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this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Character Height to start swimming: " + pc.centerHeight); Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(pc.getLoc()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Water Level : " + zone.getSeaLevel()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Character Water Level Above : " + (pc.getCharacterHeight() + height - zone.getSeaLevel())); if (end) return; Vector2f gridSquare; Vector2f gridOffset; Vector2f parentGrid; Vector2f parentLoc = new Vector2f(-1, -1); Zone currentZone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(pc.getLoc()); if (currentZone == null) return; Zone parentZone = currentZone.getParent(); HeightMap heightMap = currentZone.getHeightMap(); //find the next parents heightmap if the currentzone heightmap is null. while (heightMap == null) { if (currentZone == ZoneManager.getSeaFloor()) { this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Could not find a heightmap to get height."); break; } this.throwbackError(pc, "Heightmap does not exist for " + currentZone.getName()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Using parent zone instead: "); currentZone = currentZone.getParent(); heightMap = currentZone.getHeightMap(); } if ((heightMap == null) || (currentZone == ZoneManager.getSeaFloor())) { this.throwbackInfo(pc, currentZone.getName() + " has no heightmap "); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Current altitude: " + currentZone.absY); return; } Vector2f zoneLoc = ZoneManager.worldToZoneSpace(pc.getLoc(), currentZone); Vector3fImmutable seaFloorLocalLoc = ZoneManager.worldToLocal(pc.getLoc(), ZoneManager.getSeaFloor()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "SeaFloor Local : " + seaFloorLocalLoc.x + " , " + seaFloorLocalLoc.y); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Local Zone Location : " + zoneLoc.x + " , " + zoneLoc.y); Vector3fImmutable localLocFromCenter = ZoneManager.worldToLocal(pc.getLoc(), currentZone); Vector3fImmutable parentLocFromCenter = ZoneManager.worldToLocal(pc.getLoc(), currentZone.getParent()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Local Zone Location from center : " + localLocFromCenter); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "parent Zone Location from center : " + parentLocFromCenter); Vector2f parentZoneLoc = ZoneManager.worldToZoneSpace(pc.getLoc(), currentZone.getParent()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Parent Zone Location from Bottom Left : " + parentZoneLoc); if ((parentZone != null) && (parentZone.getHeightMap() != null)) { parentLoc = ZoneManager.worldToZoneSpace(pc.getLoc(), parentZone); parentGrid = parentZone.getHeightMap().getGridSquare(parentLoc); } else parentGrid = new Vector2f(-1, -1); gridSquare = heightMap.getGridSquare(zoneLoc); gridOffset = HeightMap.getGridOffset(gridSquare); float interaltitude = currentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(zoneLoc); this.throwbackInfo(pc, currentZone.getName()); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Current Grid Square: " + gridSquare.x + " , " + gridSquare.y); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Grid Offset: " + gridOffset.x + " , " + gridOffset.y); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Parent Grid: " + parentGrid.x + " , " + parentGrid.y); if (parentGrid.x != -1) { float parentAltitude = parentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(parentLoc); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Parent ALTITUDE: " + (parentAltitude)); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "Parent Interpolation: " + (parentAltitude + parentZone.getWorldAltitude())); } this.throwbackInfo(pc, "interpolated height: " + interaltitude); this.throwbackInfo(pc, "interpolated height with World: " + (interaltitude + currentZone.getWorldAltitude())); float realWorldAltitude = interaltitude + currentZone.getWorldAltitude(); //OUTSET if (parentZone != null) { float parentXRadius = currentZone.getBounds().getHalfExtents().x; float parentZRadius = currentZone.getBounds().getHalfExtents().y; float offsetX = Math.abs((localLocFromCenter.x / parentXRadius)); float offsetZ = Math.abs((localLocFromCenter.z / parentZRadius)); float bucketScaleX = 100 / parentXRadius; float bucketScaleZ = 200 / parentZRadius; float outsideGridSizeX = 1 - bucketScaleX; //32/256 float outsideGridSizeZ = 1 - bucketScaleZ; float weight; double scale; if (offsetX > outsideGridSizeX && offsetX > offsetZ) { weight = (offsetX - outsideGridSizeX) / bucketScaleX; scale = Math.atan2((.5 - weight) * 3.1415927, 1); float scaleChild = (float) ((scale + 1) * .5); float scaleParent = 1 - scaleChild; float parentAltitude = parentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(parentLoc); float parentCenterAltitude = parentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(ZoneManager.worldToZoneSpace(currentZone.getLoc(), parentZone)); parentCenterAltitude += currentZone.getYCoord(); parentCenterAltitude += interaltitude; float firstScale = parentAltitude * scaleParent; float secondScale = parentCenterAltitude * scaleChild; float outsetALt = firstScale + secondScale; outsetALt += currentZone.getParent().getAbsY(); realWorldAltitude = outsetALt; } else if (offsetZ > outsideGridSizeZ) { weight = (offsetZ - outsideGridSizeZ) / bucketScaleZ; scale = Math.atan2((.5 - weight) * 3.1415927, 1); float scaleChild = (float) ((scale + 1) * .5); float scaleParent = 1 - scaleChild; float parentAltitude = parentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(parentLoc); float parentCenterAltitude = parentZone.getHeightMap().getInterpolatedTerrainHeight(ZoneManager.worldToZoneSpace(currentZone.getLoc(), parentZone)); parentCenterAltitude += currentZone.getYCoord(); parentCenterAltitude += interaltitude; float firstScale = parentAltitude * scaleParent; float secondScale = parentCenterAltitude * scaleChild; float outsetALt = firstScale + secondScale; outsetALt += currentZone.getParent().getAbsY(); realWorldAltitude = outsetALt; } } float strMod = pc.statStrBase - 40; strMod *= .00999999998f; strMod += 1f; float radius = 0; switch (pc.getRaceID()) { case 2017: radius = 3.1415927f; case 2000: } strMod *= 1.5707964f; strMod += 3.1415927f; strMod -= .5f; realWorldAltitude += strMod; this.throwbackInfo(pc, "interpolated height with World: " + realWorldAltitude); } @Override protected String _getHelpString() { return "Temporarily Changes SubRace"; } @Override protected String _getUsageString() { return "' /subrace mobBaseID"; } }