Public Repository for the Magicbane Shadowbane Emulator
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.devcmd.cmds;
import engine.devcmd.AbstractDevCmd;
import engine.objects.AbstractGameObject;
import engine.objects.PlayerCharacter;
public class GetRuneDropRateCmd extends AbstractDevCmd {
public GetRuneDropRateCmd() {
protected void _doCmd(PlayerCharacter pcSender, String[] words,
AbstractGameObject target) {
if (pcSender == null)
String out = "Depracated";
throwbackInfo(pcSender, out);
protected String _getUsageString() {
return "' /getrunedroprate'";
protected String _getHelpString() {
return "lists drop rates for runes and contracts in non-hotzone.";