package engine.net.client.handlers;
import engine.Enum;
import engine.Enum.BuildingGroup;
import engine.Enum.DispatchChannel;
import engine.Enum.ItemType;
import engine.InterestManagement.RealmMap;
import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid;
import engine.exception.MsgSendException;
import engine.gameManager.*;
import engine.math.Bounds;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable;
import engine.net.Dispatch;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage;
import engine.net.client.ClientConnection;
import engine.net.client.msg.*;
import engine.objects.*;
import engine.powers.PowersBase;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
* @Author:
* @Summary: Processes application protocol message which actives
* items such as charters and deeds in the character's inventory
public class ObjectActionMsgHandler extends AbstractClientMsgHandler {
// Reentrant lock for dropping banes
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
public ObjectActionMsgHandler() {
private static boolean claimRealm(PlayerCharacter player, int charterUUID) {
Guild guild;
Realm realm;
City city;
Building tol;
float hPMod;
Warehouse warehouse;
boolean hasResources = true;
int resourceValue;
if (GuildStatusController.isGuildLeader(player.getGuildStatus()) == false) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 176); // Only guild leaders can claim a territory
return false;
guild = player.getGuild();
city = guild.getOwnedCity();
if (city == null) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 179); // Only landed guilds may claim a territory
return false;
if (city.isLocationOnCityGrid(player.getLoc()) == false) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 186); // Your tree is not inside a territory!
return false;
tol = city.getTOL();
if (tol.getRank() != 7) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 181); // Your tree must be rank 7 before claiming a territory
return false;
realm = RealmMap.getRealmForCity(city);
if (realm.getCanBeClaimed() == false) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 180); // This territory cannot be ruled by anyone
return false;
if (realm.isRuled() == true) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 178); // This territory is already claimed
return false;
if (!Realm.HasAllBlessings(player)) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 185); // You must seek the blessing of the three sages before you can rule
return false;
// Must have the required resources in warehouse to claim realm
warehouse = city.getWarehouse();
if (warehouse == null) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 188); // You must have a warehouse to become a capital
return false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.goldIB);
if (resourceValue < 5000000)
hasResources = false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.stoneIB);
if (resourceValue < 8000)
hasResources = false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.lumberIB);
if (resourceValue < 8000)
hasResources = false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.galvorIB);
if (resourceValue < 15)
hasResources = false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.wormwoodIB);
if (resourceValue < 15)
hasResources = false;
if (hasResources == false) {
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(player, 184); // Insufficient gold or resources to upgrade to capital
return false;
// Remove resources from warehouse before claiming realm
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.goldIB);
if (DbManager.WarehouseQueries.updateGold(warehouse, resourceValue - 5000000) == true) {
warehouse.getResources().put(Warehouse.goldIB, resourceValue - 5000000);
warehouse.AddTransactionToWarehouse(engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Building, tol.getObjectUUID(), Enum.TransactionType.WITHDRAWL, Resource.GOLD, 5000000);
} else {
Logger.error("gold update failed for warehouse of UUID:" + warehouse.getObjectUUID());
return false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.stoneIB);
if (DbManager.WarehouseQueries.updateStone(warehouse, resourceValue - 8000) == true) {
warehouse.getResources().put(Warehouse.stoneIB, resourceValue - 8000);
warehouse.AddTransactionToWarehouse(engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Building, tol.getObjectUUID(), Enum.TransactionType.WITHDRAWL, Resource.STONE, 8000);
} else {
Logger.error("stone update failed for warehouse of UUID:" + warehouse.getObjectUUID());
return false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.lumberIB);
if (DbManager.WarehouseQueries.updateLumber(warehouse, resourceValue - 8000) == true) {
warehouse.getResources().put(Warehouse.lumberIB, resourceValue - 8000);
warehouse.AddTransactionToWarehouse(engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Building, tol.getObjectUUID(), Enum.TransactionType.WITHDRAWL, Resource.LUMBER, 8000);
} else {
Logger.error("lumber update failed for warehouse of UUID:" + warehouse.getObjectUUID());
return false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.galvorIB);
if (DbManager.WarehouseQueries.updateGalvor(warehouse, resourceValue - 15) == true) {
warehouse.getResources().put(Warehouse.galvorIB, resourceValue - 15);
warehouse.AddTransactionToWarehouse(engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Building, tol.getObjectUUID(), Enum.TransactionType.WITHDRAWL, Resource.GALVOR, 15);
} else {
Logger.error("galvor update failed for warehouse of UUID:" + warehouse.getObjectUUID());
return false;
resourceValue = warehouse.getResources().get(Warehouse.wormwoodIB);
if (DbManager.WarehouseQueries.updateWormwood(warehouse, resourceValue - 15) == true) {
warehouse.getResources().put(Warehouse.wormwoodIB, resourceValue - 15);
warehouse.AddTransactionToWarehouse(engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Building, tol.getObjectUUID(), Enum.TransactionType.WITHDRAWL, Resource.WORMWOOD, 15);
} else {
Logger.error("wormwood update failed for warehouse of UUID:" + warehouse.getObjectUUID());
return false;
realm.claimRealmForCity(city, charterUUID);
for (Building building : city.getParent().zoneBuildingSet) {
if (building.getBlueprintUUID() != 0) {
// TOL Health set through regular linear equation
if (building.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.TOL) {
hPMod = (building.getMaxHitPoints() * Realm.getRealmHealthMod(city));
building.setMaxHitPoints(building.getMaxHitPoints() + hPMod);
if (!guild.getNation().equals(guild)) {
guild.getNation().setRealmsOwned(guild.getNation().getRealmsOwned() + 1);
guild.setRealmsOwned(guild.getRealmsOwned() + 1);
return true;
private static void removeAllBlessings(PlayerCharacter player) {
PowersBase[] powers = new PowersBase[3];
powers[0] = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-POWER");
powers[1] = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-FORTUNE");
powers[2] = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-WISDOM");
for (PowersBase power : powers) {
PowersManager.removeEffect(player, power.getActions().get(0), true, false);
private static void removeRune(PlayerCharacter pc, ClientConnection origin, int runeID) {
if (pc == null || origin == null) {
//remove only if rune is discipline
if (runeID < 3001 || runeID > 3048) {
//see if pc has rune
ArrayList<CharacterRune> runes = pc.getRunes();
if (runes == null)
CharacterRune found = pc.getRune(runeID);
if (found == null)
//TODO see if player needs to refine skills or powers first
//attempt remove rune from player
if (!CharacterRune.removeRune(pc, runeID))
//update client with removed rune.
ApplyRuneMsg arm = new ApplyRuneMsg(pc.getObjectType().ordinal(), pc.getObjectUUID(), runeID);
Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(pc, arm);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
// Handle activation of tears of seadron: Removes rune from player.
protected boolean _handleNetMsg(ClientNetMsg baseMsg, ClientConnection origin) throws MsgSendException {
// Member variable declaration
ObjectActionMsg msg;
PlayerCharacter player;
CharacterItemManager itemMan;
ArrayList<Long> comps;
Dispatch dispatch;
boolean waterbucketBypass = false;
// Member variable assignment
msg = (ObjectActionMsg) baseMsg;
player = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacter(origin);
if (player == null) {
return true;
itemMan = player.getCharItemManager();
if (itemMan == null) {
return true;
comps = msg.getTargetCompID();
if (comps.isEmpty()) {
return true;
long comp = comps.get(0);
if (((int) comp) != 0) {
Item item = Item.getFromCache((int) comp);
if (item == null) {
return true;
//dupe check
if (!item.validForInventory(origin, player, itemMan)) {
return true;
ItemBase ib = item.getItemBase();
if (ib == null) {
return true;
if (itemMan.doesCharOwnThisItem(item.getObjectUUID())) {
if (ib.isConsumable() || ib.getType() == ItemType.FARMABLE) {
int uuid = ib.getUUID();
int type = ib.getType().getValue();
switch (type) {
case 27: //Mithril repair
case 10: //charters
//don't think they're handled here?
case 19: //buildings
//Call add building screen here, ib.getUseID() get's building ID
//if inside player city, center loc on tol. otherwise center on player.
Vector3fImmutable loc = player.getLoc();
Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(player.getLoc());
if (zone != null) {
if (zone.isPlayerCity()) {
loc = zone.getLoc();
PlaceAssetMsg pam = new PlaceAssetMsg();
pam.setX(loc.getX() + 64); //offset grid from tol
pam.setZ(loc.getZ() + 64); //offset grid from tol
dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, pam);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
//itemMan.consume(item); //temporary fix for dupe.. TODO Make Item Unusable after This message is sent.
case 25: //furniture
//Call add furniture screen here. ib.getUseID() get's furniture ID
case 33:
long shrineCompID = comps.get(1);
Building shrineBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuilding((int) shrineCompID);
if (shrineBuilding == null) {
return true;
if (shrineBuilding.getBlueprint() != null && shrineBuilding.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != engine.Enum.BuildingGroup.SHRINE) {
return true;
if (shrineBuilding.getRank() == -1) {
return true;
Shrine shrine = Shrine.shrinesByBuildingUUID.get(shrineBuilding.getObjectUUID());
if (shrine == null) {
return true;
if (shrine.addFavor(player, item)) {
shrineBuilding.addEffectBit(1000000 << 2);
shrineBuilding.removeEffectBit(1000000 << 2);
case 35:
int charterType = 0;
switch (uuid) {
case 910020:
charterType = 762228431;
case 910021:
charterType = -15978914;
case 910022:
charterType = -600065291;
if (claimRealm(player, charterType) == true) {
case 7: //rod of command
long compID = comps.get(1);
int objectType = AbstractWorldObject.extractTypeID(compID).ordinal();
Mob toCommand;
if (objectType == engine.Enum.GameObjectType.Mob.ordinal()) {
toCommand = Mob.getFromCache((int) compID);
} //Only Command Mob Types.
else {
return true;
if (toCommand == null) {
return true;
if (!toCommand.isSiege())
return true;
if (player.commandSiegeMinion(toCommand)) {
case 31:
// *** Disabled for now: Needs bootyset created
//if (ib.getUUID() == 971012) {
// int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(ItemBase.AnniverseryGifts.size());
// int annyID = ItemBase.AnniverseryGifts.get(random);
// ItemBase annyIB = ItemBase.getItemBase(annyID);
// if (annyIB != null) {
// Item gift = MobLoot.createItemForPlayer(player, annyIB);
// if (gift != null) {
// itemMan.addItemToInventory(gift);
// itemMan.consume(item);
// }
// }
// break;
case 30: //water bucket
case 8: //potions, tears of saedron
case 5: //runes, petition, warrant, scrolls
if (uuid > 3000 && uuid < 3050) { //Discipline Runes
if (ApplyRuneMsg.applyRune(uuid, origin, player)) {
} else if (uuid > 249999 && uuid < 250123) { //stat and mastery runes
if (ApplyRuneMsg.applyRune(uuid, origin, player)) {
} else if (uuid > 250114 && uuid < 250123) { //mastery runes
if (ApplyRuneMsg.applyRune(uuid, origin, player)) {
} else if (uuid > 252122 && uuid < 252128) { //mastery runes
if (ApplyRuneMsg.applyRune(uuid, origin, player)) {
} else if (uuid > 680069 && uuid < 680074) //Handle Charter, Deed, Petition, Warrant here
} else if (uuid > 910010 && uuid < 910019) {
int rank = uuid - 910010;
if (rank < 1 || rank > 8) {
ChatManager.chatSystemError(player, "Invalid Rank for bane scroll!");
return true;
// Only one banestone at a time
try {
if (Bane.summonBanestone(player, origin, rank) == true)
} finally {
} else if (uuid == 910010) { //tears of saedron
if (comps.size() > 1) {
removeRune(player, origin, comps.get(1).intValue());
} else if (item.getChargesRemaining() > 0) {
ArrayList<Long> tarList = msg.getTargetCompID();
AbstractWorldObject target = player;
if (tarList.size() > 1) {
long tarID = tarList.get(1);
if (tarID != 0) {
AbstractGameObject tarAgo = AbstractGameObject.getFromTypeAndID(tarID);
if (tarAgo != null && tarAgo instanceof AbstractWorldObject) {
target = (AbstractWorldObject) tarAgo;
// Bypass for waterbuckets
// test character targeted
if (ib.getUUID() == 910005) {
// test for valid target type
if (target.getObjectType() == Enum.GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)
waterbucketBypass = true;
else {
// test distance to structure
Building targetBuilding = (Building) target;
Bounds testBounds = Bounds.borrow();
testBounds.setBounds(player.getLoc(), 25);
if (Bounds.collide(targetBuilding.getBounds(), testBounds, .1f) == false) {
ChatManager.chatSystemError(player, "Not in range of structura for to heal!");
return true;
// Send piss bucket animation
VisualUpdateMessage vum = new VisualUpdateMessage(player, 16323);
DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(player, vum);
if (waterbucketBypass == false)
PowersManager.applyPower(player, target, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, ib.getUseID(), ib.getUseAmount(), true);
} else //just remove the item at this point
dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
default: //shouldn't be here, consume item
dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(player, msg);
DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.SECONDARY);
// itemMan.consume(item);
} else {
// TODO log item does not belong to player
// System.out.println("Item does not belong to player");
// Cleanup duped item here
return true;