mana: " + this.mana.get());
boolean workedHealth = false; |
boolean workedMana = false; |
boolean workedStamina = false; |
float old, mod; |
while (!workedHealth || !workedMana || !workedStamina) { |
if (!this.isAlive() || !this.isActive()) |
return; |
if (!workedHealth) { |
old = this.health.get(); |
mod = old + healthRegen; |
if (mod > this.healthMax) |
mod = healthMax; |
else if (mod <= 0) { |
if (this.isAlive.compareAndSet(true, false)) |
killCharacter("Water"); |
return; |
} |
workedHealth = this.health.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
if (!workedStamina) { |
old = this.stamina.get(); |
mod = old + stamRegen; |
if (mod > this.staminaMax) |
mod = staminaMax; |
else if (mod < 0) |
mod = 0; |
workedStamina = this.stamina.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
if (!workedMana) { |
old = this.mana.get(); |
mod = old + manaRegen; |
if (mod > this.manaMax) |
mod = manaMax; |
else if (mod < 0) |
mod = 0; |
workedMana = this.mana.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
} |
if (updateClient) |
this.syncClient(); |
// Reset this char's frame time.
this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
} |
public static float getRegenRate(PlayerCharacter player, ModType type){ |
public static float getRegenRate(PlayerCharacter player, ModType type){ |
float regenRate = player.getRegenModifier(type); |
float regenRate = player.getRegenModifier(type); |
@ -6064,4 +5863,156 @@ public class PlayerCharacter extends AbstractCharacter { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void doRegen(){ |
if (this.updateLock.writeLock().tryLock()) { |
try { |
regenerateHealth(); |
regenerateMana(); |
regenerateStamina(); |
consumeStamina(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
Logger.error(e); |
} finally { |
this.updateLock.writeLock().unlock(); |
} |
} |
} |
public void regenerateHealth(){ |
Long regenTime; |
Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
regenTime = this.timestamps.getOrDefault("LastRegenHealth", currentTime); |
float secondsPassed = (currentTime - regenTime) / 1000f; |
float onePercent = this.healthMax * 0.01f; |
float rate = RecoveryType.getRecoveryType(this).healthRate; |
rate *= this.getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); |
float healthRegenerated = onePercent * secondsPassed * rate; |
boolean workedHealth = false; |
float old,mod; |
while(!workedHealth) { |
old = this.health.get(); |
mod = old + healthRegenerated; |
if (mod > this.healthMax) |
mod = healthMax; |
else if (mod <= 0) { |
if (this.isAlive.compareAndSet(true, false)) |
killCharacter("Water"); |
return; |
} |
workedHealth = this.health.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenHealth",currentTime); |
} |
public void regenerateMana(){ |
Long regenTime; |
Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
regenTime = this.timestamps.getOrDefault("LastRegenMana", currentTime); |
float secondsPassed = (currentTime - regenTime) / 1000f; |
float onePercent = this.manaMax * 0.01f; |
float rate = RecoveryType.getRecoveryType(this).manaRate; |
rate *= this.getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate); |
float manaRegenerated = onePercent * secondsPassed * rate; |
boolean workedMana = false; |
float old,mod; |
while(!workedMana) { |
old = this.mana.get(); |
mod = old + manaRegenerated; |
if (mod > this.manaMax) |
mod = manaMax; |
else if (mod < 0) |
mod = 0; |
workedMana = this.mana.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenMana",currentTime); |
} |
public void regenerateStamina(){ |
Long regenTime; |
Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
regenTime = this.timestamps.getOrDefault("LastRegenStamina", currentTime); |
float secondsPassed = (currentTime - regenTime) / 1000f; |
float rate = RecoveryType.getRecoveryType(this).staminaRate; |
rate *= this.getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); // Adjust rate with modifiers
float staminaRegenerated = secondsPassed / rate; // Stamina regenerates 1 point per `rate` seconds
boolean workedStamina = false; |
float old, mod; |
while (!workedStamina) { |
old = this.stamina.get(); |
mod = old + staminaRegenerated; |
if (mod > this.staminaMax) |
mod = staminaMax; |
else if (mod < 0) |
mod = 0; |
workedStamina = this.stamina.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
this.timestamps.put("LastRegenStamina", currentTime); |
} |
public void consumeStamina(){ |
Long regenTime; |
Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
regenTime = this.timestamps.getOrDefault("LastConsumeStamina", currentTime); |
float secondsPassed = (currentTime - regenTime) / 1000f; |
float consumption; |
if(!this.isMoving() && !this.isFlying()) |
return; |
if(!this.combat){ |
consumption = 0.4f * secondsPassed; |
}else{ |
consumption = 0.65f * secondsPassed; |
} |
if(!this.canBreathe || this.isFlying()) |
consumption *= 2; |
boolean workedStamina = false; |
float old,mod; |
while (!workedStamina) { |
old = this.stamina.get(); |
mod = old - consumption; |
if (mod <= 0) |
mod = 0; |
workedStamina = this.stamina.compareAndSet(old, mod); |
} |
} |
enum RecoveryType{ |
//Values for health and mana are in terms of the number of seconds it takes to recover 1% of max pool
//Values for stamina are in terms of the number of seconds it takes to recover 1 point
RESTING(3.0f,1.2f,0.5f), //sitting
IDLING(15.0f,6.0f,5.0f), //standing not moving
WALKING(20.0f,8.0f,0.0f), // moving in walk mode
RUNNING(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); // moving in run mode
public float healthRate; |
public float manaRate; |
public float staminaRate; |
RecoveryType(float health, float mana, float stamina) { |
this.healthRate = health; |
this.manaRate = mana; |
this.staminaRate = stamina; |
} |
public static RecoveryType getRecoveryType(PlayerCharacter pc){ |
if (pc.isMoving()) { |
if(pc.walkMode){ |
return RecoveryType.WALKING; |
}else{ |
return RecoveryType.RUNNING; |
} |
}else if(pc.isSit()){ |
return RecoveryType.RESTING; |
}else{ |
return RecoveryType.IDLING; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |