// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.Enum.*; import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse; import engine.db.archive.GuildRecord; import engine.db.handlers.dbGuildHandler; import engine.gameManager.*; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.net.Dispatch; import engine.net.DispatchMessage; import engine.net.client.msg.AllianceChangeMsg; import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg; import engine.net.client.msg.UpdateClientAlliancesMsg; import engine.net.client.msg.guild.GuildInfoMsg; import engine.server.world.WorldServer; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class Guild extends AbstractWorldObject { private static Guild errantGuild; private static Guild errantNation; private final String name; private final GuildTag guildTag; private final int charter; private final String leadershipType; // Have to see how this is sent to the client private final int repledgeMin; private final int repledgeMax; private final int repledgeKick; private final int teleportMin; private final int teleportMax; private final ConcurrentHashMap guildCondemned = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public boolean wooWasModified; public HashMap guildAlliances = new HashMap<>(); private Guild nation; // TODO add these to database private String motto = ""; private String motd = ""; private String icmotd = ""; private String nmotd = ""; private int guildLeaderUUID; private int realmsOwned; private int cityUUID = 0; private int mineTime; private ArrayList banishList; private ArrayList characterKOSList; private ArrayList guildKOSList; private ArrayList allyList = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList enemyList = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList recommendList = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList subGuildList; private int nationUUID = 0; private GuildState guildState = GuildState.Errant; private String hash; private boolean ownerIsNPC; /** * No Id Constructor */ public Guild(String name, Guild nat, int charter, String leadershipType, GuildTag gt, String motto) { super(); this.name = name; this.nation = nat; this.charter = charter; this.realmsOwned = 0; this.leadershipType = leadershipType; this.banishList = new ArrayList<>(); this.characterKOSList = new ArrayList<>(); this.guildKOSList = new ArrayList<>(); this.allyList = new ArrayList<>(); this.enemyList = new ArrayList<>(); this.subGuildList = new ArrayList<>(); this.guildTag = gt; //set for player city this.repledgeMin = 1; this.repledgeMax = 100; this.repledgeKick = 100; this.teleportMin = 1; this.teleportMax = 100; this.mineTime = 0; this.motto = motto; } /** * Normal Constructor */ public Guild(String name, Guild nat, int charter, String leadershipType, GuildTag gt, int newUUID) { super(newUUID); this.name = name; this.nation = nat; this.charter = charter; this.realmsOwned = 0; this.leadershipType = leadershipType; this.banishList = new ArrayList<>(); this.characterKOSList = new ArrayList<>(); this.guildKOSList = new ArrayList<>(); this.allyList = new ArrayList<>(); this.enemyList = new ArrayList<>(); this.subGuildList = new ArrayList<>(); this.guildTag = gt; //set for player city this.repledgeMin = 1; this.repledgeMax = 100; this.repledgeKick = 100; this.teleportMin = 1; this.teleportMax = 100; this.mineTime = 0; this.hash = "ERRANT"; } /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public Guild(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { super(rs); DbObjectType objectType; this.name = rs.getString("name"); this.charter = rs.getInt("charter"); this.leadershipType = rs.getString("leadershipType"); this.guildTag = new GuildTag(rs.getInt("backgroundColor01"), rs.getInt("backgroundColor02"), rs.getInt("symbolColor"), rs.getInt("symbol"), rs.getInt("backgroundDesign")); //Declare Nations and Subguilds this.nationUUID = rs.getInt("parent"); this.cityUUID = rs.getInt("ownedCity"); this.guildLeaderUUID = rs.getInt("leaderUID"); this.motto = rs.getString("motto"); this.motd = rs.getString("motd"); this.icmotd = rs.getString("icMotd"); this.nmotd = rs.getString("nationMotd"); this.repledgeMin = rs.getInt("repledgeMin"); this.repledgeMax = rs.getInt("repledgeMax"); this.repledgeKick = rs.getInt("repledgeKick"); this.teleportMin = rs.getInt("teleportMin"); this.teleportMax = rs.getInt("teleportMax"); this.mineTime = rs.getInt("mineTime"); this.wooWasModified = false; this.hash = rs.getString("hash"); } public static AbstractCharacter GetGL(Guild guild) { if (guild == null) return null; if (guild.guildLeaderUUID == 0) return null; if (guild.ownerIsNPC) return NPC.getFromCache(guild.guildLeaderUUID); return PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(guild.guildLeaderUUID); } public static boolean sameGuild(Guild a, Guild b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; return a.getObjectUUID() == b.getObjectUUID(); } public static boolean sameGuildExcludeErrant(Guild a, Guild b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.isEmptyGuild() || b.isEmptyGuild()) return false; return a.getObjectUUID() == b.getObjectUUID(); } public static boolean sameGuildIncludeErrant(Guild a, Guild b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.isEmptyGuild() || b.isEmptyGuild()) return true; return a.getObjectUUID() == b.getObjectUUID(); } public static boolean sameNation(Guild a, Guild b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.getObjectUUID() == b.getObjectUUID()) return true; if (a.nation == null || b.nation == null) return false; return a.nation.getObjectUUID() == b.nation.getObjectUUID(); } public static boolean sameNationExcludeErrant(Guild a, Guild b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.getObjectUUID() == b.getObjectUUID()) return true; if (a.nation == null || b.nation == null) return false; return a.nation.getObjectUUID() == b.nation.getObjectUUID() && !a.nation.isEmptyGuild(); } public static boolean isTaxCollector(int uuid) { //TODO add the handling for this later return false; } public static boolean canSwearIn(Guild toSub) { boolean canSwear = false; switch (toSub.guildState) { case Protectorate: case Petitioner: canSwear = true; break; default: canSwear = false; } return canSwear; } public static void _serializeForClientMsg(Guild guild, ByteBufferWriter writer) { Guild.serializeForClientMsg(guild, writer, null, false); } public static void serializeForClientMsg(Guild guild, ByteBufferWriter writer, PlayerCharacter pc, boolean reshowGuild) { writer.putInt(guild.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(guild.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(guild.nation.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(guild.nation.getObjectUUID()); if (pc == null) { writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); // Defaults writer.putInt(0); // Defaults } else { writer.putString(guild.name); writer.putString(guild.nation.name); writer.putInt(GuildStatusController.getTitle(pc.getGuildStatus())); // TODO Double check this is // title and rank if (GuildStatusController.isGuildLeader(pc.getGuildStatus())) writer.putInt(PlayerCharacter.GetPlayerRealmTitle(pc)); else writer.putInt(GuildStatusController.getRank(pc.getGuildStatus())); //writer.putInt(GuildStatusController.getRank(pc.getGuildStatus())); } City ownedCity = guild.getOwnedCity(); if (ownedCity != null) { Realm realm = guild.getOwnedCity().getRealm(); if (realm != null && realm.getRulingCity() != null) { if (realm.getRulingCity().equals(ownedCity)) { writer.putInt(realm.getCharterType()); } else writer.putInt(0); } else { writer.putInt(0); } } else writer.putInt(0); writer.putFloat(200); writer.putFloat(200); // Pad GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(guild.guildTag, writer); GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(guild.nation.guildTag, writer); if (reshowGuild) { writer.putInt(1); writer.putInt(guild.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(guild.getObjectUUID()); } else writer.putInt(0); // Pad } public static void serializeForTrack(Guild guild, ByteBufferWriter writer) { Guild.serializeGuildForTrack(guild, writer); if (guild.nation != null) Guild.serializeGuildForTrack(guild.nation, writer); else Guild.addErrantForTrack(writer); } public static void serializeGuildForTrack(Guild guild, ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(guild.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(guild.getObjectUUID()); writer.put((byte) 1); GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(guild.guildTag, writer); } public static void serializeErrantForTrack(ByteBufferWriter writer) { addErrantForTrack(writer); //Guild addErrantForTrack(writer); //Nation } private static void addErrantForTrack(ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(0); //type writer.putInt(0); //ID writer.put((byte) 1); writer.putInt(16); //Tags writer.putInt(16); writer.putInt(16); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } public static Guild getErrantGuild() { if (Guild.errantGuild == null) Guild.errantGuild = new Guild("None", Guild.getErrantNation(), 0, "Anarchy", GuildTag.ERRANT, 0); return Guild.errantGuild; } public static Guild getErrantNation() { if (Guild.errantNation == null) Guild.errantNation = new Guild("None", null, 10, "Despot Rule", GuildTag.ERRANT, 0); return Guild.errantNation; } public static Guild getGuild(final int objectUUID) { if (objectUUID == 0) return Guild.getErrantGuild(); Guild guild = (Guild) DbManager.getFromCache(Enum.GameObjectType.Guild, objectUUID); if (guild != null) return guild; Guild dbGuild = DbManager.GuildQueries.GET_GUILD(objectUUID); if (dbGuild == null) return Guild.getErrantGuild(); else return dbGuild; } public static void UpdateClientAlliances(Guild toUpdate) { UpdateClientAlliancesMsg ucam = new UpdateClientAlliancesMsg(toUpdate); for (PlayerCharacter player : SessionManager.getAllActivePlayerCharacters()) { if (Guild.sameGuild(player.getGuild(), toUpdate)) { Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, ucam); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); } } } public static void UpdateClientAlliancesForPlayer(PlayerCharacter toUpdate) { UpdateClientAlliancesMsg ucam = new UpdateClientAlliancesMsg(toUpdate.getGuild()); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(toUpdate, ucam); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); } public static Guild getFromCache(int id) { return (Guild) DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.Guild, id); } public static ArrayList GuildRoster(Guild guild) { ArrayList roster = new ArrayList<>(); if (guild == null) return roster; if (guild.isEmptyGuild()) return roster; if (DbManager.getList(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) == null) return roster; for (AbstractGameObject ago : DbManager.getList(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) { PlayerCharacter toAdd = (PlayerCharacter) ago; if (!toAdd.getGuild().equals(guild)) continue; if (toAdd.isDeleted()) continue; roster.add(toAdd); } return roster; } /* * Getters */ @Override public String getName() { return name; } public String getLeadershipType() { return leadershipType; } public Guild getNation() { if (this.nation == null) return Guild.getErrantGuild(); return this.nation; } public boolean isNation() { return this.nation != null && this.cityUUID != 0 && this.nation == this; } public void setNation(Guild nation) { if (nation == null) this.nation = Guild.getErrantGuild(); else this.nation = nation; } public City getOwnedCity() { return City.getCity(this.cityUUID); } public void setCityUUID(int cityUUID) { this.cityUUID = cityUUID; } public ArrayList getBanishList() { if (banishList == null) return new ArrayList<>(); return banishList; } public ArrayList getCharacterKOSList() { return characterKOSList; } public ArrayList getGuildKOSList() { return guildKOSList; } public ArrayList getAllyList() { return allyList; } public ArrayList getEnemyList() { return enemyList; } public ArrayList getSubGuildList() { return subGuildList; } public GuildTag getGuildTag() { return this.guildTag; } public int getCharter() { return charter; } /* * Utils */ public int getGuildLeaderUUID() { return this.guildLeaderUUID; } /* * Setters */ public void setGuildLeaderUUID(int value) { this.guildLeaderUUID = value; } public String getMOTD() { return this.motd; } public void setMOTD(String value) { this.motd = value; } public String getICMOTD() { return this.icmotd; } public void setICMOTD(String value) { this.icmotd = value; } public void setNMOTD(String value) { this.nmotd = value; } public String getNMOTD(){return nmotd;} public boolean isNPCGuild() { return this.ownerIsNPC; } public int getRepledgeMin() { return this.repledgeMin; } public int getRepledgeMax() { return this.repledgeMax; } public int getRepledgeKick() { return this.repledgeKick; } public int getTeleportMin() { return this.teleportMin; } public int getTeleportMax() { return this.teleportMax; } public int getMineTime() { return this.mineTime; } /* * Serialization */ public void setMineTime(int mineTime) { this.mineTime = mineTime; } public boolean setGuildLeader(AbstractCharacter ac) { if (ac == null) return false; // errant guilds cant be guild leader. if (this.isEmptyGuild()) return false; if (!DbManager.GuildQueries.SET_GUILD_LEADER(ac.getObjectUUID(), this.getObjectUUID())) { if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) ChatManager.chatGuildError((PlayerCharacter) ac, "Failed to change guild leader!"); return false; } PlayerCharacter oldGuildLeader = PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(this.guildLeaderUUID); //old guildLeader no longer has guildLeadership stauts. if (oldGuildLeader != null) oldGuildLeader.setGuildLeader(false); if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) ((PlayerCharacter) ac).setGuildLeader(true); this.guildLeaderUUID = ac.getObjectUUID(); return true; } public boolean setGuildLeaderForCreate(AbstractCharacter ac) { if (ac == null) return false; // errant guilds cant be guild leader. if (this.isEmptyGuild()) return false; if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) ((PlayerCharacter) ac).setGuildLeader(true); this.guildLeaderUUID = ac.getObjectUUID(); return true; } public int getBgc1() { if (this.guildTag != null) return this.guildTag.backgroundColor01; return 16; } public int getBgc2() { if (this.guildTag != null) return this.guildTag.backgroundColor02; else return 16; } public int getBgDesign() { if (this.guildTag != null) return this.guildTag.backgroundDesign; return 0; } public int getSc() { if (this.guildTag != null) return this.guildTag.symbolColor; return 16; } public int getSymbol() { if (this.guildTag != null) return this.guildTag.symbol; return 0; } public boolean isEmptyGuild() { return this.getObjectUUID() == Guild.errantGuild.getObjectUUID(); } public boolean isGuildLeader(int uuid) { return (this.guildLeaderUUID == uuid); } /** * Removes a PlayerCharacter from this (non-Errant) Guild. * * @param pc PlayerCharacter to be removed */ public void removePlayer(PlayerCharacter pc, GuildHistoryType historyType) { if (this.isEmptyGuild()) { Logger.warn("Attempted to remove a PlayerCharacter (" + pc.getObjectUUID() + ") from an errant guild."); return; } //Add to Guild History if (pc.getGuild() != null) { if (DbManager.GuildQueries.ADD_TO_GUILDHISTORY(pc.getGuildUUID(), pc, DateTime.now(), historyType)) { GuildHistory guildHistory = new GuildHistory(pc.getGuildUUID(), pc.getGuild().name, DateTime.now(), historyType); pc.getGuildHistory().add(guildHistory); } } // Clear Guild Ranks pc.resetGuildStatuses(); pc.setGuild(Guild.getErrantGuild()); pc.incVer(); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(pc, new GuildInfoMsg(pc, Guild.getErrantGuild(), 2)); } public void upgradeGuildState(boolean nation) { if (nation) { this.guildState = GuildState.Nation; return; } switch (this.guildState) { case Errant: this.guildState = GuildState.Petitioner; break; case Sworn: //Can't upgrade break; case Protectorate: this.guildState = GuildState.Province; break; case Petitioner: this.guildState = GuildState.Sworn; break; case Province: //Can't upgrade break; case Nation: //Can't upgrade break; case Sovereign: this.guildState = GuildState.Protectorate; break; } } public void downgradeGuildState() { switch (this.guildState) { case Errant: break; case Sworn: this.guildState = GuildState.Errant; break; case Protectorate: this.guildState = GuildState.Sovereign; break; case Petitioner: this.guildState = GuildState.Errant; break; case Province: this.guildState = GuildState.Sovereign; break; case Nation: this.guildState = GuildState.Sovereign; break; case Sovereign: this.guildState = GuildState.Errant; break; } } public boolean canSubAGuild(Guild toSub) { boolean canSub; if (this.equals(toSub)) return false; switch (this.guildState) { case Nation: case Sovereign: canSub = true; break; default: canSub = false; } switch (toSub.guildState) { case Errant: case Sovereign: canSub = true; break; default: canSub = false; } City nationCap = City.getCity(nation.cityUUID); //if (nation.getSubGuildList().size() >= nationCap.getRank()) { // canSub = false; //} return canSub; } public int getRealmsOwnedFlag() { int flag = 0; switch (realmsOwned) { case 0: flag = 0; case 1: case 2: flag = 1; break; case 3: case 4: flag = 2; break; case 5: flag = 3; break; default: flag = 3; break; } return flag; } public void serializeForPlayer(ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(this.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(this.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(this.nation.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(this.nation.getObjectUUID()); } @Override public void updateDatabase() { DbManager.GuildQueries.updateDatabase(this); } public boolean isRealmRuler() { City ownedCity; Building tol; ownedCity = this.getOwnedCity(); if (ownedCity == null) return false; tol = ownedCity.getTOL(); if (tol == null) return false; return tol.getRank() == 8; } @Override public void runAfterLoad() { try { DbObjectType objectType = DbManager.BuildingQueries.GET_UID_ENUM(this.guildLeaderUUID); this.ownerIsNPC = (objectType == DbObjectType.NPC); } catch (Exception e) { this.ownerIsNPC = false; Logger.error("Failed to find Object Type for owner " + this.guildLeaderUUID); } //LOad Owners in Cache so we do not have to continuely look in the db for owner. if (this.ownerIsNPC) { if (NPC.getNPC(this.guildLeaderUUID) == null) Logger.info("Guild UID " + this.getObjectUUID() + " Failed to Load NPC Owner with ID " + this.guildLeaderUUID); } else if (this.guildLeaderUUID != 0) { if (PlayerCharacter.getPlayerCharacter(this.guildLeaderUUID) == null) Logger.info("Guild UID " + this.getObjectUUID() + " Failed to Load Player Owner with ID " + this.guildLeaderUUID); } // If loading this guild for the first time write it's character record to disk if (ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.WORLDSERVER) && (hash == null)) { this.setHash(); if (DataWarehouse.recordExists(Enum.DataRecordType.GUILD, this.getObjectUUID()) == false) { GuildRecord guildRecord = GuildRecord.borrow(this, Enum.RecordEventType.CREATE); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(guildRecord); } } if (WorldServer.worldUUID == nationUUID && this.cityUUID != 0) this.nation = this; else if (nationUUID == 0 || (WorldServer.worldUUID == nationUUID && this.cityUUID == 0)) { this.nation = Guild.getErrantGuild(); this.nmotd = ""; } else this.nation = Guild.getGuild(nationUUID); if (this.nation == null) this.nation = Guild.getErrantGuild(); //Get guild states. try { this.subGuildList = DbManager.GuildQueries.GET_SUB_GUILDS(this.getObjectUUID()); } catch (Exception e) { this.subGuildList = new ArrayList<>(); Logger.error("FAILED TO LOAD SUB GUILDS FOR UUID " + this.getObjectUUID()); } if (this.nation == this && subGuildList.size() > 0) this.guildState = GuildState.Nation; else if (this.nation.equals(this)) this.guildState = GuildState.Sovereign; else if (!this.nation.isEmptyGuild() && this.cityUUID != 0) this.guildState = GuildState.Province; else if (!this.nation.isEmptyGuild()) this.guildState = GuildState.Sworn; else this.guildState = GuildState.Errant; if (this.cityUUID == 0) return; // Calculate number of realms this guild controls // Only do this on the game server to avoid loading a TOL/City/Zone needlessly if ((ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.WORLDSERVER)) && (this.isRealmRuler() == true)) { this.realmsOwned++; if (!this.nation.equals(this)) { this.nation.realmsOwned++; } } if (ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.WORLDSERVER)) { //add alliance list, clear all lists as there seems to be a bug where alliances are doubled, need to find where. //possible runAfterLoad being called twice?!?! this.banishList = dbGuildHandler.GET_GUILD_BANISHED(this.getObjectUUID()); this.characterKOSList = DbManager.GuildQueries.GET_GUILD_KOS_CHARACTER(this.getObjectUUID()); this.guildKOSList = DbManager.GuildQueries.GET_GUILD_KOS_GUILD(this.getObjectUUID()); this.allyList.clear(); this.enemyList.clear(); this.recommendList.clear(); try { DbManager.GuildQueries.LOAD_ALL_ALLIANCES_FOR_GUILD(this); for (GuildAlliances guildAlliance : this.guildAlliances.values()) { if (guildAlliance.isRecommended()) { Guild recommendedGuild = Guild.getGuild(guildAlliance.getAllianceGuild()); if (recommendedGuild != null) this.recommendList.add(recommendedGuild); } else if (guildAlliance.isAlly()) { Guild alliedGuild = Guild.getGuild(guildAlliance.getAllianceGuild()); if (alliedGuild != null) this.allyList.add(alliedGuild); } else { Guild enemyGuild = Guild.getGuild(guildAlliance.getAllianceGuild()); if (enemyGuild != null) this.enemyList.add(enemyGuild); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * @return the motto */ public String getMotto() { return motto; } public GuildState getGuildState() { return guildState; } public void setGuildState(GuildState guildState) { this.guildState = guildState; } /** * @return the realmsOwned */ public int getRealmsOwned() { return realmsOwned; } /** * @param realmsOwned the realmsOwned to set */ public void setRealmsOwned(int realmsOwned) { this.realmsOwned = realmsOwned; } public void removeSubGuild(Guild subGuild) { // Update database if (!DbManager.GuildQueries.UPDATE_PARENT(subGuild.getObjectUUID(), WorldServer.worldUUID)) Logger.debug("Failed to set Nation Guild for Guild with UID " + subGuild.getObjectUUID()); // Guild without any subs is no longer a nation if (subGuild.getOwnedCity() == null) { subGuild.nation = null; } else { subGuild.nation = subGuild; } // Downgrade guild subGuild.downgradeGuildState(); // Remove from collection subGuildList.remove(subGuild); GuildManager.updateAllGuildTags(subGuild); GuildManager.updateAllGuildBinds(subGuild, subGuild.getOwnedCity()); } public ConcurrentHashMap getGuildCondemned() { return guildCondemned; } public String getHash() { return hash; } public void setHash() { this.hash = DataWarehouse.hasher.encrypt(this.getObjectUUID()); DataWarehouse.writeHash(Enum.DataRecordType.GUILD, this.getObjectUUID()); } public Enum.GuildType getGuildType() { try { return Enum.GuildType.values()[this.charter]; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); return Enum.GuildType.NONE; } } public ArrayList getRecommendList() { return recommendList; } public void setRecommendList(ArrayList recommendList) { this.recommendList = recommendList; } public synchronized boolean addGuildToAlliance(AllianceChangeMsg msg, final AllianceType allianceType, Guild toGuild, PlayerCharacter player) { Dispatch dispatch; // Member variable assignment if (toGuild == null) return false; if (!Guild.sameGuild(player.getGuild(), this)) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_NOT_SAME_GUILD); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (allianceType == AllianceType.Ally || allianceType == AllianceType.Enemy) if (!GuildStatusController.isInnerCouncil(player.getGuildStatus()) && !GuildStatusController.isGuildLeader(player.getGuildStatus())) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (allianceType == AllianceType.RecommendedAlly || allianceType == AllianceType.RecommendedEnemy) { if (!GuildStatusController.isFullMember(player.getGuildStatus())) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } } // if (this.getGuildType() != toGuild.getGuildType()){ // msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_NOT_SAME_FACTION); // dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); // DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); // return false; // } switch (allianceType) { case RecommendedAlly: if (recommendList.size() == 10) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_TOO_MANY); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (recommendList.contains(toGuild)) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "This guild is already recommonded!"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (!DbManager.GuildQueries.ADD_TO_ALLIANCE_LIST(this.getObjectUUID(), toGuild.getObjectUUID(), true, true, player.getFirstName())) { msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); return false; } GuildAlliances guildAlliance = new GuildAlliances(this.getObjectUUID(), toGuild.getObjectUUID(), true, true, player.getFirstName()); this.guildAlliances.put(toGuild.getObjectUUID(), guildAlliance); this.removeGuildFromEnemy(toGuild); this.removeGuildFromAlliance(toGuild); this.recommendList.add(toGuild); return true; case RecommendedEnemy: if (recommendList.size() == 10) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_TOO_MANY); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (recommendList.contains(toGuild)) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "This guild is already recommonded!"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (!DbManager.GuildQueries.ADD_TO_ALLIANCE_LIST(this.getObjectUUID(), toGuild.getObjectUUID(), true, false, player.getFirstName())) { msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); return false; } GuildAlliances enemyAlliance = new GuildAlliances(this.getObjectUUID(), toGuild.getObjectUUID(), true, false, player.getFirstName()); this.guildAlliances.put(toGuild.getObjectUUID(), enemyAlliance); this.removeGuildFromEnemy(toGuild); this.removeGuildFromAlliance(toGuild); this.recommendList.add(toGuild); return true; case Ally: if (allyList.size() == 10) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_TOO_MANY); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (allyList.contains(toGuild)) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "This guild is already an Ally!"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (!this.guildAlliances.containsKey(toGuild.getObjectUUID())) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "A Serious error has Occured. Please contact CCR!"); Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + " Could not find alliance Guild"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } GuildAlliances ally = this.guildAlliances.get(toGuild.getObjectUUID()); if (!ally.UpdateAlliance(AllianceType.Ally, this.recommendList.contains(toGuild))) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "A Serious error has Occured. Please contact CCR!"); Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + " failed to update alliance Database"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } this.removeGuildFromEnemy(toGuild); this.removeGuildFromRecommended(toGuild); this.allyList.add(toGuild); Guild.UpdateClientAlliances(this); break; case Enemy: if (enemyList.size() == 10) { msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.ERROR_TOO_MANY); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (enemyList.contains(toGuild)) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "This guild is already an Enemy!"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } if (!this.guildAlliances.containsKey(toGuild.getObjectUUID())) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "A Serious error has Occured. Please contact CCR!"); Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + " Could not find alliance Guild"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } GuildAlliances enemy = this.guildAlliances.get(toGuild.getObjectUUID()); if (!enemy.UpdateAlliance(AllianceType.Enemy, this.recommendList.contains(toGuild))) { ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(player, "A Serious error has Occured. Please contact CCR!"); Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + " failed to update alliance Database"); msg.setMsgType((byte) 15); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return false; } //remove from other allied lists. this.removeGuildFromAlliance(toGuild); this.removeGuildFromRecommended(toGuild); this.enemyList.add(toGuild); Guild.UpdateClientAlliances(this); break; } // once here everything passed, send successMsg; msg.setMsgType(AllianceChangeMsg.INFO_SUCCESS); dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); return true; } public synchronized boolean removeGuildFromAlliance(Guild toRemove) { this.allyList.remove(toRemove); return true; } public synchronized boolean removeGuildFromEnemy(Guild toRemove) { this.enemyList.remove(toRemove); return true; } public synchronized boolean removeGuildFromRecommended(Guild toRemove) { this.recommendList.remove(toRemove); return true; } public synchronized boolean removeGuildFromAllAlliances(Guild toRemove) { if (!this.guildAlliances.containsKey(toRemove.getObjectUUID())) { return false; } if (!DbManager.GuildQueries.REMOVE_FROM_ALLIANCE_LIST(this.getObjectUUID(), toRemove.getObjectUUID())) return false; this.guildAlliances.remove(toRemove.getObjectUUID()); this.removeGuildFromAlliance(toRemove); this.removeGuildFromEnemy(toRemove); this.removeGuildFromRecommended(toRemove); Guild.UpdateClientAlliances(this); return true; } }