// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.Enum.CharacterSkills; import engine.Enum.ModType; import engine.Enum.SourceType; import engine.gameManager.DbManager; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class CharacterSkill extends AbstractGameObject { private static final int[] maxTrains = { 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, //0 to 4 29, 32, 34, 36, 38, //5 to 9 40, 42, 43, 45, 47, //10 to 14 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, //15 to 19 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, //20 to 24 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, //25 to 29 66, 67, 68, 68, 69, //30 to 34 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, //35 to 39 75, 76, 76, 77, 78, //40 to 44 79, 80, 80, 81, 82, //45 to 49 83, 83, 84, 85, 85, //50 to 54 86, 87, 88, 88, 89, //55 to 59 90, 90, 91, 92, 92, //60 to 64 93, 94, 94, 95, 95, //65 to 69 96, 97, 97, 98, 99, //70 to 74 99, 100, 100, 101, 101, //75 to 79 102, 103, 103, 104, 104, //80 to 84 105, 105, 106, 106, 107, //85 to 89 108, 109, 109, 110, 110, //90 to 94 111, 112, 112, 113, 113, //95 to 99 114, 115, 115, 116, 116, //100 to 104 117, 118, 118, 119, 119, //105 to 109 120, 121, 121, 122, 122, //110 to 114 123, 124, 124, 125, 125, //115 to 119 126, 127, 127, 128, 128, //120 to 124 129, 130, 130, 131, 131, //125 to 129 132, 133, 133, 134, 134, //130 to 134 135, 136, 136, 137, 137, //135 to 139 138, 139, 139, 140, 140, //140 to 144 141, 142, 142, 143, 143, //145 to 149 144, 145, 145, 146, 146, //150 to 154 147, 148, 148, 149, 149, //155 to 159 150, 151, 151, 152, 152, //160 to 164 153, 154, 154, 155, 155, //165 to 169 156, 157, 157, 158, 158, //170 to 174 159, 160, 160, 161, 161, //175 to 179 162, 163, 163, 164, 164, //180 to 184 165, 166, 166, 167, 167, //185 to 189 168}; //190 private static final float[] baseSkillValues = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.6f, //0 to 4 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.1666666f, 1.3333334f, 1.5f, //5 to 9 1.6666667f, 1.8333334f, 2.0f, 2.2f, 2.4f, //10 to 14 2.6f, 2.8f, 3.0f, 3.2f, 3.4f, //15 to 19 3.6f, 3.8f, 4.0f, 4.2f, 4.4f, //20 to 24 4.6f, 4.8f, 5.0f, 5.25f, 5.5f, //25 to 29 5.75f, 6.0f, 6.2f, 6.4f, 6.6f, //30 to 34 6.8f, 7.0f, 7.25f, 7.5f, 7.75f, //35 to 39 8.0f, 8.2f, 8.4f, 8.6f, 8.8f, //40 to 44 9.0f, 9.25f, 9.5f, 9.75f, 10.0f, //45 to 49 10.25f, 10.5f, 10.75f, 11.0f, 11.2f, //50 to 54 11.4f, 11.6f, 11.8f, 12.0f, 12.25f, //55 to 59 12.5f, 12.75f, 13.0f, 13.25f, 13.5f, //60 to 64 13.75f, 14.0f, 14.25f, 14.5f, 14.75f, //65 to 69 15.0f, 15.333333f, 15.666667f, 16.0f, 16.25f, //70 to 74 16.5f, 16.75f, 17.0f, 17.25f, 17.5f, //75 to 79 17.75f, 18.0f, 18.25f, 18.5f, 18.75f, //80 to 84 19.0f, 19.333334f, 19.666666f, 20.0f, 20.25f, //85 to 89 20.5f, 20.75f, 21.0f, 21.25f, 21.5f, //90 to 94 21.75f, 22.0f, 22.333334f, 22.666666f, 23.0f, //95 to 99 23.25f, 23.5f, 23.75f, 24.0f, 24.333334f, //100 to 104 24.666666f, 25.0f, 25.25f, 25.5f, 25.75f, //105 to 109 26.0f, 26.333334f, 26.666666f, 27.0f, 27.333334f, //110 to 114 27.666666f, 28.0f, 28.25f, 28.5f, 28.75f, //115 to 119 29.0f, 29.333334f, 29.666666f, 30.0f, 30.333334f, //120 to 124 30.666666f, 31.0f, 31.25f, 31.5f, 31.75f, //125 to 129 32.0f, 32.333332f, 32.666668f, 33.0f, 33.333332f, //130 to 134 33.666668f, 34.0f, 34.333332f, 34.666668f, 35.0f, //135 to 139 35.333332f, 35.666668f, 36.0f, 36.333332f, 36.666668f, //140 to 144 37.0f, 37.25f, 37.5f, 37.75f, 38.0f, //145 to 149 38.333332f, 38.666668f, 39.0f, 39.333332f, 39.666668f, //150 to 154 40.0f, 40.333332f, 40.666668f, 41.0f, 41.333332f, //155 to 159 41.666668f, 42.0f, 42.333332f, 42.666668f, 43.0f, //160 to 164 43.333332f, 43.666668f, 44.0f, 44.333332f, 44.666668f, //165 to 169 45.0f, 45.5f, 46.0f, 46.333332f, 46.666668f, //170 to 174 47.0f, 47.333332f, 47.666668f, 48.0f, 48.333332f, //175 to 179 48.666668f, 49.0f, 49.333332f, 49.666668f, 50.0f, //180 to 184 50.333332f, 50.666668f, 51.0f, 51.333332f, 51.666668f, //185 to 189 52.0f, 52.5f, 53.0f, 53.333332f, 53.666668f, //190 to 194 54.0f, 54.333332f, 54.666668f, 55.0f, 55.333332f, //195 to 199 55.666668f, 56.0f, 56.333332f, 56.666668f, 57.0f, //200 to 204 57.5f, 58.0f, 58.333332f, 58.666668f, 59.0f, //205 to 209 59.333332f, 59.666668f, 60.0f, 60.5f, 61.0f, //210 to 214 61.333332f, 61.666668f, 62.0f, 62.333332f, 62.666668f, //215 to 219 63.0f, 63.5f, 64.0f, 64.333336f, 64.666664f, //220 to 224 65.0f, 65.333336f, 65.666664f, 66.0f, 66.5f, //225 to 229 67.0f, 67.333336f, 67.666664f, 68.0f, 68.5f, //230 to 234 69.0f, 69.333336f, 69.666664f, 70.0f, 70.333336f, //235 to 239 70.666664f, 71.0f, 71.5f, 72.0f, 72.5f, //240 to 244 73.0f, 73.333336f, 73.666664f, 74.0f, 74.333336f, //245 to 249 74.666664f, 75.0f, 75.5f, 76.0f, 76.333336f, //250 to 254 76.666664f, 77.0f, 77.5f, 78.0f, 78.333336f, //255 to 259 78.666664f, 79.0f, 79.5f, 80.0f, 80.333336f, //260 to 264 80.666664f, 81.0f, 81.5f, 82.0f, 82.333336f, //265 to 269 82.666664f, 83.0f, 83.5f, 84.0f, 84.333336f, //270 to 274 84.666664f, 85.0f, 85.5f, 86.0f, 86.5f, //275 to 279 87.0f, 87.333336f, 87.666664f, 88.0f, 88.5f, //280 to 284 89.0f, 89.333336f, 89.666664f, 90.0f, 90.5f, //285 to 289 91.0f, 91.5f, 92.0f, 92.333336f, 92.666664f, //290 to 294 93.0f, 93.5f, 94.0f, 94.5f, 95.0f, //295 to 299 95.333336f, 95.666664f, 96.0f, 96.5f, 97.0f, //300 to 304 97.5f, 98.0f, 98.333336f, 98.666664f, 99.0f, //305 to 309 99.5f, 100.0f, 100.5f, 101.0f, 101.5f, //310 to 314 102.0f, 102.5f, 103.0f, 103.333336f, 103.666664f, //315 to 319 104.0f, 104.333336f, 104.666664f, 105.0f, 105.5f, //320 to 324 106.0f, 106.5f, 107.0f, 108.0f, 108.333336f, //325 to 329 108.666664f, 109.0f, 109.333336f, 109.666664f, 110.0f, //330 to 334 110.5f, 111.0f, 111.5f, 112.0f, 112.5f, //335 to 339 113.0f, 113.333336f, 113.666664f, 114.0f, 114.5f, //340 to 344 115.0f, 115.5f, 116.0f, 116.5f, 117.0f, //345 to 349 117.5f, 118.0f, 118.333336f, 118.666664f, 119.0f, //350 to 354 119.5f, 120.0f, 120.5f, 121.0f, 121.5f, //355 to 359 122.0f, 122.5f, 123.0f, 123.333336f, 123.666664f, //360 to 364 124.0f, 124.5f, 125.0f, 125.5f, 126.0f, //365 to 369 126.5f, 127.0f, 127.5f, 128.0f, 128.5f, //370 to 374 129.0f, 129.5f, 130.0f, 130.33333f, 130.66667f, //375 to 379 131.0f, 131.5f, 132.0f, 132.5f, 133.0f, //380 to 384 133.5f, 134.0f, 134.5f, 135.0f, 135.5f, //385 to 389 136.0f, 136.5f, 137.0f, 137.5f, 138.0f, //390 to 394 138.5f, 139.0f, 139.5f, 140.0f, 140.33333f, //395 to 399 140.66667f, 141.0f, 141.5f, 142.0f, 142.5f, //400 to 404 143.0f, 143.5f, 144.0f, 144.5f, 145.0f, //405 to 409 145.5f, 146.0f, 146.5f, 147.0f, 147.5f, //410 to 414 148.0f, 148.5f, 149.0f, 149.5f, 150.0f, //415 to 419 150.5f, 151.0f, 151.5f, 152.0f, 152.5f, //420 to 424 153.0f, 153.5f, 154.0f, 154.5f, 155.0f, //425 to 429 155.5f, 156.0f, 156.5f, 157.0f, 157.5f, //430 to 434 158.0f, 158.5f, 159.0f, 159.5f, 160.0f, //435 to 439 160.5f, 161.0f, 161.5f, 162.0f, 162.5f, //440 to 444 163.0f, 163.5f, 164.0f, 164.5f, 165.0f, //445 to 449 165.5f, 166.0f, 166.5f, 167.0f, 167.5f, //450 to 454 168.0f, 168.5f, 169.0f, 169.5f, 170.0f, //455 to 459 170.5f, 171.0f, 171.5f, 172.0f, 172.5f, //460 to 464 173.0f, 173.5f, 174.0f, 174.5f, 175.0f, //465 to 469 176.0f, 176.5f, 177.0f, 177.5f, 178.0f, //470 to 474 178.5f, 179.0f, 179.5f, 180.0f, 180.5f, //475 to 479 181.0f, 181.5f, 182.0f, 182.5f, 183.0f, //480 to 484 183.5f, 184.0f, 184.5f, 185.0f, 185.5f, //485 to 489 186.0f, 187.0f, 187.5f, 188.0f, 188.5f, //490 to 494 189.0f, 189.5f, 190.0f, 190.5f, 191.0f, //495 to 499 191.5f, 192.0f, 192.5f, 193.0f, 193.5f, //500 to 504 194.0f, 194.5f, 195.0f, 196.0f, 196.5f, //505 to 509 197.0f, 197.5f, 198.0f, 198.5f, 199.0f, //510 to 514 199.5f, 200.0f, 200.5f, 201.0f, 201.5f, //515 to 519 202.0f, 203.0f, 203.5f, 204.0f, 204.5f, //520 to 524 205.0f, 205.5f, 206.0f, 206.5f, 207.0f, //525 to 529 207.5f, 208.0f, 209.0f, 209.5f, 210.0f, //530 to 534 210.5f, 211.0f, 211.5f, 212.0f, 212.5f, //535 to 539 213.0f, 214.0f, 214.5f, 215.0f, 215.5f, //540 to 544 216.0f, 216.5f, 217.0f, 217.5f, 218.0f, //545 to 549 218.5f, 219.0f, 220.0f, 220.5f, 221.0f, //550 to 554 221.5f, 222.0f, 222.5f, 223.0f, 224.0f, //555 to 559 224.5f, 225.0f, 225.5f, 226.0f, 226.5f, //560 to 564 227.0f, 227.5f, 228.0f, 229.0f, 229.5f, //565 to 569 230.0f, 230.5f, 231.0f, 231.5f, 232.0f, //570 to 574 233.0f, 233.5f, 234.0f, 234.5f, 235.0f, //575 to 579 235.5f, 236.0f, 237.0f, 237.5f, 238.0f, //580 to 584 238.5f, 239.0f, 239.5f, 240.0f, 241.0f, //585 to 589 241.5f, 242.0f, 242.5f, 243.0f, 243.5f, //590 to 594 244.0f, 245.0f, 245.5f, 246.0f, 246.5f, //595 to 599 247.0f}; //600 private SkillsBase skillsBase; private AtomicInteger numTrains = new AtomicInteger(); private CharacterSkills skillType; //Skill% before trains and before any effects or item bonuses private float baseAmountBeforeMods; //Skill% after trains but before any effects or item bonuses private float modifiedAmountBeforeMods; private boolean isMobOwner = false; //Skill% before trains but after any effects or item bonuses private float baseAmount; //Skill% after trains and after any effects or item bonuses private float modifiedAmount; private int ownerUID; private boolean trained = false; private int requiredLevel = 0; /** * No Table ID Constructor */ public CharacterSkill(SkillsBase skillsBase, PlayerCharacter pc) { super(); this.skillsBase = skillsBase; this.numTrains.set(0); this.ownerUID = pc.getObjectUUID(); calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); this.skillType = CharacterSkills.GetCharacterSkillByToken(this.skillsBase.getToken()); } /** * Normal Constructor */ public CharacterSkill(SkillsBase skillsBase, PlayerCharacter pc, int newUUID) { super(newUUID); this.skillsBase = skillsBase; this.numTrains.set(0); this.ownerUID = pc.getObjectUUID(); this.trained = true; calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); this.skillType = CharacterSkills.GetCharacterSkillByToken(this.skillsBase.getToken()); } /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public CharacterSkill(ResultSet rs, PlayerCharacter pc) throws SQLException { super(rs); int skillsBaseID = rs.getInt("SkillsBaseID"); this.skillsBase = DbManager.SkillsBaseQueries.GET_BASE(skillsBaseID); this.numTrains.set(rs.getShort("trains")); this.ownerUID = pc.getObjectUUID(); calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); this.skillType = CharacterSkills.GetCharacterSkillByToken(this.skillsBase.getToken()); } public CharacterSkill(SkillsBase sb, Mob mob, int trains) { super(); this.skillsBase = sb; this.numTrains.set(trains); this.ownerUID = mob.getObjectUUID(); this.isMobOwner = true; calculateMobBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); this.skillType = CharacterSkills.GetCharacterSkillByToken(this.skillsBase.getToken()); } public CharacterSkill(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { super(rs); int skillsBaseID = rs.getInt("SkillsBaseID"); this.skillsBase = DbManager.SkillsBaseQueries.GET_BASE(skillsBaseID); this.numTrains.set(rs.getShort("trains")); this.ownerUID = rs.getInt("CharacterID"); // this.owner = DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.GET_PLAYER_CHARACTER(rs.getInt("CharacterID")); calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); this.skillType = CharacterSkills.GetCharacterSkillByToken(this.skillsBase.getToken()); } public static AbstractCharacter GetOwner(CharacterSkill cs) { if (cs.ownerUID == 0) return null; if (cs.isMobOwner) return Mob.getFromCache(cs.ownerUID); else return PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(cs.ownerUID); } /* * Getters */ public static float getATR(AbstractCharacter ac, String name) { if (ac == null) return 0f; float atr; ConcurrentHashMap skills = ac.getSkills(); CharacterSkill skill = skills.get(name); if (skill != null) atr = skill.getATR(ac); else { float mast = CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery(ac, name); atr = (((int) mast * 7) + (ac.getStatDexCurrent() / 2)); } //apply effect mods PlayerBonuses bonus = ac.getBonuses(); if (bonus == null) return atr; atr += bonus.getFloat(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None); float pos_Bonus = bonus.getFloatPercentPositive(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None); atr *= (1 + pos_Bonus); //rUNES will already be applied // atr *= (1 + ((float)bonus.getShort("rune.Attack") / 100)); //precise float neg_Bonus = bonus.getFloatPercentNegative(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None); atr *= (1 + neg_Bonus); return atr; } public static void serializeForClientMsg(CharacterSkill characterSkill, ByteBufferWriter writer) { if (characterSkill.skillsBase == null) { Logger.error("SkillsBase not found for skill " + characterSkill.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } else { writer.putInt(characterSkill.skillsBase.getToken()); writer.putInt(characterSkill.numTrains.get()); } } /** * @ This updates all Base Skill Amouts for a player * Convienence method */ public static void updateAllBaseAmounts(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return; ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); Iterator it = skills.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = it.next(); CharacterSkill cs = skills.get(name); if (cs != null) cs.calculateBaseAmount(); // Logger.info("CharacterSkill", pc.getName() + ", skill: " + // cs.getSkillsBase().getName() + ", trains: " + cs.numTrains + // ", base: " + cs.baseAmount + ", mod: " + cs.modifiedAmount); } //Recalculate ATR, damage and defense //pc.calculateAtrDefenseDamage(); //recalculate movement bonus //pc.calculateSpeedMod(); } /** * @ This updates all Modified skill Amounts for a player * Convienence method */ public static void updateAllModifiedAmounts(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return; ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); Iterator it = skills.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = it.next(); CharacterSkill cs = skills.get(name); if (cs != null) cs.calculateModifiedAmount(); } //Recalculate ATR, damage and defense //pc.calculateAtrDefenseDamage(); } public static int getTrainsAvailable(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return 0; if (pc.getRace() == null || pc.getBaseClass() == null) { Logger.error("Race or BaseClass not found for player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); return 0; } int raceBonus = 0; int baseMod = 0; int promoMod = 6; int available = 0; //get racial bonus; if (pc.getRace().getRaceType().equals(Enum.RaceType.HUMANMALE) || pc.getRace().getRaceType().equals(Enum.RaceType.HUMANFEMALE)) raceBonus = 1; //Human racial bonus; //get base class trains if (pc.getBaseClass().getObjectUUID() == 2500 || pc.getBaseClass().getObjectUUID() == 2502) { baseMod = 4; //Fighter or Rogue } else { baseMod = 5; //Healer or Mage } int level = pc.getLevel(); if (level > 74) available = 62 + (49 * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else if (level > 69) available = ((level - 69) * 3) + 45 + (49 * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else if (level > 64) available = ((level - 64) * 4) + 25 + (49 * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else if (level > 59) //Between 60 and 65 available = ((level - 59) * 5) + (49 * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else if (level > 10) //Between 11 and 59 available = ((level - 10) * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); // available = (level - 59) + (49 * (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus)) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else if (level == 10 && (pc.getPromotionClass() != null)) //10 but promoted available = (promoMod + baseMod + raceBonus) + (9 * (baseMod + raceBonus)); else //not promoted available = (level - 1) * (baseMod + raceBonus); //next subtract trains in any skills ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); Iterator it = skills.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = it.next(); CharacterSkill cs = skills.get(name); if (cs != null) available -= cs.numTrains.get(); } //TODO subtract any trains from powers ConcurrentHashMap powers = pc.getPowers(); for (CharacterPower power : powers.values()) { if (power != null) available -= power.getTrains(); } if (MBServerStatics.BONUS_TRAINS_ENABLED) { available += 1000; } // if (available < 0) { //TODO readd this error log after test // Logger.error("CharacterSkill.getTrainsAvailable", "Number of trains available less then 0 for Player " + pc.getUUID()); // available = 0; // } //return what's left return available; } /** * @ Returns mastery base when mastery not granted * to player. For calculating damage correctly */ public static float getQuickMastery(AbstractCharacter pc, String mastery) { SkillsBase sb = SkillsBase.getFromCache(mastery); if (sb == null) { sb = DbManager.SkillsBaseQueries.GET_BASE_BY_NAME(mastery); if (sb == null) { //Logger.error("CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery", "Unable to find skillsbase of name " + mastery); return 0f; } } float bonus = 0f; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.GetSourceType(sb.getNameNoSpace()); if (pc.getBonuses() != null) { //Get bonuses from runes bonus = pc.getBonuses().getSkillBonus(sb.sourceType); } float base = 4.75f; base += (0.0025f * sb.getStrMod() * pc.getStatStrCurrent()); base += (0.0025f * sb.getDexMod() * pc.getStatDexCurrent()); base += (0.0025f * sb.getConMod() * pc.getStatConCurrent()); base += (0.0025f * sb.getIntMod() * pc.getStatIntCurrent()); base += (0.0025f * sb.getSpiMod() * pc.getStatSpiCurrent()); return base + bonus; } /* * This iterates through players runes and adds and removes skills as needed * Don't Call this directly. Instead call pc.calculateSkills(). */ public static void calculateSkills(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return; ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); //First add skills that don't exist Race race = pc.getRace(); if (race != null) { CharacterSkill.grantSkills(race.getSkillsGranted(), pc); } else Logger.error("Failed to find Race for player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); BaseClass bc = pc.getBaseClass(); if (bc != null) { CharacterSkill.grantSkills(bc.getSkillsGranted(), pc); } else Logger.error("Failed to find BaseClass for player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); PromotionClass promo = pc.getPromotionClass(); if (promo != null) CharacterSkill.grantSkills(promo.getSkillsGranted(), pc); ArrayList runes = pc.getRunes(); if (runes != null) { for (CharacterRune rune : runes) { CharacterSkill.grantSkills(rune.getSkillsGranted(), pc); } } else Logger.error("Failed to find Runes list for player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); //next remove any skills that no longer belong Iterator it = skills.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CharacterSkill cs = it.next(); if (cs == null) continue; SkillsBase sb = cs.skillsBase; if (sb == null) { DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.DELETE_SKILL(cs.getObjectUUID()); it.remove(); continue; } boolean valid = false; if (CharacterSkill.skillAllowed(sb.getObjectUUID(), race.getSkillsGranted(), pc)) continue; if (CharacterSkill.skillAllowed(sb.getObjectUUID(), bc.getSkillsGranted(), pc)) continue; if (promo != null) if (CharacterSkill.skillAllowed(sb.getObjectUUID(), promo.getSkillsGranted(), pc)) continue; for (CharacterRune rune : runes) { if (CharacterSkill.skillAllowed(sb.getObjectUUID(), rune.getSkillsGranted(), pc)) { valid = true; continue; } } //if skill doesn't belong to any runes, then remove it if (!valid) { DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.DELETE_SKILL(cs.getObjectUUID()); it.remove(); } } CharacterSkill.updateAllBaseAmounts(pc); CharacterSkill.updateAllModifiedAmounts(pc); CharacterPower.calculatePowers(pc); } /* *This grants skills for specific runes */ private static void grantSkills(ArrayList skillsGranted, PlayerCharacter pc) { ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); if (skills == null) return; for (SkillReq skillreq : skillsGranted) { SkillsBase skillsBase = skillreq.getSkillsBase(); //If player not high enough level for skill, then skip if (pc.getLevel() < skillreq.getLevel()) continue; //If player doesn't have prereq skills high enough then skip boolean valid = true; for (byte prereqSkill : skillreq.getSkillReqs()) { SkillsBase sb = null; sb = DbManager.SkillsBaseQueries.GET_BASE(prereqSkill); if (sb != null) { if (skills.containsKey(sb.getName())) { if (validForWarrior(pc, skills.get(sb.getName()), skillreq)) { valid = true; break; //add if any prereq skills met } else if (skills.get(sb.getName()).modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 80) { valid = true; break; //add if any prereq skills met // allow blade masters to use blade master without training sword above 80.. } else if (skillsBase.getObjectUUID() == 9) { valid = true; break; } } } else { Logger.error("Failed to find SkillsBase of ID " + prereqSkill); } valid = false; } // Throwing does not need axe,dagger, or hammer at 80% if (skillreq.getSkillID() == 43) valid = true; if (!valid) continue; //Skill valid for player. Add if don't already have if (skillsBase != null) { if (!skills.containsKey(skillsBase.getName())) { CharacterSkill newSkill = new CharacterSkill(skillsBase, pc); CharacterSkill cs = null; try { cs = DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.ADD_SKILL(newSkill); } catch (Exception e) { cs = null; } if (cs != null) { cs.requiredLevel = (int) skillreq.getLevel(); skills.put(skillsBase.getName(), cs); } else Logger.error("Failed to add CharacterSkill to player " + pc.getObjectUUID()); } else { CharacterSkill cs = skills.get(skillsBase.getName()); if (cs != null && cs.requiredLevel == 0) { cs.requiredLevel = (int) skillreq.getLevel(); } } } else Logger.error("Failed to find SkillsBase for SkillReq " + skillreq.getObjectUUID()); } } private static boolean validForWarrior(PlayerCharacter pc, CharacterSkill skill, SkillReq skillreq) { if (pc.getPromotionClass() == null || pc.getPromotionClass().getObjectUUID() != 2518 || skill == null || skillreq == null) return false; //not a warrior int sID = (skill.skillsBase != null) ? skill.skillsBase.getObjectUUID() : 0; switch (skillreq.getSkillID()) { case 3: //Axe mastery case 19: //Great axe mastery return (sID == 4) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 15: //Dagger mastery return (sID == 16) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 20: //Great hammer mastery case 22: //Hammer mastery return (sID == 23) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 28: //Polearm mastery return (sID == 29) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 21: //Great sword mastery case 39: //Sword mastery return (sID == 40) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 34: //Spear mastery return (sID == 35) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 36: //Staff mastery return (sID == 37) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 45: //Unarmed combat mastery return (sID == 46) ? (skill.modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 50) : false; case 40: return true; case 9: return true; default: } return false; } /* * This verifies if a skill is valid for a players rune */ private static boolean skillAllowed(int UUID, ArrayList skillsGranted, PlayerCharacter pc) { ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); for (SkillReq skillreq : skillsGranted) { SkillsBase sb = skillreq.getSkillsBase(); if (sb != null) { if (sb.getObjectUUID() == UUID) { if (skillreq.getLevel() <= pc.getLevel()) { SkillsBase sbp = null; if (skillreq.getSkillReqs().size() == 0) return true; for (byte prereqSkill : skillreq.getSkillReqs()) { sbp = DbManager.SkillsBaseQueries.GET_BASE(prereqSkill); if (sbp != null && skills.containsKey(sbp.getName())) { if (validForWarrior(pc, skills.get(sbp.getName()), skillreq)) { return true; } else if (skills.get(sbp.getName()).modifiedAmountBeforeMods >= 80) return true; } } if (skillreq.getSkillID() == 43) return true; if (skillreq.getSkillID() == 9) return true; } } } else Logger.error("Failed to find SkillsBase for SkillReq " + skillreq.getObjectUUID()); } return false; } //Print skills for player for debugging public static void printSkills(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return; ConcurrentHashMap skills = pc.getSkills(); String out = "Player: " + pc.getObjectUUID() + ", SkillCount: " + skills.size(); Iterator it = skills.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = it.next(); out += ", " + name; } Logger.info(out); } public static int getMaxTrains(int intt) { if (intt > 0 && intt < 191) return CharacterSkill.maxTrains[intt]; else return (int) (33 + 1.25 * intt - 0.005 * Math.pow(intt, 2)); } private float getATR(AbstractCharacter ac) { return (((int) this.modifiedAmount * 7) + (ac.getStatDexCurrent() / 2)); } public synchronized boolean train(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null || this.skillsBase == null) return false; boolean running = false; //trying out a table lookup int intt = (int) pc.statIntBase; int maxTrains = 0; if (intt > 0 && intt < 191) maxTrains = CharacterSkill.maxTrains[intt]; else maxTrains = (int) (33 + 1.25 * (int) pc.statIntBase - 0.005 * Math.pow((int) pc.statIntBase, 2)); int oldTrains = this.numTrains.get(); boolean succeeded = true; if (pc.getTrainsAvailable() <= 0) return false; if (oldTrains == maxTrains) //at gold, stop here return false; else if (oldTrains > maxTrains) //catch incase we somehow go over this.numTrains.set(maxTrains); else //add the train succeeded = this.numTrains.compareAndSet(oldTrains, oldTrains + 1); if (this.numTrains.get() > maxTrains) { //double check not over max trains this.numTrains.set(maxTrains); succeeded = false; } if (succeeded) { this.trained = true; //subtract from trains available pc.modifyTrainsAvailable(-1); //update database pc.addDatabaseJob("Skills", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); //recalculate this skill calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); //see if any new skills or powers granted pc.calculateSkills(); //reapply all bonuses pc.applyBonuses(); //update cache if running trains change if (running) pc.incVer(); return true; } else return false; } public float getTrainingCost(PlayerCharacter pc, NPC trainer) { int charLevel = pc.getLevel(); int skillRank = this.getNumTrains() - 1 + this.requiredLevel; float baseCost = 15 * this.requiredLevel; //TODO GET BASE COSTS OF SKILLS. float sellPercent = -.20f; float cost; float const5; int const2 = 1; float const3 = 50; float const4 = const3 + const2; if (charLevel > 50) const5 = 50 / const4; else const5 = charLevel / const4; const5 = 1 - const5; const5 = (float) (Math.log(const5) / Math.log(2) * .75f); float rounded5 = Math.round(const5); const5 = rounded5 - const5; const5 *= -1; const5 = (float) (Math.pow(2, const5) - 1); const5 += 1; const5 = Math.scalb(const5, (int) rounded5); const5 *= (charLevel - skillRank); const5 *= sellPercent; const5 = (float) (Math.log(const5) / Math.log(2) * 3); rounded5 = Math.round(const5); const5 = rounded5 - const5; const5 *= -1; const5 = (float) (Math.pow(2, const5) - 1); const5 += 1; const5 = Math.scalb(const5, (int) rounded5); const5 += 1; cost = const5 * (baseCost); if (Float.isNaN(cost)) cost = baseCost; return cost; } //Call this to refine skills and recalculate everything for pc. public boolean refine(PlayerCharacter pc) { return refine(pc, true); } public boolean refine(PlayerCharacter pc, boolean recalculate) { if (pc == null || this.skillsBase == null) return false; int oldTrains = this.numTrains.get(); boolean succeeded = true; if (this.getNumTrains() < 1) return false; succeeded = this.numTrains.compareAndSet(oldTrains, oldTrains - 1); if (succeeded) { this.trained = true; //add to trains available pc.modifyTrainsAvailable(1); //update database pc.addDatabaseJob("Skills", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); if (recalculate) { //recalculate this skill calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); //see if any skills or powers removed pc.calculateSkills(); //reapply all bonuses pc.applyBonuses(); } return true; } else return false; } /* * Serializing */ public boolean reset(PlayerCharacter pc, boolean recalculate) { if (pc == null || this.skillsBase == null) return false; int oldTrains = this.numTrains.get(); boolean succeeded = true; if (this.getNumTrains() < 1) return false; succeeded = this.numTrains.compareAndSet(oldTrains, 0); if (succeeded) { this.trained = true; //add to trains available pc.modifyTrainsAvailable(oldTrains); //update database pc.addDatabaseJob("Skills", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); if (recalculate) { //recalculate this skill calculateBaseAmount(); calculateModifiedAmount(); //see if any skills or powers removed pc.calculateSkills(); //reapply all bonuses pc.applyBonuses(); } return true; } else return false; } /* * Returns Skill Base for skill */ public SkillsBase getSkillsBase() { return this.skillsBase; } /* * Returns number of trains in skill */ public int getNumTrains() { return this.numTrains.get(); } /* * Returns Skill% before trains added */ public float getBaseAmount() { return this.baseAmount; } /* * Returns Skill% after trains added */ public float getModifiedAmount() { return this.modifiedAmount; } /* * Returns Skill% before trains added, minus bonus from equip and effects */ public float getBaseAmountBeforeMods() { return this.baseAmountBeforeMods; } /* * Returns Skill% after trains added, minus bonus from equip and effects */ public float getModifiedAmountBeforeMods() { return this.modifiedAmountBeforeMods; } public String getName() { if (this.skillsBase != null) return this.skillsBase.getName(); return ""; } public int getToken() { if (this.skillsBase != null) return this.skillsBase.getToken(); return 0; } public boolean isTrained() { return trained; } public void syncTrains() { this.trained = false; } /** * @ Calculates Base Skill Percentage * Call this when stats change for a player */ public void calculateBaseAmount() { if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this) == null) { Logger.error("owner not found for owner uuid : " + this.ownerUID); this.baseAmount = 1; this.modifiedAmount = 1; return; } if (this.skillsBase == null) { Logger.error("SkillsBase not found for skill " + this.getObjectUUID()); this.baseAmount = 1; this.modifiedAmount = 1; return; } //Get any rune bonus float bonus = 0f; //runes will already be calculated if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //Get bonuses from runes bonus = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getSkillBonus(this.skillsBase.sourceType); } //Get Base skill for unmodified stats float base = 7f; if(this.skillsBase.getToken() == -660435875){ base = 0; } float statMod = 0.5f; if (this.skillsBase.getStrMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getStrMod() * (float) (int) ((PlayerCharacter) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).statStrBase / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getDexMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getDexMod() * (float) (int) ((PlayerCharacter) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).statDexBase / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getConMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getConMod() * (float) (int) ((PlayerCharacter) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).statConBase / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getIntMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getIntMod() * (float) (int) ((PlayerCharacter) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).statIntBase / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() * (float) (int) ((PlayerCharacter) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).statSpiBase / 100f; if (statMod < 1) statMod = 1f; else if (statMod > 600) statMod = 600f; base += CharacterSkill.baseSkillValues[(int) statMod]; if (base + bonus < 1f && this.skillsBase.getToken() != -660435875) this.baseAmountBeforeMods = 1f; else this.baseAmountBeforeMods = base + bonus; this.modifiedAmountBeforeMods = Math.round(this.baseAmountBeforeMods + calculateAmountAfterTrains()); } public void calculateMobBaseAmount() { if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this) == null) { Logger.error("owner not found for owner uuid : " + this.ownerUID); this.baseAmount = 1; this.modifiedAmount = 1; return; } if (this.skillsBase == null) { Logger.error("SkillsBase not found for skill " + this.getObjectUUID()); this.baseAmount = 1; this.modifiedAmount = 1; return; } //Get any rune bonus float bonus = 0f; //TODO SKILLS RUNES if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //Get bonuses from runes bonus = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getSkillBonus(this.skillsBase.sourceType); } //Get Base skill for unmodified stats float base = 7f; float statMod = 0.5f; if (this.skillsBase.getStrMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getStrMod() * (float) ((Mob) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).getMobBase().getMobBaseStats().getBaseStr() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getDexMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getDexMod() * (float) ((Mob) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).getMobBase().getMobBaseStats().getBaseDex() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getConMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getConMod() * (float) ((Mob) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).getMobBase().getMobBaseStats().getBaseCon() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getIntMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getIntMod() * (float) ((Mob) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).getMobBase().getMobBaseStats().getBaseInt() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() * (float) ((Mob) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this)).getMobBase().getMobBaseStats().getBaseSpi() / 100f; if (statMod < 1) statMod = 1f; else if (statMod > 600) statMod = 600f; base += CharacterSkill.baseSkillValues[(int) statMod]; if (base + bonus < 1f) this.baseAmountBeforeMods = 1f; else this.baseAmountBeforeMods = base + bonus; this.modifiedAmountBeforeMods = (int) (this.baseAmountBeforeMods + calculateAmountAfterTrains()); } public void calculateModifiedAmount() { if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this) == null || this.skillsBase == null) { Logger.error("owner or SkillsBase not found for skill " + this.getObjectUUID()); this.baseAmount = 1; this.modifiedAmount = 1; return; } //Get any rune bonus float bonus = 0f; if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //Get bonuses from runes bonus = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getSkillBonus(this.skillsBase.sourceType); } //Get Base skill for modified stats //TODO this fomula needs verified float base = 7f; if(this.skillsBase.getToken() == -660435875){ base = 0; } float statMod = 0.5f; if (this.skillsBase.getStrMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getStrMod() * (float) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getStatStrCurrent() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getDexMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getDexMod() * (float) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getStatDexCurrent() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getConMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getConMod() * (float) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getStatConCurrent() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getIntMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getIntMod() * (float) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getStatIntCurrent() / 100f; if (this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() > 0) statMod += (float) this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() * (float) CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getStatSpiCurrent() / 100f; if (statMod < 1) statMod = 1f; else if (statMod > 600) statMod = 600f; if(this.skillsBase.getToken() == -660435875){ statMod = 0; } base += CharacterSkill.baseSkillValues[(int) statMod]; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.GetSourceType(this.skillsBase.getNameNoSpace()); //Get any rune, effect and item bonus if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //add bonuses from effects/items and runes base += bonus + CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getFloat(ModType.Skill, sourceType); } if (base < 1f && this.skillsBase.getToken() != -660435875) this.baseAmount = 1f; else this.baseAmount = base; float modAmount = this.baseAmount + calculateAmountAfterTrains(); if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //Multiply any percent bonuses modAmount *= (1 + CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Skill, sourceType)); } this.modifiedAmount = (int) (modAmount); } /** * @ Calculates Modified Skill Percentage * Call this when number of trains change for skill */ public float calculateAmountAfterTrains() { if (this.skillsBase == null) { Logger.error("SkillsBase not found for skill " + this.getObjectUUID()); this.modifiedAmount = this.baseAmount; } int amount; int trains = this.numTrains.get(); if (trains < 10) amount = (trains * 2); else if (trains < 90) amount = 10 + trains; else if (trains < 134) amount = 100 + ((trains - 90) / 2); else amount = 122 + ((trains - 134) / 3); return amount; } public int getSkillPercentFromAttributes() { AbstractCharacter ac = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this); if (ac == null) return 0; float statMod = 0; if (this.skillsBase.getStrMod() > 0) { float strengthModPercent = (float) this.skillsBase.getStrMod() * .01f; strengthModPercent *= ac.getStatStrCurrent() * .01f + .6f; statMod += strengthModPercent; } if (this.skillsBase.getDexMod() > 0) { float dexModPercent = (float) this.skillsBase.getDexMod() * .01f; dexModPercent *= ac.getStatDexCurrent() * .01f + .6f; statMod += dexModPercent; } if (this.skillsBase.getConMod() > 0) { float conModPercent = (float) this.skillsBase.getConMod() * .01f; conModPercent *= ac.getStatConCurrent() * .01f + .6f; statMod += conModPercent; } if (this.skillsBase.getIntMod() > 0) { float intModPercent = (float) this.skillsBase.getIntMod() * .01f; intModPercent *= ac.getStatIntCurrent() * .01f + .6f; statMod += intModPercent; } if (this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() > 0) { float spiModPercent = (float) this.skillsBase.getSpiMod() * .01f; spiModPercent *= ac.getStatSpiCurrent() * .01f + .6f; statMod += spiModPercent; } statMod = (float) (Math.pow(statMod, 1.5f) * 15f); if (statMod < 1) statMod = 1f; else if (statMod > 600) statMod = 600f; return (int) statMod; } public int getSkillPercentFromTrains() { int trains = this.numTrains.get(); if (trains <= 10) return 2 * trains; if (trains <= 90) return trains + 10; if (trains > 130) return (int) (120 - ((trains - 130) * -0.33000001)); return (int) (100 - ((trains - 90) * -0.5)); } public int getTotalSkillPercet() { AbstractCharacter ac = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this); if (ac == null) return 0; float bonus = 0f; SourceType sourceType = SourceType.GetSourceType(this.skillsBase.getNameNoSpace()); if (CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses() != null) { //Get bonuses from runes bonus = CharacterSkill.GetOwner(this).getBonuses().getSkillBonus(this.skillsBase.sourceType); } return this.getSkillPercentFromTrains() + this.getSkillPercentFromAttributes(); } @Override public void updateDatabase() { DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.updateDatabase(this); } public int getRequiredLevel() { return requiredLevel; } public void setRequiredLevel(int requiredLevel) { this.requiredLevel = requiredLevel; } }