Public Repository for the Magicbane Shadowbane Emulator

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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.objects;
import engine.Enum.GameObjectType;
import engine.gameManager.DbManager;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Heraldry {
public static HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, Integer>> HeraldyMap = new HashMap<>();
public int playerUID;
public int characterUUID;
public int characterType;
* ResultSet Constructor
public Heraldry(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
this.playerUID = rs.getInt("playerUID");
this.characterUUID = rs.getInt("characterUID");
this.characterType = rs.getInt("characterType");
//cache player friends.
//hashset already created, just add to set.
if (HeraldyMap.containsKey(playerUID)) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> playerHeraldySet = HeraldyMap.get(playerUID);
playerHeraldySet.put(characterUUID, characterType);
//hashset not yet created, create new set, and add to map.
} else {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> playerHeraldySet = new HashMap<>();
playerHeraldySet.put(characterUUID, characterType);
HeraldyMap.put(this.playerUID, playerHeraldySet);
public Heraldry(int playerUID, int friendUID) {
this.playerUID = playerUID;
this.characterUUID = friendUID;
public static boolean AddToHeraldy(int playerID, AbstractWorldObject character) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> characters = HeraldyMap.get(playerID);
if (characters != null) {
//already in friends list, don't do anything.
if (characters.containsKey(character.getObjectUUID()))
return false;
DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.ADD_HERALDY(playerID, character);
characters.put(character.getObjectUUID(), character.getObjectType().ordinal());
} else {
characters = new HashMap<>();
DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.ADD_HERALDY(playerID, character);
characters.put(character.getObjectUUID(), character.getObjectType().ordinal());
HeraldyMap.put(playerID, characters);
return true;
public static boolean RemoveFromHeraldy(int playerID, int characterID) {
if (!CanRemove(playerID, characterID))
return false;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> characters = HeraldyMap.get(playerID);
if (characters != null) {
DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.REMOVE_HERALDY(playerID, characterID);
return true;
public static boolean CanRemove(int playerID, int toRemove) {
if (HeraldyMap.get(playerID) == null)
return false;
if (HeraldyMap.get(playerID).isEmpty())
return false;
if (!HeraldyMap.get(playerID).containsKey(toRemove))
return false;
return true;
public static void AuditHeraldry() {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> characterMap;
ArrayList<Integer> purgeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int playerID : Heraldry.HeraldyMap.keySet()) {
characterMap = Heraldry.HeraldyMap.get(playerID);
if (characterMap == null || characterMap.isEmpty())
// Loop through map adding deleted characters to our purge map
for (int characterID : characterMap.keySet()) {
int characterType = characterMap.get(characterID);
if (characterType != GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter.ordinal())
// Player is deleted, add to purge list
if (PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(characterID) == null)
// Run purge
for (int uuid : purgeList) {
if (!Heraldry.RemoveFromHeraldy(playerID, uuid))
continue;"Removed Deleted Character ID " + uuid + " from PlayerID " + playerID + " heraldry.");
public static void ValidateHeraldry(int playerUUID) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> heraldryMap = Heraldry.HeraldyMap.get(playerUUID);
if (heraldryMap == null || heraldryMap.isEmpty())
for (int characterID : heraldryMap.keySet()) {
int characterType = heraldryMap.get(characterID);
GameObjectType objectType = GameObjectType.values()[characterType];
AbstractGameObject ago = DbManager.getFromCache(objectType, characterID);
if (ago == null)
public int getPlayerUID() {
return playerUID;