// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ .
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.gameManager ;
import engine.Enum.DispatchChannel ;
import engine.Enum.GameObjectType ;
import engine.Enum.ModType ;
import engine.Enum.SourceType ;
import engine.InterestManagement.InterestManager ;
import engine.exception.MsgSendException ;
import engine.math.Bounds ;
import engine.math.Vector3f ;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable ;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage ;
import engine.net.client.ClientConnection ;
import engine.net.client.msg.MoveToPointMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.TeleportToPointMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.UpdateStateMsg ;
import engine.objects.* ;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.util.Set ;
import static engine.math.FastMath.sqr ;
public enum MovementManager {
private static final String changeAltitudeTimerJobName = "ChangeHeight" ;
private static final String flightTimerJobName = "Flight" ;
public static void sendOOS ( PlayerCharacter pc ) {
pc . setWalkMode ( true ) ;
MovementManager . sendRWSSMsg ( pc ) ;
public static void sendRWSSMsg ( AbstractCharacter ac ) {
if ( ! ac . isAlive ( ) )
return ;
UpdateStateMsg rssm = new UpdateStateMsg ( ) ;
rssm . setPlayer ( ac ) ;
if ( ac . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter )
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( ac , rssm , DispatchChannel . PRIMARY , MBServerStatics . CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE , true , false ) ;
DispatchMessage . sendToAllInRange ( ac , rssm ) ;
/ *
* Sets the first combat target for the AbstractCharacter . Used to clear the
* combat
* target upon each move , unless something has set the firstHitCombatTarget
* Also used to determine the size of a monster ' s hitbox
* /
public static void movement ( MoveToPointMsg msg , AbstractCharacter toMove ) throws MsgSendException {
// check for stun/root
if ( ! toMove . isAlive ( ) )
return ;
if ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) ) {
if ( ( ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove ) . isCasting ( ) )
( ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove ) . update ( ) ;
toMove . setIsCasting ( false ) ;
toMove . setItemCasting ( false ) ;
if ( toMove . getBonuses ( ) . getBool ( ModType . Stunned , SourceType . None ) | | toMove . getBonuses ( ) . getBool ( ModType . CannotMove , SourceType . None ) ) {
return ;
if ( msg . getEndLat ( ) > MBServerStatics . MAX_WORLD_WIDTH )
msg . setEndLat ( ( float ) MBServerStatics . MAX_WORLD_WIDTH ) ;
if ( msg . getEndLon ( ) < MBServerStatics . MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT ) {
msg . setEndLon ( ( float ) MBServerStatics . MAX_WORLD_HEIGHT ) ;
// if (msg.getEndLat() < 0)
// msg.setEndLat(0);
// if (msg.getEndLon() > 0)
// msg.setEndLon(0);
if ( ! toMove . isMoving ( ) )
toMove . resetLastSetLocUpdate ( ) ;
toMove . update ( ) ;
// Update movement for the player
// else if (toMove.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.Mob)
// ((Mob)toMove).updateLocation();
// get start and end locations for the move
Vector3fImmutable startLocation = new Vector3fImmutable ( msg . getStartLat ( ) , msg . getStartAlt ( ) , msg . getStartLon ( ) ) ;
Vector3fImmutable endLocation = new Vector3fImmutable ( msg . getEndLat ( ) , msg . getEndAlt ( ) , msg . getEndLon ( ) ) ;
// if (toMove.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)
// if (msg.getEndAlt() == 0 && msg.getTargetID() == 0){
// MovementManager.sendRWSSMsg(toMove);
// }
//If in Building, let's see if we need to Fix
// if inside a building, convert both locations from the building local reference frame to the world reference frame
if ( msg . getInBuildingUUID ( ) > 0 ) {
Building building = BuildingManager . getBuildingFromCache ( msg . getInBuildingUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( building ! = null ) {
Vector3fImmutable convertLocEnd = new Vector3fImmutable ( ZoneManager . convertLocalToWorld ( building , endLocation ) ) ;
// if (!Bounds.collide(convertLocEnd, b) || !b.loadObjectsInside()) {
// toMove.setInBuilding(-1);
// toMove.setInFloorID(-1);
// toMove.setInBuildingID(0);
// }
// else {
toMove . setInBuilding ( msg . getInBuilding ( ) ) ;
toMove . setInFloorID ( msg . getInBuildingFloor ( ) ) ;
toMove . setInBuildingID ( msg . getInBuildingUUID ( ) ) ;
msg . setStartCoord ( ZoneManager . convertWorldToLocal ( building , toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ) ;
if ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) {
if ( convertLocEnd . distanceSquared2D ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) > 6000 * 6000 ) {
Logger . info ( "ENDLOC:" + convertLocEnd . x + ',' + convertLocEnd . y + ',' + convertLocEnd . z +
',' + "GETLOC:" + toMove . getLoc ( ) . x + ',' + toMove . getLoc ( ) . y + ',' + toMove . getLoc ( ) . z + " Name " + ( ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove ) . getCombinedName ( ) ) ;
toMove . teleport ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ;
return ;
startLocation = toMove . getLoc ( ) ;
endLocation = convertLocEnd ;
} else {
toMove . setInBuilding ( - 1 ) ;
toMove . setInFloorID ( - 1 ) ;
toMove . setInBuildingID ( 0 ) ;
toMove . teleport ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ;
return ;
} else {
toMove . setInBuildingID ( 0 ) ;
toMove . setInFloorID ( - 1 ) ;
toMove . setInBuilding ( - 1 ) ;
msg . setStartCoord ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ;
//make sure we set the correct player.
msg . setSourceType ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
msg . setSourceID ( toMove . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
//if player in region, modify location to local location of building. set target to building.
if ( toMove . region ! = null ) {
Building regionBuilding = Regions . GetBuildingForRegion ( toMove . region ) ;
if ( regionBuilding ! = null ) {
msg . setStartCoord ( ZoneManager . convertWorldToLocal ( Regions . GetBuildingForRegion ( toMove . region ) , toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ) ;
msg . setEndCoord ( ZoneManager . convertWorldToLocal ( regionBuilding , endLocation ) ) ;
msg . setInBuilding ( toMove . region . level ) ;
msg . setInBuildingFloor ( toMove . region . room ) ;
msg . setStartLocType ( GameObjectType . Building . ordinal ( ) ) ;
msg . setInBuildingUUID ( regionBuilding . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
} else {
toMove . setInBuildingID ( 0 ) ;
toMove . setInFloorID ( - 1 ) ;
toMove . setInBuilding ( - 1 ) ;
msg . setStartCoord ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ;
msg . setEndCoord ( endLocation ) ;
msg . setStartLocType ( 0 ) ;
msg . setInBuildingUUID ( 0 ) ;
//checks sync between character and server, if out of sync, teleport player to original position and return.
if ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) {
boolean startLocInSync = checkSync ( toMove , startLocation , toMove . getLoc ( ) ) ;
if ( ! startLocInSync ) {
syncLoc ( toMove , toMove . getLoc ( ) , startLocInSync ) ;
return ;
// set direction, based on the current location which has just been sync'd
// with the client and the calc'd destination
toMove . setFaceDir ( endLocation . subtract2D ( toMove . getLoc ( ) ) . normalize ( ) ) ;
boolean collide = false ;
if ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) ) {
Vector3fImmutable collidePoint = Bounds . PlayerBuildingCollisionPoint ( ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove , toMove . getLoc ( ) , endLocation ) ;
if ( collidePoint ! = null ) {
msg . setEndCoord ( collidePoint ) ;
endLocation = collidePoint ;
collide = true ;
if ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter & & ( ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove ) . isTeleportMode ( ) ) {
toMove . teleport ( endLocation ) ;
return ;
// move to end location, this can interrupt the current move
toMove . setEndLoc ( endLocation ) ;
// ChatManager.chatSystemInfo((PlayerCharacter)toMove, "Moving to " + Vector3fImmutable.toString(endLocation));
// make sure server knows player is not sitting
toMove . setSit ( false ) ;
// cancel any effects that break upon movement
toMove . cancelOnMove ( ) ;
//cancel any attacks for manual move.
if ( ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) & & msg . getInitiatedFromAttack ( ) = = 0 )
toMove . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
// If it's not a player moving just send the message
if ( ( toMove . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) = = false ) {
DispatchMessage . sendToAllInRange ( toMove , msg ) ;
return ;
// If it's a player who is moving then we need to handle characters
// who should see the message via group follow
PlayerCharacter player = ( PlayerCharacter ) toMove ;
player . setTimeStamp ( "lastMoveGate" , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
if ( collide )
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( player , msg , DispatchChannel . PRIMARY , MBServerStatics . CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE , true , false ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( player , msg , DispatchChannel . PRIMARY , MBServerStatics . CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE , false , false ) ;
// Handle formation movement if needed
if ( player . getFollow ( ) = = false )
return ;
City cityObject = null ;
Zone serverZone = null ;
serverZone = ZoneManager . findSmallestZone ( player . getLoc ( ) ) ;
cityObject = ( City ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . City , serverZone . playerCityUUID ) ;
// Do not send group messages if player is on grid
if ( cityObject ! = null )
return ;
// If player is not in a group we can exit here
Group group = GroupManager . getGroup ( player ) ;
if ( group = = null )
return ;
// Echo group movement messages
if ( group . getGroupLead ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) = = player . getObjectUUID ( ) )
moveGroup ( player , player . getClientConnection ( ) , msg ) ;
/ * *
* compare client and server location to verify that the two are in sync
* @param ac the player character
* @param clientLoc location as reported by the client
* @param serverLoc location known to the server
* @return true if the two are in sync
* /
private static boolean checkSync ( AbstractCharacter ac , Vector3fImmutable clientLoc , Vector3fImmutable serverLoc ) {
float desyncDist = clientLoc . distanceSquared2D ( serverLoc ) ;
// desync logging
if ( MBServerStatics . MOVEMENT_SYNC_DEBUG )
// our current location server side is a calc of last known loc + direction + speed and known time of last update
Logger . debug ( "Movement out of sync for " + ac . getFirstName ( )
+ ", Server Loc: " + serverLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + serverLoc . getZ ( )
+ " , Client loc: " + clientLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + clientLoc . getZ ( )
+ " desync distance " + desyncDist
+ " moving=" + ac . isMoving ( ) ) ;
Logger . debug ( "Movement sync is good - desyncDist = " + desyncDist ) ;
if ( ac . getDebug ( 1 ) & & ac . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) )
if ( desyncDist > MBServerStatics . MOVEMENT_DESYNC_TOLERANCE * MBServerStatics . MOVEMENT_DESYNC_TOLERANCE ) {
PlayerCharacter pc = ( PlayerCharacter ) ac ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc ,
"Movement out of sync for " + ac . getFirstName ( )
+ ", Server Loc: " + serverLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + serverLoc . getZ ( )
+ " , Client loc: " + clientLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + clientLoc . getZ ( )
+ " desync distance " + desyncDist
+ " moving=" + ac . isMoving ( ) ) ;
// return indicator that the two are in sync or not
return ( desyncDist < 100f * 100f ) ;
public static void finishChangeAltitude ( AbstractCharacter ac , float targetAlt ) {
if ( ac . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) = = false )
return ;
//reset the getLoc timer before we clear other timers
// otherwise the next call to getLoc will not be correct
ac . resetLastSetLocUpdate ( ) ;
// call getLoc once as it processes loc to the ms
Vector3fImmutable curLoc = ac . getLoc ( ) ;
if ( MBServerStatics . MOVEMENT_SYNC_DEBUG )
Logger . info ( "Finished Alt change, setting the end location to "
+ ac . getEndLoc ( ) . getX ( ) + ' ' + ac . getEndLoc ( ) . getZ ( )
+ " moving=" + ac . isMoving ( )
+ " and current location is " + curLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + curLoc . getZ ( ) ) ;
if ( ac . getDebug ( 1 ) & & ac . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) )
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( ( PlayerCharacter ) ac , "Finished Alt change, setting the end location to " + ac . getEndLoc ( ) . getX ( ) + ' ' + ac . getEndLoc ( ) . getZ ( ) + " moving=" + ac . isMoving ( ) + " and current location is " + curLoc . getX ( ) + ' ' + curLoc . getZ ( ) ) ;
//Send run/walk/sit/stand to tell the client we are flying / landing etc
ac . update ( ) ;
ac . stopMovement ( ac . getLoc ( ) ) ;
if ( ac . isAlive ( ) )
MovementManager . sendRWSSMsg ( ac ) ;
//Check collision again
// Handle formation movement in group
public static void moveGroup ( PlayerCharacter pc , ClientConnection origin , MoveToPointMsg msg ) throws MsgSendException {
// get forward vector
Vector3f faceDir = new Vector3f ( pc . getFaceDir ( ) . x , 0 , pc . getFaceDir ( ) . z ) . normalize ( ) ;
// get perpendicular vector
Vector3f crossDir = new Vector3f ( faceDir . z , 0 , - faceDir . x ) ;
//get source loc with altitude
Vector3f sLoc = new Vector3f ( pc . getLoc ( ) . x , pc . getAltitude ( ) , pc . getLoc ( ) . z ) ;
Group group = GroupManager . getGroup ( pc ) ;
Set < PlayerCharacter > members = group . getMembers ( ) ;
int pos = 0 ;
for ( PlayerCharacter member : members ) {
if ( member = = null )
continue ;
if ( member . getObjectUUID ( ) = = pc . getObjectUUID ( ) )
continue ;
MoveToPointMsg groupMsg = new MoveToPointMsg ( msg ) ;
// Verify group member should be moved
pos + + ;
if ( member . getFollow ( ) ! = true )
continue ;
//get member loc with altitude, then range against source loc
Vector3f mLoc = new Vector3f ( member . getLoc ( ) . x , member . getAltitude ( ) , member . getLoc ( ) . z ) ;
if ( sLoc . distanceSquared2D ( mLoc ) > sqr ( MBServerStatics . FORMATION_RANGE ) )
continue ;
//don't move if player has taken damage from another player in last 60 seconds
long lastAttacked = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - pc . getLastPlayerAttackTime ( ) ;
if ( lastAttacked < 60000 )
continue ;
if ( ! member . isAlive ( ) )
continue ;
//don't move if player is stunned or rooted
PlayerBonuses bonus = member . getBonuses ( ) ;
if ( bonus . getBool ( ModType . Stunned , SourceType . None ) | | bonus . getBool ( ModType . CannotMove , SourceType . None ) )
continue ;
member . update ( ) ;
// All checks passed, let's move the player
// First get the offset position
Vector3f offset = Formation . getOffset ( group . getFormation ( ) , pos ) ;
Vector3fImmutable destination = pc . getEndLoc ( ) ;
// offset forwards or backwards
destination = destination . add ( faceDir . mult ( offset . z ) ) ;
// offset left or right
destination = destination . add ( crossDir . mult ( offset . x ) ) ;
// ArrayList<AbstractWorldObject> awoList = WorldGrid.INSTANCE.getObjectsInRangePartial(member, member.getLoc().distance2D(destination) +1000, MBServerStatics.MASK_BUILDING);
// boolean skip = false;
// for (AbstractWorldObject awo: awoList){
// Building building = (Building)awo;
// if (building.getBounds() != null){
// if (Bounds.collide(building, member.getLoc(), destination)){
// skip = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if (skip)
// continue;
// if (member.isMoving())
// member.stopMovement();
// Update player speed to match group lead speed and make standing
if ( member . isSit ( ) | | ( member . isWalk ( ) ! = pc . isWalk ( ) ) ) {
member . setSit ( false ) ;
member . setWalkMode ( pc . isWalk ( ) ) ;
MovementManager . sendRWSSMsg ( member ) ;
//cancel any effects that break upon movement
member . cancelOnMove ( ) ;
// send movement for other players to see
groupMsg . setSourceID ( member . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
groupMsg . setStartCoord ( member . getLoc ( ) ) ;
groupMsg . setEndCoord ( destination ) ;
groupMsg . clearTarget ( ) ;
DispatchMessage . sendToAllInRange ( member , groupMsg ) ;
// update group member
member . setFaceDir ( destination . subtract2D ( member . getLoc ( ) ) . normalize ( ) ) ;
member . setEndLoc ( destination ) ;
public static void translocate ( AbstractCharacter teleporter , Vector3fImmutable targetLoc ) {
if ( targetLoc = = null )
return ;
teleporter . stopMovement ( targetLoc ) ;
Vector3fImmutable oldLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( teleporter . getLoc ( ) ) ;
teleporter . setLoc ( targetLoc ) ;
if ( teleporter . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) )
InterestManager . INTERESTMANAGER . HandleLoadForTeleport ( ( PlayerCharacter ) teleporter ) ;
TeleportToPointMsg msg = new TeleportToPointMsg ( teleporter , targetLoc . getX ( ) , targetLoc . getY ( ) , targetLoc . getZ ( ) , 0 , - 1 , - 1 ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgToInterestArea ( oldLoc , teleporter , msg , DispatchChannel . PRIMARY , MBServerStatics . CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE , true , false ) ;
private static void syncLoc ( AbstractCharacter ac , Vector3fImmutable clientLoc , boolean useClientLoc ) {
ac . teleport ( ac . getLoc ( ) ) ;