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Need Rotation specified."); return; } Vector3f rotation = new Vector3f(0f, rot, 0f); if (target instanceof Building) rotateBuilding(pc, (Building) target, rotation, rot, false); else if (target instanceof NPC) rotateNPC(pc, (NPC) target, rotation, false); else if (target instanceof Mob) rotateMob(pc, (Mob) target, rotation, false); else throwbackError(pc, "Target " + target.getObjectType() + " is not a valid object type"); } else { int id = 0; if (words.length == 2) { try { id = Integer.parseInt(words[0]); if (words[1].equalsIgnoreCase("face")) { Building b; if (id != 0) b = BuildingManager.getBuilding(id); else b = getTargetAsBuilding(pc); if (b != null) { rotateFace(pc, b); return; } // building failed, try npc NPC npc; if (id != 0) npc = NPC.getNPC(id); else npc = getTargetAsNPC(pc); if (npc != null) { rotateFace(pc, npc); return; } // NPC failed, try mob Mob mob; if (id != 0) mob = Mob.getMob(id); else mob = getTargetAsMob(pc); if (mob != null) { rotateFace(pc, mob); return; } throwbackError(pc, "Nothing found to rotate."); return; } rot = Float.parseFloat(words[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throwbackError(pc, "Supplied arguments " + words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + " failed to parse"); return; } catch (Exception e) { throwbackError(pc, "Invalid Rotate Command. Need Rotation specified."); return; // NaN } } else { try { rot = Float.parseFloat(words[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throwbackError(pc, "Supplied rotation " + words[0] + " failed to parse to a Float"); return; } catch (Exception e) { throwbackError(pc, "Invalid Rotate Command. Need Rotation specified."); return; // NaN } } Vector3f rotation = new Vector3f(0f, rot, 0f); Building b; if (id != 0) b = BuildingManager.getBuilding(id); else b = getTargetAsBuilding(pc); if (b != null) { rotateBuilding(pc, b, rotation, rot, false); return; } // building failed, try npc NPC npc; if (id != 0) npc = NPC.getNPC(id); else npc = getTargetAsNPC(pc); if (npc != null) { rotateNPC(pc, npc, rotation, false); return; } // NPC failed, try mob Mob mob; if (id != 0) mob = Mob.getMob(id); else mob = getTargetAsMob(pc); if (mob != null) { rotateMob(pc, mob, rotation, false); return; } throwbackError(pc, "Nothing found to rotate."); } } @Override protected String _getHelpString() { return "Rotates targeted or specified object"; } @Override protected String _getUsageString() { return "' /rotate [objectID] rotation' || ' /rot [objectID] rotation'"; } private void rotateBuilding(PlayerCharacter pc, Building building, Vector3f rot, float orig, boolean faceDirection) { if (!faceDirection) rot.set(0.0f, (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(orig) / 2), 0.0f); building.setRot(rot); building.setw((float) Math.abs(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(orig) / 2))); building.getBounds().setBounds(building); WorldGrid.updateObject(building, pc); DbManager.BuildingQueries.SET_PROPERTY(building, "rotY", building.getRot().getY()); DbManager.BuildingQueries.SET_PROPERTY(building, "w", building.getw()); ChatManager.chatSayInfo(pc, "Building with ID " + building.getObjectUUID() + " rotated"); } private void rotateNPC(PlayerCharacter pc, NPC npc, Vector3f rot, boolean faceDirection) { npc.setRot(rot); DbManager.NPCQueries.SET_PROPERTY(npc, "npc_rotation", rot.y); WorldGrid.updateObject(npc, pc); //no rotation for npc's in db currently ChatManager.chatSayInfo(pc, "NPC with ID " + npc.getObjectUUID() + " rotated"); } private void rotateMob(PlayerCharacter pc, Mob mob, Vector3f rot, boolean faceDirection) { mob.setRot(rot); DbManager.MobQueries.SET_PROPERTY(mob, "mob_rotation", rot.y); WorldGrid.updateObject(mob, pc); //no rotation for mobs's in db currently ChatManager.chatSayInfo(pc, "Mob with ID " + mob.getObjectUUID() + " rotated"); } private void rotateFace(PlayerCharacter pc, AbstractGameObject target) { AbstractWorldObject awo = (AbstractWorldObject) target; if (awo == null) return; Vector3fImmutable buildingLoc = awo.getLoc(); Vector3fImmutable playerLoc = pc.getLoc(); Vector3fImmutable faceDirection = playerLoc.subtract2D(buildingLoc); float rotangle = faceDirection.getRotation(); float rot = (float) Math.toDegrees(rotangle); if (rot > 180) rot *= -1; Vector3f buildingrotation = new Vector3f(0f, rot, 0f); Vector3f rotation = new Vector3f(0f, rotangle, 0f); if (target instanceof Building) rotateBuilding(pc, (Building) target, buildingrotation, rot, false); else if (target instanceof NPC) rotateNPC(pc, (NPC) target, rotation, true); else if (target instanceof Mob) rotateMob(pc, (Mob) target, rotation, true); else throwbackError(pc, "Target " + target.getObjectType() + " is not a valid object type"); } }