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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.devcmd.cmds;
import engine.Enum.BuildingGroup;
import engine.Enum.GameObjectType;
import engine.Enum.TargetColor;
import engine.devcmd.AbstractDevCmd;
import engine.gameManager.BuildingManager;
import engine.gameManager.SessionManager;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable;
import engine.objects.*;
import engine.util.StringUtils;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* @author
public class InfoCmd extends AbstractDevCmd {
public InfoCmd() {
protected void _doCmd(PlayerCharacter pc, String[] words,
AbstractGameObject target) {
// Arg Count Check
if (words.length != 1) {
if (pc == null) {
String newline = "\r\n ";
try {
int targetID = Integer.parseInt(words[0]);
Building b = BuildingManager.getBuilding(targetID);
if (b == null)
throwbackError(pc, "Building with ID " + targetID
+ " not found");
target = b;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (target == null) {
throwbackError(pc, "Target is unknown or of an invalid type."
+ newline + "Type ID: 0x"
+ pc.getLastTargetType().toString()
+ " Table ID: " + pc.getLastTargetID());
GameObjectType objType = target.getObjectType();
int objectUUID = target.getObjectUUID();
String output;
output = "Target Information:" + newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("UUID: " + objectUUID, 20);
output += newline;
output += "Type: " + target.getClass().getSimpleName();
output += " [0x" + objType.toString() + ']';
if (target instanceof AbstractWorldObject) {
AbstractWorldObject targetAWO = (AbstractWorldObject) target;
Vector3fImmutable targetLoc = targetAWO.getLoc();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Lat: " + targetLoc.x, 20);
output += "Lon: " + -targetLoc.z;
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Alt: " + targetLoc.y, 20);
output += newline;
output += "Rot: " + targetAWO.getRot().y;
output += newline;
double radian = 0;
if (targetAWO.getBounds() != null && targetAWO.getBounds().getQuaternion() != null)
radian = targetAWO.getBounds().getQuaternion().angleY;
int degrees = (int) Math.toDegrees(radian);
output += "Degrees: " + degrees;
output += newline;
switch (objType) {
case Building:
Building targetBuilding = (Building) target;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Lac: "
+ targetBuilding.getw(), 20);
output += "Blueprint : ";
output += targetBuilding.getBlueprintUUID();
output += newline;
output += " MeshUUID : ";
output += targetBuilding.getMeshUUID();
output += newline;
if (targetBuilding.getBlueprintUUID() != 0)
output += ' ' + targetBuilding.getBlueprint().getName();
output += newline;
output += targetBuilding.getBlueprint() != null ? targetBuilding.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().name() : " no building group";
output += newline;
output += "EffectFlags: " + targetBuilding.getEffectFlags();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("rank: " + targetBuilding.getRank(),
output += "HP: " + targetBuilding.getHealth() + '/'
+ targetBuilding.getMaxHitPoints();
output += newline;
output += "Scale: (" + targetBuilding.getMeshScale().getX();
output += ", " + targetBuilding.getMeshScale().getY();
output += ", " + targetBuilding.getMeshScale().getZ() + ')';
output += newline;
output += "Owner UID: " + targetBuilding.getOwnerUUID();
output += (targetBuilding.isOwnerIsNPC() ? " (NPC)" : " (PC)");
output += newline;
output += "ProtectionState: " + targetBuilding.getProtectionState().name();
output += newline;
if (targetBuilding.getUpgradeDateTime() != null) {
output += targetBuilding.getUpgradeDateTime().toString();
output += newline;
Guild guild = targetBuilding.getGuild();
Guild nation = null;
String guildId = "-1";
String nationId = "-1";
String gTag = "";
String nTag = "";
if (guild != null) {
int id = guild.getObjectUUID();
if (id == 0) {
guildId = id + " [" + guild.hashCode() + ']';
} else
guildId = Integer.toString(id);
gTag = guild.getGuildTag().summarySentence();
nation = guild.getNation();
if (nation != null) {
id = nation.getObjectUUID();
if (id == 0) {
nationId = id + " [" + nation.hashCode() + ']';
} else {
nationId = Integer.toString(id);
nTag = nation.getGuildTag().summarySentence();
output += StringUtils.addWS("Guild UID: " + guildId, 20);
if (gTag.length() > 0)
output += "Guild crest: " + gTag;
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Nation UID: " + nationId, 20);
if (nTag.length() > 0) {
output += "Nation crest: " + nTag;
output += newline;
if (targetBuilding.getBlueprint() != null) {
if (targetBuilding.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.MINE) {
Mine mine = Mine.getMineFromTower(targetBuilding.getObjectUUID());
if (mine != null) {
output += newline;
output += "Mine active: " + mine.getIsActive();
output += newline;
output += "Was claimed: " + mine.wasClaimed;
output += newline;
output += "Mine Type: " + mine.getMineType().name;
output += newline;
output += "Expansion : " + mine.isExpansion();
output += newline;
output += "Production type: " + mine.getProduction().name();
output += newline;
if (targetBuilding.maintDateTime != null) {
output += targetBuilding.maintDateTime.toString();
output += newline;
output += "Reserve : " + targetBuilding.reserve;
output += newline;
output += "Strongbox : " + targetBuilding.getStrongboxValue();
output += newline;
// List hirelings
if (targetBuilding.getHirelings().isEmpty() == false) {
output += newline;
output += "Hirelings List: name / slot / floor";
for (AbstractCharacter npc : targetBuilding.getHirelings().keySet()) {
if (npc.getObjectType() != GameObjectType.NPC)
output += newline + npc.getName() + " slot " + targetBuilding.getHirelings().get(npc);
output += newline + "location " + npc.getLoc();
ArrayList<BuildingRegions> tempList = BuildingRegions._staticRegions.get(targetBuilding.getMeshUUID());
output += newline;
output += "Building Regions: Size - " + tempList.size();
output += newline;
output += "Building Regions from Bounds: Size - " + targetBuilding.getBounds().getRegions().size();
output += newline;
for (Regions regions : targetBuilding.getBounds().getRegions()) {
case PlayerCharacter:
output += newline;
PlayerCharacter targetPC = (PlayerCharacter) target;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Name: " + targetPC.getName(), 20);
output += newline;
output += "InSession : " + SessionManager.getPlayerCharacterByID(target.getObjectUUID()) != null ? " true " : " false";
output += newline;
output += "RaceType: " + targetPC.getRace().getRaceType().name();
output += newline;
output += "Race: " + targetPC.getRace().getName();
output += newline;
output += "Safe:" + targetPC.inSafeZone();
output += newline;
output += "Experience : " + targetPC.getExp();
output += newline;
output += "OverFlowExperience : " + targetPC.getOverFlowEXP();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Level: "
+ targetPC.getLevel() + " (" +
TargetColor.getCon(targetPC, pc).toString() + ')', 20);
Account acpc = SessionManager.getAccount(pc);
Account ac = SessionManager.getAccount(targetPC);
if (acpc != null && ac != null) {
output += "Account ID: " + ac.getObjectUUID();
output += newline;
output += "Access Level: " +;
} else
output += "Account ID: UNKNOWN";
output += newline;
output += "Inventory Weight:" + (targetPC.getCharItemManager().getInventoryWeight() + targetPC.getCharItemManager().getEquipWeight());
output += newline;
output += "Max Inventory Weight:" + ((int) targetPC.statStrBase * 3);
output += newline;
output += "ALTITUDE :" + targetPC.getAltitude();
output += newline;
output += "BuildingID :" + targetPC.getInBuildingID();
output += newline;
output += "inBuilding :" + targetPC.getInBuilding();
output += newline;
output += "inFloor :" + targetPC.getInFloorID();
output += newline;
BaseClass baseClass = targetPC.getBaseClass();
if (baseClass != null)
output += StringUtils.addWS("Class: " + baseClass.getName(), 20);
output += StringUtils.addWS("", 20);
PromotionClass promotionClass = targetPC.getPromotionClass();
if (promotionClass != null) {
output += "Pro. Class: " + promotionClass.getName();
} else {
output += "Pro. Class: ";
output += newline;
output += "====Guild Info====";
output += newline;
if (targetPC.getGuild() != null) {
output += "Name: " + targetPC.getGuild().getName();
output += newline;
output += "State: " + targetPC.getGuild().getGuildState();
output += newline;
output += "Realms Owned:" + targetPC.getGuild().getRealmsOwned();
output += newline;
output += "====Nation====";
output += newline;
output += "Nation Name: " + targetPC.getGuild().getNation().getName();
output += newline;
output += "Nation State: " + targetPC.getGuild().getNation().getGuildState();
output += newline;
output += "Realms Owned:" + targetPC.getGuild().getNation().getRealmsOwned();
output += newline;
output += "Guild Rank:" + (GuildStatusController.getRank(targetPC.getGuildStatus()) + targetPC.getGuild().getRealmsOwnedFlag());
output += newline;
output += "Movement State: " + targetPC.getMovementState().name();
output += newline;
output += "Movement Speed: " + targetPC.getSpeed();
output += "Altitude : " + targetPC.getLoc().y;
output += "Swimming : " + targetPC.isSwimming();
output += newline;
output += "isMoving : " + targetPC.isMoving();
case NPC:
NPC targetNPC = (NPC) target;
output += "databaseID: " + targetNPC.getDBID() + newline;
output += "Name: " + targetNPC.getName();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Level: " + targetNPC.getLevel(), 20);
MobBase mobBase;
if (targetNPC.getContract() == null)
mobBase = targetNPC.getMobBase();
mobBase = MobBase.getMobBase(targetNPC.getContract().getMobbaseID());
if (mobBase != null) {
output += "Mobbbase: " + mobBase.getObjectUUID();
output += newline;
output += "Flags: " + mobBase.getFlags().toString();
output += newline;
output += "Spawn: (" + targetNPC.getBindLoc().getX();
output += ", " + targetNPC.getBindLoc().getY();
output += ", " + targetNPC.getBindLoc().getZ() + ')';
output += newline;
output += "ContractID: " + targetNPC.getContractID();
output += newline;
output += "InventorySet: " + targetNPC.getContract().inventorySet;
output += newline;
output += targetNPC.getContract().getAllowedBuildings().toString();
output += newline;
output += "Extra Rune: " + targetNPC.getContract().getExtraRune();
output += newline;
output += "isTrainer: " + targetNPC.getContract().isTrainer();
output += newline;
output += "Buy Cost: " + targetNPC.getBuyPercent();
output += "\tSell Cost: " + targetNPC.getSellPercent();
output += newline;
output += "fromInit: " + targetNPC.isStatic();
output += newline;
if (mobBase != null) {
output += newline;
output += "Slottable: " + targetNPC.getContract().getAllowedBuildings().toString();
output += newline;
output += "EquipSet: " + targetNPC.getEquipmentSetID();
output += newline;
output += "Parent Zone LoadNum : " + targetNPC.getParentZone().getLoadNum();
if (targetNPC.region != null) {
output += newline;
output += "Region found: " + "Building : " + targetNPC.region.parentBuildingID + newline;
output += "building level : " + targetNPC.region.level + newline;
output += "building room : " + + newline;
} else {
output += newline;
output += "No region was found.";
if (targetNPC.getBuilding() != null) {
output += newline;
output += "Building : " + targetNPC.getBuilding();
} else {
output += newline;
output += "No building found.";
case Mob:
Mob targetMob = (Mob) target;
output += "databaseID: " + targetMob.getDBID() + newline;
output += "Name: " + targetMob.getName();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("Level: " + targetMob.getLevel(), 20);
mobBase = targetMob.getMobBase();
if (mobBase != null)
output += "RaceID: " + mobBase.getObjectUUID();
output += "RaceID: " + targetMob.getLoadID();
output += newline;
try {
output += "notEnemy: " + targetMob.notEnemy.toString();
output += newline;
output += "enemy: " + targetMob.enemy.toString();
output += newline;
} catch (Exception ex) {
//who cares its info
output += "Spawn: (" + targetMob.getBindLoc().getX();
output += ", " + targetMob.getBindLoc().getY();
output += ", " + targetMob.getBindLoc().getZ() + ')';
output += newline;
if (targetMob.isPet()) {
output += "isPet: true";
output += newline;
if (targetMob.isSummonedPet())
output += "isSummonedPet: true";
output += "isSummonedPet: false";
PlayerCharacter owner = targetMob.getOwner();
if (owner != null)
output += " owner: " + owner.getObjectUUID();
output += newline;
output += "assist: " + targetMob.assist() + " resting: " + targetMob.isSit();
output += newline;
if (targetMob.getMobBase() != null) {
output += "Mobbase: " + targetMob.getMobBase().getObjectUUID();
output += newline;
output += "Flags: " + targetMob.getMobBase().getFlags().toString();
output += newline;
if (targetMob.isMob()) {
output += "SpawnRadius: " + targetMob.getSpawnRadius();
output += newline;
output += "Spawn Timer: " + targetMob.getSpawnTimeAsString();
output += newline;
output += StringUtils.addWS("isAlive: "
+ targetMob.isAlive(), 20);
output += newline;
//output += "Mob State: " +;
output += newline;
output += "Speed : " + targetMob.getSpeed();
output += newline;
output += "EquipSet: " + targetMob.equipmentSetID;
output += newline;
try {
output += "Parent Zone LoadNum : " + targetMob.getParentZone().getLoadNum();
} catch (Exception ex) {
//who cares
output += newline;
output += "isMoving : " + targetMob.isMoving();
if (targetMob.region != null) {
output += newline;
output += "BuildingID : " + targetMob.region.parentBuildingID;
output += "building level : " + targetMob.region.level;
output += "building room : " +;
if (targetMob.building != null) {
output += "Building Name: " + targetMob.building.getName() + newline;
output += "BuildingID : " + targetMob.building + newline;
output += "Bind Loc : " + targetMob.getBindLoc() + newline;
output += "Curr Loc : " + targetMob.getLoc() + newline;
} else {
output += newline;
output += "No building found." + newline;
int max = (int)(4.882 * targetMob.level + 121.0);
if(max > 321){
max = 321;
int min = (int)(4.469 * targetMob.level - 3.469);
output += "Min Loot Roll = " + min;
output += "Max Loot Roll = " + max;
case Item: //intentional passthrough
case MobLoot:
Item item = (Item) target;
ItemBase itemBase = item.getItemBase();
output += StringUtils.addWS("ItemBase: " + itemBase.getUUID(), 20);
output += "Weight: " + itemBase.getWeight();
output += newline;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,###,##0");
output += StringUtils.addWS("Qty: "
+ df.format(item.getNumOfItems()), 20);
output += "Charges: " + item.getChargesRemaining()
+ '/' + item.getChargesMax();
output += newline;
output += "Name: " + itemBase.getName();
output += newline;
output += item.getContainerInfo();
throwbackInfo(pc, output);
output = "Effects:" + newline;
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Effect> effects = item.getEffects();
for (String name : effects.keySet()) {
Effect eff = effects.get(name);
output += eff.getEffectsBase().getIDString();
output += newline;
// output += eff.getEffectToken() + (eff.bakedInStat() ? " (baked in)" : "") + newline;
throwbackInfo(pc, output);
protected String _getHelpString() {
return "Gets information on an Object.";
protected String _getUsageString() {
return "' /info targetID'";