Public Repository for the Magicbane Shadowbane Emulator
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.gameManager;
import engine.Enum.*;
import engine.exception.MsgSendException;
import engine.job.JobContainer;
import engine.job.JobScheduler;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable;
import engine.objects.*;
import engine.powers.DamageShield;
import engine.powers.PowersBase;
import engine.powers.effectmodifiers.AbstractEffectModifier;
import engine.powers.effectmodifiers.WeaponProcEffectModifier;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import static engine.math.FastMath.sqr;
public enum CombatManager {
public static int animation = 0;
* Message sent by player to attack something.
public static void setAttackTarget(AttackCmdMsg msg, ClientConnection origin) throws MsgSendException {
PlayerCharacter player;
int targetType;
AbstractWorldObject target;
if (TargetedActionMsg.un2cnt == 60 || TargetedActionMsg.un2cnt == 70) {
player = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (player == null) {
//source must match player this account belongs to
if (player.getObjectUUID() != msg.getSourceID() || player.getObjectType().ordinal() != msg.getSourceType()) {
Logger.error("Msg Source ID " + msg.getSourceID() + " Does not Match Player ID " + player.getObjectUUID());
targetType = msg.getTargetType();
if (targetType == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter.ordinal()) {
target = PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
} else if (targetType == GameObjectType.Building.ordinal()) {
target = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
} else if (targetType == GameObjectType.Mob.ordinal()) {
target = Mob.getFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
} else {
return; //not valid type to attack
// quit of the combat target is already the current combat target
// or there is no combat target
if (target == null) {
//set sources target
//put in combat if not already
if (!player.isCombat()) {
toggleCombat(true, origin);
//make character stand if sitting
if (player.isSit()) {
toggleSit(false, origin);
AttackTarget(player, target);
public static void AttackTarget(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, AbstractWorldObject target) {
boolean swingOffhand = false;
//check my weapon can I do an offhand attack
Item weaponOff = playerCharacter.getCharItemManager().getEquipped().get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND);
Item weaponMain = playerCharacter.getCharItemManager().getEquipped().get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND);
// if you carry something in the offhand thats a weapon you get to swing it
if (weaponOff != null) {
if (weaponOff.getItemBase().getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) {
swingOffhand = true;
// if you carry nothing in either hand you get to swing your offhand
if (weaponOff == null && weaponMain == null) {
swingOffhand = true;
//we always swing our mainhand if we are not on timer
JobContainer main = playerCharacter.getTimers().get("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND);
if (main == null) {
// no timers on the mainhand, lets submit a job to swing
CombatManager.createTimer(playerCharacter, MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND, 1, true); // attack in 0.1 of a second
if (swingOffhand) {
only swing offhand if we have a weapon in it or are unarmed in both hands
and no timers running
JobContainer off = playerCharacter.getTimers().get("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND);
if (off == null) {
CombatManager.createTimer(playerCharacter, MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND, 1, true); // attack in 0.1 of a second
City playerCity = ZoneManager.getCityAtLocation(playerCharacter.getLoc());
if (playerCity != null && playerCity.getGuild().getNation().equals(playerCharacter.getGuild().getNation()) == false && playerCity.cityOutlaws.contains(playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()) == false)
public static void setAttackTarget(PetAttackMsg msg, ClientConnection origin) throws MsgSendException {
PlayerCharacter player;
Mob pet;
int targetType;
AbstractWorldObject target;
if (TargetedActionMsg.un2cnt == 60 || TargetedActionMsg.un2cnt == 70)
player = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (player == null)
pet = player.getPet();
if (pet == null)
targetType = msg.getTargetType();
if (targetType == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter.ordinal())
target = PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
else if (targetType == GameObjectType.Building.ordinal())
target = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
else if (targetType == GameObjectType.Mob.ordinal())
target = Mob.getFromCache(msg.getTargetID());
else {
return; //not valid type to attack
if (pet.equals(target))
// quit of the combat target is already the current combat target
// or there is no combat target
if (target == null || target == pet.getCombatTarget())
//set sources target
// setFirstHitCombatTarget(player,target);
//put in combat if not already
if (!pet.isCombat())
//make character stand if sitting
if (pet.isSit())
toggleSit(false, origin);
private static void removeAttackTimers(AbstractCharacter ac) {
JobContainer main;
JobContainer off;
if (ac == null)
main = ac.getTimers().get("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND);
off = ac.getTimers().get("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND);
if (main != null)
ac.getTimers().remove("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND);
if (off != null)
ac.getTimers().remove("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND);
* Begin Attacking
public static void doCombat(AbstractCharacter ac, int slot) {
int ret = 0;
if (ac == null)
// Attempt to eat null targets until we can clean
// up this unholy mess and refactor it into a thread.
ret = attemptCombat(ac, slot);
//handle pets
if (ret < 2 && ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Mob)) {
Mob mob = (Mob) ac;
if (mob.isPet()) {
//ret values
//0: not valid attack, fail attack
//1: cannot attack, wrong hand
//2: valid attack
//3: cannot attack currently, continue checking
if (ret == 0 || ret == 1) {
//Could not attack, clear timer
ConcurrentHashMap<String, JobContainer> timers = ac.getTimers();
if (timers != null && timers.containsKey("Attack" + slot))
timers.remove("Attack" + slot);
//clear combat target if not valid attack
if (ret == 0)
} else if (ret == 3) {
//Failed but continue checking. reset timer
createTimer(ac, slot, 5, false);
* Verify can attack target
private static int attemptCombat(AbstractCharacter abstractCharacter, int slot) {
if (abstractCharacter == null) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Source is null");
return 0;
try {
//Make sure player can attack
PlayerBonuses bonus = abstractCharacter.getBonuses();
if (bonus != null && bonus.getBool(ModType.ImmuneToAttack, SourceType.None))
return 0;
AbstractWorldObject target = abstractCharacter.getCombatTarget();
if (target == null) {
return 0;
//target must be valid type
if (AbstractWorldObject.IsAbstractCharacter(target)) {
AbstractCharacter tar = (AbstractCharacter) target;
//must be alive, attackable and in World
if (!tar.isAlive()) {
return 0;
} else if (tar.isSafeMode()) {
return 0;
} else if (!tar.isActive()) {
return 0;
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && abstractCharacter.getTimers().get("Attack" + slot) == null) {
if (!((PlayerCharacter) abstractCharacter).canSee((PlayerCharacter) target)) {
return 0;
//must not be immune to all or immune to attack
Resists res = tar.getResists();
bonus = tar.getBonuses();
if (bonus != null && !bonus.getBool(ModType.NoMod, SourceType.ImmuneToAttack)) {
if (res != null) {
if (res.immuneToAll() || res.immuneToAttacks()) {
return 0;
} else if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Building)) {
Building tar = (Building) target;
// Cannot attack an invuln building
if (tar.isVulnerable() == false) {
return 0;
} else {
return 0; //only characters and buildings may be attacked
//source must be in world and alive
if (!abstractCharacter.isActive()) {
return 0;
} else if (!abstractCharacter.isAlive()) {
return 0;
//make sure source is in combat mode
if (!abstractCharacter.isCombat()) {
return 0;
//See if either target is in safe zone
if (abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
if (((PlayerCharacter) abstractCharacter).inSafeZone() || ((PlayerCharacter) target).inSafeZone()) {
return 0;
if (!(slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND || slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND)) {
return 0;
if (abstractCharacter.getCharItemManager() == null) {
return 0;
//get equippment
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Item> equipped = abstractCharacter.getCharItemManager().getEquipped();
boolean hasNoWeapon = false;
if (equipped == null) {
return 0;
//get Weapon
boolean isWeapon = true;
Item weapon = equipped.get(slot);
ItemBase wb = null;
if (weapon == null) {
isWeapon = false;
} else {
ItemBase ib = weapon.getItemBase();
if (ib == null || !ib.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) {
isWeapon = false;
} else {
wb = ib;
//if no weapon, see if other hand has a weapon
if (!isWeapon) {
//no weapon, see if other hand has a weapon
if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) {
//make sure offhand has weapon, not shield
Item weaponOff = equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND);
if (weaponOff != null) {
ItemBase ib = weaponOff.getItemBase();
if (ib == null || !ib.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) {
hasNoWeapon = true;
} else {
// debugCombat(ac, "mainhand, weapon in other hand");
return 1; //no need to attack with this hand
} else {
hasNoWeapon = true;
} else {
if (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) == null) {
// debgCombat(ac, "offhand, weapon in other hand");
return 1; //no need to attack with this hand
//Source can attack.
//NOTE Don't 'return;' beyond this point until timer created
boolean attackFailure = false;
//Target can't attack on move with ranged weapons.
if ((wb != null) && (wb.getRange() > 35f) && abstractCharacter.isMoving()) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Cannot attack with throwing weapon while moving");
attackFailure = true;
//if not enough stamina, then skip attack
if (wb == null) {
if (abstractCharacter.getStamina() < 1) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Not enough stamina to attack");
attackFailure = true;
} else if (abstractCharacter.getStamina() < wb.getWeight()) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Not enough stamina to attack");
attackFailure = true;
//skipping for now to test out mask casting.
// //if attacker is casting, then skip this attack
// if (ac.getLastPower() != null) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Cannot attack, curently casting");
// attackFailure = true;
// }
//see if attacker is stunned. If so, stop here
bonus = abstractCharacter.getBonuses();
if (bonus != null && bonus.getBool(ModType.Stunned, SourceType.None)) {
// debugCombat(ac, "Cannot attack while stunned");
attackFailure = true;
//Get Range of weapon
float range;
if (hasNoWeapon) {
range = MBServerStatics.NO_WEAPON_RANGE;
} else {
range = getWeaponRange(wb, bonus);
if (abstractCharacter.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob) {
Mob minion = (Mob) abstractCharacter;
if (minion.isSiege()) {
range = 300f;
//Range check.
if (NotInRange(abstractCharacter, target, range)) {
//target is in stealth and can't be seen by source
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
if (!((PlayerCharacter) abstractCharacter).canSee((PlayerCharacter) target)) {
// debugCombat(ac, "cannot see target.");
return 0;
attackFailure = true;
//handle pet, skip timers (handled by AI)
if (abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Mob)) {
Mob mob = (Mob) abstractCharacter;
if (mob.isPet()) {
attack(abstractCharacter, target, weapon, wb, (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) ? true : false);
return 2;
//TODO Verify attacker has los (if not ranged weapon).
if (!attackFailure) {
if (hasNoWeapon || abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Mob)) {
createTimer(abstractCharacter, slot, 20, true); //2 second for no weapon
} else {
int wepSpeed = (int) (wb.getSpeed());
if (weapon != null && weapon.getBonusPercent(ModType.WeaponSpeed, SourceType.None) != 0f) //add weapon speed bonus
wepSpeed *= (1 + weapon.getBonus(ModType.WeaponSpeed, SourceType.None));
if (abstractCharacter.getBonuses() != null && abstractCharacter.getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.AttackDelay, SourceType.None) != 0f) //add effects speed bonus
wepSpeed *= (1 + abstractCharacter.getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.AttackDelay, SourceType.None));
if (wepSpeed < 10) {
wepSpeed = 10; //Old was 10, but it can be reached lower with legit buffs,effects.
createTimer(abstractCharacter, slot, wepSpeed, true);
if (target == null)
return 0;
attack(abstractCharacter, target, weapon, wb, (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) ? true : false);
} else {
// changed this to half a second to make combat attempts more aggressive than movement sync
createTimer(abstractCharacter, slot, 5, false); //0.5 second timer if attack fails
//System.out.println("Attack attempt failed");
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0;
return 2;
private static void debugCombat(AbstractCharacter ac, String reason) {
if (ac == null) {
//if DebugMeleeSync is on, then debug reason for melee failure
if (ac.getDebug(64)) {
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
String out = "Attack Failure: " + reason;
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo((PlayerCharacter) ac, out);
private static void debugCombatRange(AbstractCharacter ac, Vector3fImmutable sl, Vector3fImmutable tl, float range, float distance) {
if (ac == null || sl == null || tl == null) {
//if DebugMeleeSync is on, then debug reason for melee failure
if (ac.getDebug(64)) {
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
String out = "Attack Failure: Out of Range: Range: " + distance + ", weaponRange: " + range;
out += ", sourceLoc: " + sl.x + ", " + sl.y + ", " + sl.z;
out += ", targetLoc: " + tl.x + ", " + tl.y + ", " + tl.z;
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo((PlayerCharacter) ac, out);
private static void createTimer(AbstractCharacter ac, int slot, int time, boolean success) {
ConcurrentHashMap<String, JobContainer> timers = ac.getTimers();
if (timers != null) {
AttackJob aj = new AttackJob(ac, slot, success);
JobContainer job;
job = JobScheduler.getInstance().scheduleJob(aj, (time * 100));
timers.put("Attack" + slot, job);
} else {
Logger.error("Unable to find Timers for Character " + ac.getObjectUUID());
* Attempt to attack target
private static void attack(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractWorldObject target, Item weapon, ItemBase wb, boolean mainHand) {
float atr;
int minDamage, maxDamage;
int errorTrack = 0;
try {
if (ac == null)
if (target == null)
if (mainHand) {
atr = ac.getAtrHandOne();
minDamage = ac.getMinDamageHandOne();
maxDamage = ac.getMaxDamageHandOne();
} else {
atr = ac.getAtrHandTwo();
minDamage = ac.getMinDamageHandTwo();
maxDamage = ac.getMaxDamageHandTwo();
boolean tarIsRat = false;
if (target.getObjectTypeMask() == MBServerStatics.MASK_RAT)
tarIsRat = true;
else if (target.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) {
PlayerCharacter pTar = (PlayerCharacter) target;
for (Effect eff : pTar.getEffects().values()) {
if (eff.getPowerToken() == 429513599 || eff.getPowerToken() == 429415295) {
tarIsRat = true;
//Dont think we need to do this anymore.
if (tarIsRat) {
//strip away current % dmg buffs then add with rat %
if (ac.getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Slay, SourceType.Rat) != 0) {
float percent = 1 + ac.getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Slay, SourceType.Rat);
minDamage *= percent;
maxDamage *= percent;
errorTrack = 1;
//subtract stamina
if (wb == null) {
ac.modifyStamina(-0.5f, ac, true);
} else {
float stam = wb.getWeight() / 3;
stam = (stam < 1) ? 1 : stam;
ac.modifyStamina(-(stam), ac, true);
errorTrack = 2;
//set last time this player has attacked something.
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && target.getObjectUUID() != ac.getObjectUUID() && ac.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) {
ac.setTimeStamp("LastCombatPlayer", System.currentTimeMillis());
((PlayerCharacter) target).setTimeStamp("LastCombatPlayer", System.currentTimeMillis());
} else {
ac.setTimeStamp("LastCombatMob", System.currentTimeMillis());
errorTrack = 3;
//Get defense for target
float defense;
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Building)) {
if (BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(target.getObjectUUID()) == null) {
defense = 0;
Building building = (Building) target;
if (building.getParentZone() != null && building.getParentZone().isPlayerCity()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > building.getTimeStamp("CallForHelp")) {
building.getTimestamps().put("CallForHelp", System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000);
int count = 0;
for (Mob mob : building.getParentZone().zoneMobSet) {
if (!mob.isPlayerGuard())
if (mob.getCombatTarget() != null)
if (mob.getGuild() != null && building.getGuild() != null)
if (!Guild.sameGuild(mob.getGuild().getNation(), building.getGuild().getNation()))
if (mob.getLoc().distanceSquared2D(building.getLoc()) > sqr(300))
if (count == 5)
} else {
AbstractCharacter tar = (AbstractCharacter) target;
defense = tar.getDefenseRating();
//Handle target attacking back if in combat and has no other target
handleRetaliate(tar, ac);
errorTrack = 4;
//Get hit chance
int chance;
float dif = atr - defense;
if (dif > 100) {
chance = 94;
} else if (dif < -100) {
chance = 4;
} else {
chance = (int) ((0.45 * dif) + 49);
errorTrack = 5;
//calculate hit/miss
int roll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
DeferredPowerJob dpj = null;
if (roll < chance) {
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
updateAttackTimers((PlayerCharacter) ac, target, true);
boolean skipPassives = false;
PlayerBonuses bonuses = ac.getBonuses();
if (bonuses != null && bonuses.getBool(ModType.IgnorePassiveDefense, SourceType.None)) {
skipPassives = true;
AbstractCharacter tarAc = null;
if (AbstractWorldObject.IsAbstractCharacter(target)) {
tarAc = (AbstractCharacter) target;
errorTrack = 6;
// Apply Weapon power effect if any. don't try to apply twice if
// dual wielding. Perform after passive test for sync purposes.
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && (mainHand || wb.isTwoHanded())) {
dpj = ((PlayerCharacter) ac).getWeaponPower();
if (dpj != null) {
PlayerBonuses bonus = ac.getBonuses();
float attackRange = getWeaponRange(wb, bonus);
dpj.attack(target, attackRange);
if (dpj.getPower() != null && (dpj.getPowerToken() == -1851459567 || dpj.getPowerToken() == -1851489518))
((PlayerCharacter) ac).setWeaponPower(dpj);
//check to apply second backstab.
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && !mainHand) {
dpj = ((PlayerCharacter) ac).getWeaponPower();
if (dpj != null && dpj.getPower() != null && (dpj.getPowerToken() == -1851459567 || dpj.getPowerToken() == -1851489518)) {
float attackRange = getWeaponRange(wb,null);
dpj.attack(target, attackRange);
errorTrack = 7;
//Hit, check if passive kicked in
boolean passiveFired = false;
if (!skipPassives && tarAc != null) {
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
//Handle Block passive
if (testPassive(ac, tarAc, "Block") && canTestBlock(ac, target)) {
if (!target.isAlive())
sendPassiveDefenseMessage(ac, wb, target, MBServerStatics.COMBAT_SEND_BLOCK, dpj, mainHand);
passiveFired = true;
//Handle Parry passive
if (!passiveFired) {
if (canTestParry(ac, target) && testPassive(ac, tarAc, "Parry")) {
if (!target.isAlive())
sendPassiveDefenseMessage(ac, wb, target, MBServerStatics.COMBAT_SEND_PARRY, dpj, mainHand);
passiveFired = true;
errorTrack = 8;
//Handle Dodge passive
if (!passiveFired) {
if (testPassive(ac, tarAc, "Dodge")) {
if (!target.isAlive())
sendPassiveDefenseMessage(ac, wb, target, MBServerStatics.COMBAT_SEND_DODGE, dpj, mainHand);
passiveFired = true;
//return if passive (Block, Parry, Dodge) fired
if (passiveFired)
errorTrack = 9;
//Hit and no passives
//if target is player, set last attack timestamp
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
updateAttackTimers((PlayerCharacter) target, ac, false);
//Get damage Type
DamageType damageType;
if (wb != null) {
damageType = wb.getDamageType();
} else if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Mob) && ((Mob) ac).isSiege()) {
damageType = DamageType.Siege;
} else {
damageType = DamageType.Crush;
errorTrack = 10;
//Get target resists
Resists resists = null;
if (tarAc != null) {
resists = tarAc.getResists();
} else if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Building)) {
resists = ((Building) target).getResists();
//make sure target is not immune to damage type;
if (resists != null && resists.immuneTo(damageType)) {
sendCombatMessage(ac, target, 0f, wb, dpj, mainHand);
// PowerProjectileMsg ppm = new PowerProjectileMsg(ac,tarAc);
// DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(ac, ppm, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false);
errorTrack = 11;
//Calculate Damage done
float damage;
if (wb != null) {
damage = calculateDamage(ac, tarAc, minDamage, maxDamage, damageType, resists);
} else {
damage = calculateDamage(ac, tarAc, minDamage, maxDamage, damageType, resists);
float d = 0f;
errorTrack = 12;
//Subtract Damage from target's health
if (tarAc != null) {
if (tarAc.isSit()) {
damage *= 2.5f; //increase damage if sitting
if (tarAc.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob) {
ac.setHateValue(damage * MBServerStatics.PLAYER_COMBAT_HATE_MODIFIER);
((Mob) tarAc).handleDirectAggro(ac);
if (tarAc.getHealth() > 0)
d = tarAc.modifyHealth(-damage, ac, false);
} else if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Building)) {
if (BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(target.getObjectUUID()) == null) {
if (target.getHealth() > 0)
d = ((Building) target).modifyHealth(-damage, ac);
errorTrack = 13;
//Test to see if any damage needs done to weapon or armor
testItemDamage(ac, target, weapon, wb);
// if target is dead, we got the killing blow, remove attack timers on our weapons
if (tarAc != null && !tarAc.isAlive()) {
//test double death fix
if (d != 0) {
sendCombatMessage(ac, target, damage, wb, dpj, mainHand); //send damage message
errorTrack = 14;
//handle procs
if (weapon != null && tarAc != null && tarAc.isAlive()) {
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Effect> effects = weapon.getEffects();
for (Effect eff : effects.values()) {
if (eff == null) {
HashSet<AbstractEffectModifier> aems = eff.getEffectModifiers();
if (aems != null) {
for (AbstractEffectModifier aem : aems) {
if (!tarAc.isAlive()) {
if (aem instanceof WeaponProcEffectModifier) {
int procChance = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
if (procChance < MBServerStatics.PROC_CHANCE) {
((WeaponProcEffectModifier) aem).applyProc(ac, target);
errorTrack = 15;
//handle damage shields
if (ac.isAlive() && tarAc != null && tarAc.isAlive()) {
handleDamageShields(ac, tarAc, damage);
} else {
int animationOverride = 0;
// Apply Weapon power effect if any.
// don't try to apply twice if dual wielding.
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) && (mainHand || wb.isTwoHanded())) {
dpj = null;
dpj = ((PlayerCharacter) ac).getWeaponPower();
if (dpj != null) {
PowersBase wp = dpj.getPower();
if (wp.requiresHitRoll() == false) {
PlayerBonuses bonus = ac.getBonuses();
float attackRange = getWeaponRange(wb,bonus);
dpj.attack(target, attackRange);
} else {
((PlayerCharacter) ac).setWeaponPower(null);
if (target.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob) {
((Mob) target).handleDirectAggro(ac);
errorTrack = 17;
//miss, Send miss message
sendCombatMessage(ac, target, 0f, wb, dpj, mainHand);
//if attacker is player, set last attack timestamp
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
updateAttackTimers((PlayerCharacter) ac, target, true);
errorTrack = 18;
//cancel effects that break on attack or attackSwing
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(ac.getName() + ' ' + errorTrack + ' ' + e.toString());
public static boolean canTestParry(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractWorldObject target) {
if (ac == null || target == null || !AbstractWorldObject.IsAbstractCharacter(target))
return false;
AbstractCharacter tar = (AbstractCharacter) target;
CharacterItemManager acItem = ac.getCharItemManager();
CharacterItemManager tarItem = tar.getCharItemManager();
if (acItem == null || tarItem == null)
return false;
Item acMain = acItem.getItemFromEquipped(1);
Item acOff = acItem.getItemFromEquipped(2);
Item tarMain = tarItem.getItemFromEquipped(1);
Item tarOff = tarItem.getItemFromEquipped(2);
return !isRanged(acMain) && !isRanged(acOff) && !isRanged(tarMain) && !isRanged(tarOff);
public static boolean canTestBlock(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractWorldObject target) {
if (ac == null || target == null || !AbstractWorldObject.IsAbstractCharacter(target))
return false;
AbstractCharacter tar = (AbstractCharacter) target;
CharacterItemManager acItem = ac.getCharItemManager();
CharacterItemManager tarItem = tar.getCharItemManager();
if (acItem == null || tarItem == null)
return false;
Item tarOff = tarItem.getItemFromEquipped(2);
if (tarOff == null)
return false;
return tarOff.getItemBase().isShield() != false;
private static boolean isRanged(Item item) {
if (item == null)
return false;
ItemBase ib = item.getItemBase();
if (ib == null)
return false;
if (ib.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON) == false)
return false;
return ib.getRange() > MBServerStatics.RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE;
private static float calculateDamage(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractCharacter target, float minDamage, float maxDamage, DamageType damageType, Resists resists) {
//get range between min and max
float range = maxDamage - minDamage;
//Damage is calculated twice to average a more central point
float damage = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() * range;
damage = (damage + (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() * range)) * .5f;
//put it back between min and max
damage += minDamage;
//calculate resists in if any
if (resists != null) {
return resists.getResistedDamage(source, target, damageType, damage, 0);
} else {
return damage;
private static void sendPassiveDefenseMessage(AbstractCharacter source, ItemBase wb, AbstractWorldObject target, int passiveType, DeferredPowerJob dpj, boolean mainHand) {
int swingAnimation = getSwingAnimation(wb, dpj, mainHand);
if (dpj != null) {
if (PowersManager.AnimationOverrides.containsKey(dpj.getAction().getEffectID()))
swingAnimation = PowersManager.AnimationOverrides.get(dpj.getAction().getEffectID());
TargetedActionMsg cmm = new TargetedActionMsg(source, swingAnimation, target, passiveType);
DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(target, cmm);
private static void sendCombatMessage(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractWorldObject target, float damage, ItemBase wb, DeferredPowerJob dpj, boolean mainHand) {
int swingAnimation = getSwingAnimation(wb, dpj, mainHand);
if (dpj != null) {
if (PowersManager.AnimationOverrides.containsKey(dpj.getAction().getEffectID()))
swingAnimation = PowersManager.AnimationOverrides.get(dpj.getAction().getEffectID());
if (source.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) {
for (Effect eff : source.getEffects().values()) {
if (eff.getPower() != null && (eff.getPower().getToken() == 429506943 || eff.getPower().getToken() == 429408639 || eff.getPower().getToken() == 429513599 || eff.getPower().getToken() == 429415295))
swingAnimation = 0;
TargetedActionMsg cmm = new TargetedActionMsg(source, target, damage, swingAnimation);
DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(target, cmm);
public static int getSwingAnimation(ItemBase wb, DeferredPowerJob dpj, boolean mainHand) {
int token = 0;
if (dpj != null) {
token = (dpj.getPower() != null) ? dpj.getPower().getToken() : 0;
if (token == 563721004) //kick animation
return 79;
if (CombatManager.animation != 0) {
return CombatManager.animation;
if (wb == null) {
return 75;
if (mainHand) {
if (wb.getAnimations().size() > 0) {
int animation = wb.getAnimations().get(0);
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(wb.getAnimations().size());
try {
animation = wb.getAnimations().get(random);
return animation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return wb.getAnimations().get(0);
} else if (wb.getOffHandAnimations().size() > 0) {
int animation = wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(0);
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(wb.getOffHandAnimations().size());
try {
animation = wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(random);
return animation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(0);
} else {
if (wb.getOffHandAnimations().size() > 0) {
int animation = wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(0);
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(wb.getOffHandAnimations().size());
try {
animation = wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(random);
return animation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return wb.getOffHandAnimations().get(0);
} else if (wb.getAnimations().size() > 0) {
int animation = wb.getAnimations().get(0);
int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(wb.getAnimations().size());
try {
animation = wb.getAnimations().get(random);
return animation;
} catch (Exception e) {
return wb.getAnimations().get(0);
String required = wb.getSkillRequired();
String mastery = wb.getMastery();
if (required.equals("Unarmed Combat")) {
return 75;
} else if (required.equals("Sword")) {
if (wb.isTwoHanded()) {
return 105;
} else {
return 98;
} else if (required.equals("Staff") || required.equals("Pole Arm")) {
return 85;
} else if (required.equals("Spear")) {
return 92;
} else if (required.equals("Hammer") || required.equals("Axe")) {
if (wb.isTwoHanded()) {
return 105;
} else if (mastery.equals("Throwing")) {
return 115;
} else {
return 100;
} else if (required.equals("Dagger")) {
if (mastery.equals("Throwing")) {
return 117;
} else {
return 81;
} else if (required.equals("Crossbow")) {
return 110;
} else if (required.equals("Bow")) {
return 109;
} else if (wb.isTwoHanded()) {
return 105;
} else {
return 100;
private static boolean testPassive(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractCharacter target, String type) {
float chance = target.getPassiveChance(type, source.getLevel(), true);
if (chance == 0f)
return false;
//max 75% chance of passive to fire
if (chance > 75f)
chance = 75f;
int roll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
//Passive fired
//Passive did not fire
return roll < chance;
private static void updateAttackTimers(PlayerCharacter pc, AbstractWorldObject target, boolean attack) {
//Set Attack Timers
if (target.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter))
public static float getWeaponRange(ItemBase weapon, PlayerBonuses bonus) {
if (weapon == null)
return 0f;
float rangeMod = 1.0f;
if (bonus != null) {
rangeMod += bonus.getFloat(ModType.WeaponRange, SourceType.None);
return weapon.getRange() * rangeMod;
public static void toggleCombat(ToggleCombatMsg msg, ClientConnection origin) {
toggleCombat(msg.toggleCombat(), origin);
public static void toggleCombat(SetCombatModeMsg msg, ClientConnection origin) {
toggleCombat(msg.getToggle(), origin);
private static void toggleCombat(boolean toggle, ClientConnection origin) {
PlayerCharacter pc = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (pc == null)
if (!toggle) // toggle is move it to false so clear combat target
pc.setCombatTarget(null); //clear last combat target
UpdateStateMsg rwss = new UpdateStateMsg();
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(pc, rwss, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false);
private static void toggleSit(boolean toggle, ClientConnection origin) {
PlayerCharacter pc = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (pc == null)
UpdateStateMsg rwss = new UpdateStateMsg();
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(pc, rwss, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, true, false);
public static boolean NotInRange(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractWorldObject target, float range) {
Vector3fImmutable sl = ac.getLoc();
Vector3fImmutable tl = target.getLoc();
//add Hitbox's to range.
range += (calcHitBox(ac) + calcHitBox(target));
float magnitudeSquared = tl.distanceSquared(sl);
return magnitudeSquared > range * range;
//Called when character takes damage.
public static void handleRetaliate(AbstractCharacter tarAc, AbstractCharacter ac) {
if (ac == null || tarAc == null) {
if (ac.equals(tarAc)) {
if (tarAc.isMoving() && tarAc.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter))
if (!tarAc.isAlive() || !ac.isAlive())
boolean isCombat = tarAc.isCombat();
//If target in combat and has no target, then attack back
AbstractWorldObject awoCombTar = tarAc.getCombatTarget();
if ((tarAc.isCombat() && awoCombTar == null) || (isCombat && awoCombTar != null && (!awoCombTar.isAlive() || tarAc.isCombat() && NotInRange(tarAc, awoCombTar, tarAc.getRange()))) || (tarAc != null && tarAc.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob && ((Mob) tarAc).isSiege())) {
// we are in combat with no valid target
if (tarAc.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
PlayerCharacter pc = (PlayerCharacter) tarAc;
pc.setLastTarget(ac.getObjectType(), ac.getObjectUUID());
if (tarAc.getTimers() != null) {
if (!tarAc.getTimers().containsKey("Attack" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND)) {
CombatManager.AttackTarget((PlayerCharacter) tarAc, tarAc.getCombatTarget());
//Handle pet retaliate if assist is on and pet doesn't have a target.
if (tarAc.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
Mob pet = ((PlayerCharacter) tarAc).getPet();
if (pet != null && pet.assist() && pet.getCombatTarget() == null) {
//Handle Mob Retaliate.
if (tarAc.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob) {
Mob retaliater = (Mob) tarAc;
if (retaliater.getCombatTarget() != null && !retaliater.isSiege())
if (ac.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob && retaliater.isSiege())
public static void handleDamageShields(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractCharacter target, float damage) {
if (ac == null || target == null) {
PlayerBonuses bonuses = target.getBonuses();
if (bonuses != null) {
ConcurrentHashMap<AbstractEffectModifier, DamageShield> damageShields = bonuses.getDamageShields();
float total = 0;
for (DamageShield ds : damageShields.values()) {
//get amount to damage back
float amount;
if (ds.usePercent()) {
amount = damage * ds.getAmount() / 100;
} else {
amount = ds.getAmount();
//get resisted damage for damagetype
Resists resists = ac.getResists();
if (resists != null) {
amount = resists.getResistedDamage(target, ac, ds.getDamageType(), amount, 0);
total += amount;
if (total > 0) {
//apply Damage back
ac.modifyHealth(-total, target, true);
TargetedActionMsg cmm = new TargetedActionMsg(ac, ac, total, 0);
DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(target, cmm);
public static float calcHitBox(AbstractWorldObject ac) {
//TODO Figure out how Str Affects HitBox
float hitBox = 1;
switch (ac.getObjectType()) {
case PlayerCharacter:
PlayerCharacter pc = (PlayerCharacter) ac;
if (MBServerStatics.COMBAT_TARGET_HITBOX_DEBUG) {"Hit box radius for " + pc.getFirstName() + " is " + ((int) pc.statStrBase / 20f));
hitBox = 1.5f + (int) ((PlayerCharacter) ac).statStrBase / 20f;
case Mob:
Mob mob = (Mob) ac;
if (MBServerStatics.COMBAT_TARGET_HITBOX_DEBUG)"Hit box radius for " + mob.getFirstName()
+ " is " + ((Mob) ac).getMobBase().getHitBoxRadius());
hitBox = ((Mob) ac).getMobBase().getHitBoxRadius();
case Building:
Building building = (Building) ac;
if (building.getBlueprint() == null)
return 32;
hitBox = Math.max(building.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().getExtents().x,
if (MBServerStatics.COMBAT_TARGET_HITBOX_DEBUG)"Hit box radius for " + building.getName() + " is " + hitBox);
return hitBox;
private static void testItemDamage(AbstractCharacter ac, AbstractWorldObject awo, Item weapon, ItemBase wb) {
if (ac == null) {
//get chance to damage
int chance = 4500;
if (wb != null) {
if (wb.isGlass()) //glass used weighted so fast weapons don't break faster
chance = 9000 / wb.getWeight();
//test damaging attackers weapon
int takeDamage = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(chance);
if (takeDamage == 0 && wb != null && (ac.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter))) {
ac.getCharItemManager().damageItem(weapon, 1);
//test damaging targets gear
takeDamage = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(chance);
if (takeDamage == 0 && awo != null && (awo.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter))) {
((AbstractCharacter) awo).getCharItemManager().damageRandomArmor(1);