// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com // • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid; import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse; import engine.db.archive.MineRecord; import engine.gameManager.*; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import engine.server.world.WorldServer; import engine.session.SessionID; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import static engine.gameManager.DbManager.*; import static engine.math.FastMath.sqr; public class Mine extends AbstractGameObject { private String zoneName; private Resource production; private boolean isActive = false; private float latitude; private float longitude; private float altitude; private Guild owningGuild; private int lastClaimerID; private SessionID lastClaimerSessionID; private int flags; private int buildingID; private Zone parentZone; private MineProduction mineType; public LocalDateTime openDate; public boolean dirtyMine = false; //flags 1: never been claimed (make active). // Not persisted to DB private String guildName; private GuildTag guildTag; private String nationName; private GuildTag nationTag; public static ConcurrentHashMap mineMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); public static ConcurrentHashMap towerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private static long lastChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public Mine(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, UnknownHostException { super(rs); this.mineType = MineProduction.getByName(rs.getString("mine_type")); float offsetX = rs.getFloat("mine_offsetX"); float offsetZ = rs.getFloat("mine_offsetZ"); int ownerUID = rs.getInt("mine_ownerUID"); this.buildingID = rs.getInt("mine_buildingUID"); this.flags = rs.getInt("flags"); int parent = rs.getInt("parent"); this.parentZone = ZoneManager.getZoneByUUID(parent); if (parentZone != null) { this.latitude = parentZone.getLoc().x + offsetX; this.longitude = parentZone.getLoc().z + offsetZ; this.altitude = parentZone.getLoc().y; if (this.parentZone.getParent() != null) this.zoneName = this.parentZone.getParent().getName(); else this.zoneName = this.parentZone.getName(); } else { Logger.error( "Missing parentZone of ID " + parent); this.latitude = -1000; this.longitude = 1000; this.altitude = 0; this.zoneName = "Unknown Mine"; } this.owningGuild = Guild.getGuild(ownerUID); Guild nation = null; if (this.owningGuild != null && !this.owningGuild.isErrant()) { this.guildName = this.owningGuild.getName(); this.guildTag = this.owningGuild.getGuildTag(); nation = this.owningGuild.getNation(); } else { this.guildName = ""; this.guildTag = GuildTag.ERRANT; nation = Guild.getErrantGuild(); this.owningGuild = Guild.getErrantGuild(); } int mineTime = this.owningGuild.getMineTime(); if(!nation.isErrant()) { this.nationName = nation.getName(); this.nationTag = nation.getGuildTag(); mineTime = nation.getMineTime(); } else { this.nationName = ""; this.nationTag = GuildTag.ERRANT; } this.setActive(false); this.production = Resource.valueOf(rs.getString("mine_resource")); this.lastClaimerID = 0; this.lastClaimerSessionID = null; Timestamp mineOpenDateTime = rs.getTimestamp("mine_openDate"); if (mineOpenDateTime != null) this.openDate = mineOpenDateTime.toLocalDateTime(); } public static void SendMineAttackMessage(Building mine){ if (mine.getBlueprint() == null) return; if (mine.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != Enum.BuildingGroup.MINE) return; if (mine.getGuild().isErrant()) return; if (mine.getGuild().getNation().isErrant()) return; if (mine.getTimeStamp("MineAttack") > System.currentTimeMillis()) return; mine.getTimestamps().put("MineAttack", System.currentTimeMillis() + MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE); ChatManager.chatNationInfo(mine.getGuild().getNation(), mine.getName() + " in " + mine.getParentZone().getParent().getName() + " is Under attack!"); } private void setNextMineWindow() { int nextMineHour = MBServerStatics.MINE_EARLY_WINDOW;; LocalDateTime nextOpenDate = LocalDateTime.now().withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); // If errant use mine stays open. if (this.owningGuild == null || this.owningGuild.isErrant() == false) return; // Use the new owners Mine WOO. nextMineHour = this.owningGuild.getMineTime(); if ((this.openDate.getHour() == 0 || this.openDate.getHour() == 24) && (this.owningGuild.getMineTime() != 0 && this.owningGuild.getMineTime() != 24)) nextOpenDate = nextOpenDate.withHour(nextMineHour); else nextOpenDate = nextOpenDate.withHour(nextMineHour).plusDays(1); DbManager.MineQueries.CHANGE_MINE_TIME(this, nextOpenDate); this.openDate = nextOpenDate; } public static void loadAllMines() { try{ //Load mine resources MineProduction.addResources(); //pre-load all building sets ArrayList serverMines = MineQueries.GET_ALL_MINES_FOR_SERVER(); for (Mine mine : serverMines) { Mine.mineMap.put(mine, mine.buildingID); Mine.towerMap.put(mine.buildingID, mine); mine.initializeMineTime(); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * Getters */ private void initializeMineTime(){ Guild nation = null; if (this.owningGuild != null) nation = this.owningGuild.getNation(); int mineTime = (nation != null && !nation.isErrant()) ? nation.getMineTime() : MBServerStatics.MINE_EARLY_WINDOW; this.openDate = this.openDate.withHour(mineTime).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); //Failed to Update Database, default mine time. if (!MineQueries.CHANGE_MINE_TIME(this, openDate)){ Logger.info("Mine with UUID " + this.getObjectUUID() + " failed to set Mine Window. Defaulting to Earliest."); openDate = openDate.withHour(MBServerStatics.MINE_EARLY_WINDOW).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); this.openDate = openDate; return; } } public boolean changeProductionType(Resource resource){ if (!this.validForMine(resource)) return false; //update resource in database; if(!MineQueries.CHANGE_RESOURCE(this, resource)) return false; this.production = resource; return true; } public MineProduction getMineType() { return this.mineType; } public String getZoneName() { return this.zoneName; } public Resource getProduction() { return this.production; } public boolean getIsActive() { return this.isActive; } public float getAltitude() { return this.altitude; } public Guild getOwningGuild() { return this.owningGuild; } public int getFlags() { return flags; } public void setFlags(int flags) { this.flags = flags; } public Zone getParentZone() { return parentZone; } public GuildTag getGuildTag() { return guildTag; } public void setMineType(String type) { this.mineType = MineProduction.getByName(type); } public void setActive(boolean isAc) { this.isActive = isAc; Building building = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.buildingID); if (building != null && !this.isActive) building.isDeranking.compareAndSet(true, false); } public void setOwningGuild(Guild owningGuild) { this.owningGuild = owningGuild; } public static Mine getMineFromTower(int towerID) { return Mine.towerMap.get(towerID); } public boolean validForMine(Resource r) { if (this.mineType == null) return false; return this.mineType.validForMine(r, this.isExpansion()); } /* * Serialization */ public static void serializeForClientMsg(Mine mine,ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(mine.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(mine.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(mine.getObjectUUID()); //actually a hash of mine // writer.putInt(0x215C92BB); //this.unknown1); writer.putString(mine.mineType.name); writer.putString(mine.zoneName); writer.putInt(mine.production.hash); writer.putInt(mine.production.baseProduction); writer.putInt(mine.getModifiedProductionAmount()); //TODO calculate range penalty here writer.putInt(3600); //window in seconds LocalDateTime mw = mine.openDate; writer.putLocalDateTime(mw); mw = mw.plusHours(1); writer.putLocalDateTime(mw); writer.put(mine.isActive ? (byte) 0x01 : (byte) 0x00); writer.putFloat(mine.latitude); writer.putFloat(mine.altitude); writer.putFloat(mine.longitude); writer.putInt(mine.isExpansion() ? mine.mineType.xpacHash : mine.mineType.hash); writer.putString(mine.guildName); GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(mine.guildTag,writer); writer.putString(mine.nationName); GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(mine.nationTag,writer); } public void serializeForMineProduction(ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(this.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(this.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(this.getObjectUUID()); //actually a hash of mine // writer.putInt(0x215C92BB); //this.unknown1); writer.putString(this.mineType.name); writer.putString(this.zoneName); writer.putInt(this.production.hash); writer.putInt(this.production.baseProduction); writer.putInt(this.getModifiedProductionAmount()); //TODO calculate range penalty here writer.putInt(3600); //window in seconds writer.putInt(this.isExpansion() ? this.mineType.xpacHash : this.mineType.hash); } public static ArrayList getMinesForGuild(int guildID) { ArrayList mineList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Mine mine : Mine.mineMap.keySet()) { if (mine.owningGuild != null && mine.owningGuild.getObjectUUID() == guildID) mineList.add(mine); } return mineList; } public static long getLastChange() { return lastChange; } public static void setLastChange(long lastChange) { Mine.lastChange = lastChange; } /* * Database */ public static Mine getMine(int UID){ return MineQueries.GET_MINE(UID); } public static ArrayList getMines() { return new ArrayList<>(mineMap.keySet()); } @Override public void updateDatabase() { // TODO Create update logic. } public int getBuildingID() { return buildingID; } public void setBuildingID(int buildingID) { this.buildingID = buildingID; } public void handleStartMineWindow() { // Do not open errant mines until after woo // if ((this.getOwningGuild() == null) && // (this.getOpenDate().isAfter(DateTime.now()))) // return; this.lastClaimerID = 0; this.setActive(true); ChatManager.chatSystemChannel(this.zoneName + "'s Mine is now Active!"); Logger.info(this.zoneName + "'s Mine is now Active!"); } public static boolean validClaimer(PlayerCharacter pc) { //verify the player exists if (pc == null) return false; //verify the player is in valid guild Guild g = pc.getGuild(); if (g == null) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Mine can only be claimed by a guild."); return false; } else if (g.isErrant()) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Guild cannot be Errant to claim.."); return false; } //verify the player is in nation Guild n = g.getNation(); if (n.isErrant()) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Must have a Nation"); return false; } if (SessionManager.getPlayerCharacterByID(pc.getObjectUUID()) == null){ return false; } //Get a count of nation mines, can't go over capital tol rank. City capital = n.getOwnedCity(); City guildCity = g.getOwnedCity(); if (guildCity == null){ ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Guild must own city to claim."); return false; } if (capital == null) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Guild must own city to claim."); return false; } if (guildCity.getWarehouse() == null){ ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "City must own warehouse for to claim."); return false; } Building tol = capital.getTOL(); if (tol == null) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Tree of life not found for city."); return false; } int rank = tol.getRank(); if (rank < 1) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Tree of life is not yet sprouted."); return false; } int mineCnt = 0; mineCnt += Mine.getMinesForGuild(n.getObjectUUID()).size(); for (Guild guild: n.getSubGuildList()){ mineCnt += Mine.getMinesForGuild(guild.getObjectUUID()).size(); } if (mineCnt > rank) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Your Nation can only hold " + tol.getRank() + " mines. Your Nation already has" + mineCnt); return false; } return true; } public void handleDestroyMine() { if (!this.isActive) return; //remove tags from mine this.guildName = ""; this.nationName = ""; this.owningGuild = null; Mine.setLastChange(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Update database DbManager.MineQueries.CHANGE_OWNER(this, 0); // Update mesh Building mineBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.buildingID); if (mineBuilding == null){ Logger.debug( "Null mine building " + this.getObjectUUID() +". Unable to Load Building with UID " +this.buildingID); return; } mineBuilding.setOwner(null); mineBuilding.refresh(false); // remove hirelings Building building = (Building) getObject(Enum.GameObjectType.Building, this.buildingID); BuildingManager.cleanupHirelings(building); } public boolean handleEndMineWindow(){ // No need to end the window of a mine which never opened. if (this.isActive == false) return false; Building mineBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.buildingID); if (mineBuilding == null){ Logger.debug( "Failed to Activate Mine with UID " + this.getObjectUUID() +". Unable to Load Building with UID " +this.buildingID); return false; } if (mineBuilding.getRank() > 0) { //never knocked down, let's just move on. //hasn't been claimed since server start. if (this.dirtyMine && this.lastClaimerID == 0 && (this.owningGuild == null || this.owningGuild.isErrant())) return false; this.setActive(false); setNextMineWindow(); return true; } PlayerCharacter claimer = PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(this.lastClaimerID); if (!validClaimer(claimer)){ LocalDateTime resetTime = LocalDateTime.now().withDayOfMonth(LocalDateTime.now().getDayOfMonth()).withHour(LocalDateTime.now().getHour()).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); this.openDate = resetTime; return false; } // //verify the player hasn't logged out since claim // if (SessionManager.getSession(claimer) == null) // return false; // if (!SessionManager.getSession(claimer).getSessionID().equals(this.lastClaimerSessionID)) // return false; if (this.owningGuild == null || this.owningGuild.isErrant() || this.owningGuild.getNation().isErrant()){ LocalDateTime resetTime = LocalDateTime.now().withDayOfMonth(LocalDateTime.now().getDayOfMonth()).withHour(LocalDateTime.now().getHour()).withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0); this.openDate = resetTime; return false; } //Update ownership to map this.guildName = this.owningGuild.getName(); this.guildTag = this.owningGuild.getGuildTag(); Guild nation = this.owningGuild.getNation(); this.nationName = nation.getName(); this.nationTag = nation.getGuildTag(); setNextMineWindow(); setLastChange(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (mineBuilding.getRank() < 1){ if (claimer == null){ this.lastClaimerID = 0; updateGuildOwner(null); return false; } this.dirtyMine = false; mineBuilding.rebuildMine(); WorldGrid.updateObject(mineBuilding); ChatManager.chatSystemChannel(claimer.getName() + " has claimed the mine in " + this.parentZone.getParent().getName() + " for " + this.owningGuild.getName() + ". The mine is no longer active."); // Warehouse this claim event MineRecord mineRecord = MineRecord.borrow(this, claimer, Enum.RecordEventType.CAPTURE); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(mineRecord); }else{ mineBuilding.setRank(mineBuilding.getRank()); } this.setActive(false); return true; } public boolean claimMine(PlayerCharacter claimer){ if (claimer == null) return false; if (!validClaimer(claimer)) return false; if (!this.isActive) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(claimer, "Can not for to claim inactive mine."); return false; } if (!updateGuildOwner(claimer)) return false; this.lastClaimerID = claimer.getObjectUUID(); Mine.setLastChange(System.currentTimeMillis()); return true; } public boolean depositMineResources(){ if (this.owningGuild == null) return false; if (this.owningGuild.getOwnedCity() == null) return false; if (this.owningGuild.getOwnedCity().getWarehouse() == null) return false; ItemBase resourceIB = ItemBase.getItemBase(this.production.UUID); return this.owningGuild.getOwnedCity().getWarehouse().depositFromMine(this,resourceIB, this.getModifiedProductionAmount()); } public boolean updateGuildOwner(PlayerCharacter pc){ Building mineBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.buildingID); //should never return null, but let's check just in case. if (mineBuilding == null){ ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Unable to find mine tower."); Logger.debug("Failed to Update Mine with UID " + this.getObjectUUID() +". Unable to Load Building with UID " +this.buildingID ); return false; } if (pc == null) { this.owningGuild = null; this.guildName = "None"; this.guildTag = GuildTag.ERRANT; this.nationName = "None"; this.nationTag = GuildTag.ERRANT; //Update Building. mineBuilding.setOwner(null); WorldGrid.updateObject(mineBuilding); return true; } if (SessionManager.getSession(pc) != null) { this.lastClaimerSessionID = SessionManager.getSession(pc).getSessionID(); } else { Logger.error("Failed to find session for player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); return false; } Guild guild = pc.getGuild(); if (guild.getOwnedCity() == null) return false; if (!MineQueries.CHANGE_OWNER(this, guild.getObjectUUID())) { Logger.debug("Database failed to Change Ownership of Mine with UID " + this.getObjectUUID()); ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, "Failed to claim Mine."); return false; } //All tests passed. //update mine. this.owningGuild = guild; // this.guildName = this.owningGuild.getName(); // this.guildTag = this.owningGuild.getGuildTag(); // // //nation will never return null, read getNation() // Guild nation = this.owningGuild.getNation(); // this.nationName = nation.getName(); // this.nationTag = nation.getGuildTag(); //Update Building. PlayerCharacter guildLeader = (PlayerCharacter) Guild.GetGL(this.owningGuild); if (guildLeader != null) mineBuilding.setOwner(guildLeader); WorldGrid.updateObject(mineBuilding); return true; } public boolean isExpansion(){ return (this.flags & 2) != 0; } public int getModifiedProductionAmount(){ //TODO Calculate Distance modifications. //calculate base values. int baseProduction = this.production.baseProduction; float baseModValue = this.production.baseProduction * .1f; float rankModValue = this.production.baseProduction * .0143f; float totalModded = 0; //get Mine Building. Building mineBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuilding(this.buildingID); if (mineBuilding == null) return this.production.baseProduction; for (AbstractCharacter harvester:mineBuilding.getHirelings().keySet()){ totalModded += baseModValue; totalModded += rankModValue * harvester.getRank(); } //add base production on top; totalModded += baseProduction; //skip distance check for expansion. if (this.isExpansion()) return (int) totalModded; if (this.owningGuild != null){ if(this.owningGuild.getOwnedCity() != null){ float distanceSquared = this.owningGuild.getOwnedCity().getLoc().distanceSquared2D(mineBuilding.getLoc()); if (distanceSquared > sqr(10000 * 3)) totalModded *=.25f; else if (distanceSquared > sqr(10000 * 2)) totalModded *= .50f; else if (distanceSquared > sqr(10000)) totalModded *= .75f; } } return (int) totalModded; } }