// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.powers; import engine.mbEnums.PowerCategoryType; import engine.mbEnums.PowerTargetType; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PowersBase { public final ArrayList monsterTypeRestrictions = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList actions = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList effectPrereqs = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList targetEffectPrereqs = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList equipPrereqs = new ArrayList<>(); public int UUID; public String name; public int token; public String IDString; public String category; public int skillID; public float range; public float cost; public float costRamp; public float castTime; public float castTimeRamp; public float cooldown; public float recycleTime; public float recycleRamp; public int maxTrains; public float hateValue; public float hateRamp; public String monsterTypePrereq; // target limited to these types public String skillName; public float weaponRange = 15f; // aoe related public boolean isAOE = true; public boolean useCone = false; public boolean usePointBlank = false; public boolean useSphere = false; public float radius; public byte groupReq; // who the spell won't hit public int maxNumMobTargets; public int maxNumPlayerTargets; // chant related public float chantDuration; public int chantIterations; // valid target types from targetType field public boolean targetPlayer = false; public boolean targetMob = false; public boolean targetPet = false; public boolean targetNecroPet = false; public boolean targetSelf = false; public boolean targetWeapon = false; public boolean targetCorpse = false; public boolean targetBuilding = false; public boolean targetGroup = false; public boolean targetGuildLeader = false; public boolean targetJewelry = false; public boolean targetArmor = false; public boolean targetItem = false; // flags public boolean isCasterFriendly = false; // from groupReq public boolean isGroupFriendly = false; // from groupReq public boolean isGroupOnly = false; // from groupReq public boolean mustHitPets = false; // from groupReq public boolean isNationFriendly = false; // from groupReq public boolean targetFromLastTarget = false; // from unknown06 public boolean targetFromSelf = false; // from unknown06 public boolean targetFromName = false; // from unknown06 public boolean targetFromNearbyMobs = false; // from unknown06 public boolean useHealth = false; // from costType public boolean useMana = false; // from costType public boolean useStamina = false; // from costType public boolean isSpell = true; // from skillOrSpell field public boolean allowedInCombat = false; // from combat field public boolean allowedOutOfCombat = false; // from combat field public boolean regularPlayerCanCast = false; // from grantOverrideVar public boolean hateRampAdd = true; // 1 bit flag public boolean costRampAdd = true; // 2 bit flag public boolean recycleRampAdd = true; // 4 bit flag public boolean initRampAdd = true; // 8 bit flag public boolean canCastWhileMoving = false; // 16 bit flag public boolean canCastWhileFlying = false; // 32 bit flag public boolean isChant = false; // 64 bit flag public boolean losCheck = false; // 128 bit flag public boolean sticky = false; // 256 bit flag public boolean isAdminPower = false; // 512 bit flag public boolean requiresHitRoll = false; // 1024 bit flag public boolean isWeaponPower = false; // from category public boolean isHeal = false; //from category public boolean isTrack = false; //from category public boolean isHarmful = true; public boolean vampDrain = false; public boolean cancelOnCastSpell = false; public boolean cancelOnTakeDamage = false; public PowerTargetType targetType; public PowerCategoryType powerCategory; public String description; /** * No Table ID Constructor */ public PowersBase() { } /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public PowersBase(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { this.UUID = rs.getInt("ID"); this.name = rs.getString("name").trim(); this.token = rs.getInt("token"); this.skillName = rs.getString("skillName").trim(); this.IDString = rs.getString("IDString").trim(); this.isSpell = (rs.getString("skillOrSpell").equals("SPELL")) ? true : false; this.skillID = rs.getInt("skillID"); this.range = rs.getFloat("range"); this.description = (rs.getString("description")).trim().replace("\r\n ", ""); String ct = rs.getString("costType").trim(); if (ct.equals("HEALTH")) this.useHealth = true; else if (ct.equals("MANA")) this.useMana = true; else if (ct.equals("STAMINA")) this.useStamina = true; ct = rs.getString("targetType").trim(); if (ct.equals("BUILDING")) this.targetBuilding = true; else if (ct.equals("CORPSE")) this.targetCorpse = true; else if (ct.equals("GROUP")) this.targetGroup = true; else if (ct.equals("GUILDLEADER")) this.targetGuildLeader = true; else if (ct.equals("MOBILE")) { this.targetMob = true; this.targetPet = true; // sure on this one? } else if (ct.equals("PC")) this.targetPlayer = true; else if (ct.equals("SELF")) this.targetSelf = true; else if (ct.equals("PET")) this.targetPet = true; else if (ct.equals("NECROPET")) this.targetNecroPet = true; else if (ct.equals("ARMOR")) this.targetArmor = true; else if (ct.equals("WEAPON")) this.targetWeapon = true; else if (ct.equals("JEWELRY")) this.targetJewelry = true; else if (ct.equals("ITEM")) { this.targetItem = true; this.targetJewelry = true; this.targetArmor = true; this.targetWeapon = true; } else if (ct.equals("ARMORWEAPONJEWELRY")) { this.targetArmor = true; this.targetWeapon = true; this.targetJewelry = true; } else if (ct.equals("PCMOBILE")) { this.targetPlayer = true; this.targetMob = true; this.targetPet = true; // sure on this one? } else if (ct.equals("WEAPONARMOR")) { this.targetWeapon = true; this.targetArmor = true; } else { Logger.info("Missed " + ct + " targetType"); } String cat = rs.getString("category").trim(); this.category = cat; if (cat.isEmpty()) this.powerCategory = PowerCategoryType.NONE; else this.powerCategory = PowerCategoryType.valueOf(cat.replace("-", "")); if (cat.equals("WEAPON")) { this.isWeaponPower = true; this.isHarmful = false; if (this.skillName.equals("Bow") || this.skillName.equals("Crossbow") || this.skillName.equals("Archery")) this.weaponRange = 1000f; else if (this.skillName.equals("Throwing")) this.weaponRange = 60f; else this.weaponRange = 15f; } else if (cat.equals("HEAL") || cat.equals("GROUPHEAL")) { this.isHeal = true; this.isHarmful = false; } else if (cat.equals("TRACK")) { this.isTrack = true; this.isHarmful = false; } else if (cat.equals("AE") || cat.equals("AEDAMAGE") || cat.equals("BREAKFLY") || cat.equals("DAMAGE") || cat.equals("DEBUFF") || cat.equals("MOVE") || cat.equals("SPECIAL") || cat.equals("SPIREDISABLE")) this.isHarmful = true; else if (cat.equals("CHANT")) { this.isHarmful = ct.equals("MOBILE") || ct.equals("PC") || ct.equals("PCMOBILE"); } else if (cat.equals("DISPEL")) { //TODO this needs broken down better later this.isHarmful = false; } else if (cat.isEmpty()) { if (ct.equals("MOBILE") || ct.equals("PCMOBILE")) this.isHarmful = true; else if (ct.equals("PC")) { this.isHarmful = this.token != 429607195 && this.token != 429425915; } else this.isHarmful = false; } else this.isHarmful = false; if (cat.equals("VAMPDRAIN")) { this.vampDrain = true; this.isHarmful = true; } this.cost = rs.getFloat("cost"); this.costRamp = rs.getFloat("costRamp"); this.castTime = rs.getFloat("castTime"); this.castTimeRamp = rs.getFloat("initRamp"); this.cooldown = rs.getFloat("cooldown"); this.recycleTime = rs.getFloat("recycleTime"); this.recycleRamp = rs.getFloat("recycleRamp"); this.maxTrains = rs.getInt("maxTrains"); this.hateValue = rs.getFloat("hateValue"); this.hateRamp = rs.getFloat("hateRamp"); ct = rs.getString("unknown06").trim(); if (this.targetSelf) { } else if (ct.equals("CLICK")) if (!this.targetGroup) this.targetFromLastTarget = true; else if (ct.equals("NAME")) this.targetFromName = true; else if (ct.equals("NEARBYMOBS")) this.targetFromNearbyMobs = true; this.monsterTypePrereq = rs.getString("monsterTypePrereqs").trim(); ct = rs.getString("radiusType").trim(); if (ct.equals("CONE")) this.useCone = true; else if (ct.equals("POINTBLANK")) this.usePointBlank = true; else if (ct.equals("SPHERE")) this.useSphere = true; else this.isAOE = false; this.radius = rs.getFloat("radius"); ct = rs.getString("groupReq").trim(); if (ct.equals("CASTER")) this.isCasterFriendly = true; else if (ct.equals("GROUP")) { this.isGroupFriendly = true; this.isCasterFriendly = true; } else if (ct.equals("ALLBUTGROUP")) this.isGroupOnly = true; else if (ct.equals("ALLBUTPETS")) this.mustHitPets = true; else if (ct.equals("NATION")) { this.isNationFriendly = true; this.isCasterFriendly = true; } this.maxNumMobTargets = rs.getInt("maxNumMobTargets"); this.maxNumPlayerTargets = rs.getInt("maxNumPlayerTargets"); this.chantDuration = rs.getFloat("chantDuration"); this.chantIterations = rs.getInt("chantIterations"); ct = rs.getString("combat").trim(); if (ct.equals("COMBAT")) this.allowedInCombat = true; else if (ct.equals("NONCOMBAT")) this.allowedOutOfCombat = true; else if (ct.equals("BOTH")) { this.allowedInCombat = true; this.allowedOutOfCombat = true; } ct = rs.getString("grantOverideVar").trim(); if (ct.equals("PGOV_PLAYER")) this.regularPlayerCanCast = true; int flags = rs.getInt("flags"); if ((flags & 1) == 0) this.hateRampAdd = false; if ((flags & 2) == 0) this.costRampAdd = false; if ((flags & 4) == 0) this.recycleRampAdd = false; if ((flags & 8) == 0) this.initRampAdd = false; if ((flags & 16) != 0) this.canCastWhileMoving = true; if ((flags & 32) != 0) this.canCastWhileFlying = true; if ((flags & 64) != 0) this.isChant = true; if ((flags & 128) != 0) this.losCheck = true; if ((flags & 256) != 0) this.sticky = true; if ((flags & 512) != 0) this.isAdminPower = true; if ((flags & 1024) != 0) this.requiresHitRoll = true; ct = rs.getString("monsterTypeRestrict1").trim(); if (!ct.isEmpty()) this.monsterTypeRestrictions.add(ct); ct = rs.getString("monsterTypeRestrict2").trim(); if (!ct.isEmpty()) this.monsterTypeRestrictions.add(ct); ct = rs.getString("monsterTypeRestrict3").trim(); if (!ct.isEmpty()) this.monsterTypeRestrictions.add(ct); } public String getName() { return this.name; } public int getMaxTrains() { return this.maxTrains; } public int getUUID() { return this.UUID; } public String getIDString() { return this.IDString; } public int getToken() { if (this.IDString.equals("BLEED-DOT-10.5-RANGE")) return -369682965; return this.token; } public int getCastTime(int trains) { // returns cast time in ms if (this.initRampAdd) return (int) ((this.castTime + (this.castTimeRamp * trains)) * 1000); else return (int) ((this.castTime * (1 + (this.castTimeRamp * trains))) * 1000); } public int getRecycleTime(int trains) { // returns cast time in ms if (this.recycleRampAdd) return (int) (((this.recycleTime + (this.recycleRamp * trains)) * 1000) + getCastTime(trains)); else return (int) (((this.recycleTime * (1 + (this.recycleRamp * trains))) * 1000) + getCastTime(trains)); } // public ArrayList getConditions() { // return this.conditions; // } public ArrayList getEffectPrereqs() { return this.effectPrereqs; } public ArrayList getTargetEffectPrereqs() { return this.targetEffectPrereqs; } public ArrayList getEquipPrereqs() { return this.equipPrereqs; } public ArrayList getActions() { return this.actions; } public boolean usePointBlank() { return this.usePointBlank; } public float getRadius() { return this.radius; } public int getMaxNumMobTargets() { return this.maxNumMobTargets; } public int getMaxNumPlayerTargets() { return this.maxNumPlayerTargets; } public boolean cancelOnCastSpell() { return this.cancelOnCastSpell; } public boolean cancelOnTakeDamage() { return this.cancelOnTakeDamage; } public boolean allowedInCombat() { return this.allowedInCombat; } public boolean allowedOutOfCombat() { return this.allowedOutOfCombat; } public boolean isCasterFriendly() { return this.isCasterFriendly; } public boolean isGroupFriendly() { return this.isGroupFriendly; } public boolean isNationFriendly() { return this.isNationFriendly; } public boolean isGroupOnly() { return this.isGroupOnly; } public boolean mustHitPets() { return this.mustHitPets; } public boolean targetFromLastTarget() { return this.targetFromLastTarget; } public boolean targetFromSelf() { return this.targetFromSelf; } public boolean targetFromName() { return this.targetFromName; } public boolean targetFromNearbyMobs() { return this.targetFromNearbyMobs; } public float getRange() { return this.range; } public boolean requiresHitRoll() { return this.requiresHitRoll; } public boolean regularPlayerCanCast() { return this.regularPlayerCanCast; } public boolean isSpell() { return this.isSpell; } public boolean isHarmful() { return this.isHarmful; } public boolean targetPlayer() { return this.targetPlayer; } public boolean targetMob() { return this.targetMob; } public boolean targetPet() { return this.targetPet; } public boolean targetNecroPet() { return this.targetNecroPet; } public boolean targetSelf() { return this.targetSelf; } public boolean targetCorpse() { return this.targetCorpse; } public boolean targetBuilding() { return this.targetBuilding; } public boolean targetGroup() { return this.targetGroup; } public boolean targetGuildLeader() { return this.targetGuildLeader; } public boolean targetJewelry() { return this.targetJewelry; } public boolean targetArmor() { return this.targetArmor; } public boolean targetWeapon() { return this.targetWeapon; } public boolean targetItem() { return this.targetItem; } public long getCooldown() { return (long) (this.cooldown * 1000); // return // in ms } public boolean useHealth() { return this.useHealth; } public boolean useMana() { return this.useMana; } public boolean useStamina() { return this.useStamina; } public float getCost(int trains) { if (this.costRampAdd) return this.cost + (this.costRamp * trains); else return this.cost * (1 + (this.costRamp * trains)); } public float getHateValue() { return this.hateValue; } public float getHateRamp() { return this.hateRamp; } public float getHateValue(int trains) { return this.hateValue + (this.hateRamp * trains); } public boolean canCastWhileMoving() { return this.canCastWhileMoving; } public boolean canCastWhileFlying() { return this.canCastWhileFlying; } public boolean isAOE() { return isAOE; } public boolean isChant() { return isChant; } public int getChantIterations() { return chantIterations; } public float getChantDuration() { return chantDuration; } public boolean isWeaponPower() { return isWeaponPower; } public boolean isHeal() { return isHeal; } public boolean isTrack() { return isTrack; } public boolean vampDrain() { return vampDrain; } public void setCancelOnCastSpell(boolean value) { this.cancelOnCastSpell = value; } public void setCancelOnTakeDamage(boolean value) { this.cancelOnTakeDamage = value; } public String getSkillName() { return this.skillName; } public String getMonsterTypePrereq() { return this.monsterTypePrereq; } public String getCategory() { return this.category; } public float getWeaponRange() { return this.weaponRange; } public PowerCategoryType getPowerCategoryType() { return this.powerCategory; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public boolean ignoreLore(){ switch(this.category){ case "HEAL": case "BUFF": case "DISPELL": case "SUMMON": return false; } return true; } }