Help to annotate these passwords of GM, thank you! AddBuilding GetZone SetActivateMine ./AddGold 增加金币 GetZoneMobs SetAdminRune AddMob GotoBounds SetAI AddMobPower Goto SetBaneActive AddMobRune GotoObj SetBaseClass AddNPC GuildList SetBuildingAltitude ApplyBonus Heartbeat SetForceRenameCity ApplyStatMod Help SetGuild AuditFailedItems ./Hotzone 改热点 SetHealth AuditHeightMap Info SetInvul AuditMobs Jump SetLevel Bounds MakeBane SetMaint ChangeName MakeItem SetMana CombatMessage MBDrop SetMineExpansion convertLoc NetDebug SetMineType CopyMob PrintBank SetNpcEquipSet CreateItem PrintBonuses SetNpcMobbase Debug PrintEquip SetNpcName DebugMeleeSync PrintInventory SetNPCSlot DecachePlayer PrintLocation setOpenDate Despawn PrintPowers SetOwner Distance PrintResists SetPromotionClass Effect PrintSkills SetRank Enchant PrintStats SetRate FindBuildings PrintVault SetRune FlashMsg SetStamina GateInfo PurgeObjects SetSubRace GetBank RealmInfo ShowOffset GetCacheCount Reboot SlotNpc GetDisciplineLoc Region SplatMob GetHeight RemoveBane SqlDebug GetMemory RemoveObject Summon GetMobBaseLoot Rename SysMsg GetOffset RenameMob TeleportMode GetRuneDropRate ResetLevel UnloadFurniture GetVault Rotate ZoneInfo Help to annotate the meaning of each table name, thank you! 帮注释下每个表名的含义,谢谢! Tables_in_magicbane | +-----------------------------------+ | TOO | | TOO_IMPORT | | TOO_NODUPES | | TOO_TEST_DUPES | | TOO_Test | | TOO_import | | _init_realm | | cache_import | | cache_import_old | | char_perAccount | | class_metrics | | client_cache_objects | | contractaudit | | dyn_banes | | dyn_building_condemned | | dyn_building_friends | | dyn_building_patrol_points | | dyn_character_friends | | dyn_character_guildhistory | | dyn_character_heraldy | | dyn_character_ignore | | dyn_character_killmap | | dyn_character_murdermap | | dyn_character_power | | dyn_character_rune | | dyn_character_skill | | dyn_guards | | dyn_guild_allianceenemylist | | dyn_guild_banishlist | | dyn_guild_characterkoslist | | dyn_guild_guildkoslist | | dyn_ip_block | | dyn_item_enchantment | | dyn_login_history | | dyn_npc_production | | dyn_npc_profits | | dyn_petition | | dyn_session | | dyn_trash | | dyn_trash_detail | | dyn_warehouse_transactions | | file_list | | itemdump | | itemfixes | | itemrestrictionsCacheExport | | login_cachelist | | mob_LootTables | | mob_Powers | | mob_SpecialLoot(副职掉率) | | npc_inventory_detailed | | obj_account (查帐户) | | obj_building | | obj_character | | obj_city | | obj_container | | obj_guild | | obj_item | | obj_mine | | obj_mob | | obj_npc | | obj_realm | | obj_shrine | | obj_warehouse | | obj_worldserver | | obj_zone | | object | | orphaned_Mines | | purgelist | | runes_perCharacter | | static_ai_defaults | | static_building_blueprint | | static_building_colliders | | static_building_doors | | static_building_location | | static_building_regions | | static_building_set | | static_heightmaps | | static_item_bakedinstat | | static_item_boons | | static_item_itemrequirement | | static_itembase | | static_itembase_animations | | static_lootgroups | | static_loottables | | static_mesh_bounds | | static_mob_loottable | | static_modgroups | | static_modtables | | static_npc_contract | | static_npc_contract_selltype | | static_npc_equipmentset | | static_npc_inventoryset | | static_npc_level_defaults | | static_npc_menuoption | | static_npc_mob_resists | | static_npc_mob_specialloot | | static_npc_mobbase | | static_npc_mobbase_behavior | | static_npc_mobbase_effects | | static_npc_mobbase_gold (怪钱掉率) | | static_npc_mobbase_helpees | | static_npc_mobbase_powers | | static_npc_mobbase_race | | static_npc_mobbase_runes | | static_npc_mobbase_speeds | | static_npc_mobbase_stats | | static_npc_mobbase_unknown | | static_npc_mobequipment | | static_npc_vendordialog | | static_piratenames | | static_piratenames_copy | | static_power_action | | static_power_animation_override | | static_power_effect_allowed_item | | static_power_effectbase | | static_power_effectcost | | static_power_effectmod | | static_power_effectprereqs | | static_power_failcondition | | static_power_poweraction | | static_power_powerbase | | static_power_powerbase_fucked | | static_power_powerbase_unfucked | | static_power_powercastprereq | | static_power_powergrant | | static_power_powerrequirement | | static_power_sourcetype | | static_rune_baseclass | | static_rune_baseclassrune | | static_rune_baseeffect | | static_rune_maxskills | | static_rune_promotion | | static_rune_promotionrunereq | | static_rune_race | | static_rune_racebaseclass | | static_rune_racebeardcolor | | static_rune_racebeardstyle | | static_rune_racehaircolor | | static_rune_racehairstyle | | static_rune_racerune | | static_rune_raceskincolor | | static_rune_runebase | | static_rune_runebaseattribute | | static_rune_runereq | | static_rune_speedprofile | | static_rune_validkit | | static_skill_skillreq | | static_skill_skillsbase | | static_skill_skillsgranted | | static_zone_building | | static_zone_furniture | | static_zone_heightmap | | static_zone_npc | | static_zone_npc_specialloot | | static_zone_size | | warehouse_banehistory | | warehouse_characterhistory | | warehouse_cityhistory | | warehouse_guildhistory | | warehouse_index | | warehouse_minehistory | | warehouse_pvphistory | | warehouse_realmhistory | | wpak_effect_mod_raw | | wpak_effect_mod_raw_old | | wpak_power_changes | | wpak_power_changes_readable | | wpak_static_power_powerbase | | wpakeffectdetail | | wpakeffectdetail_changed | | wpakeffectdetail_changed_readable | | wpakeffectdetailold | | wpakeffectheader | | wpakeffectheaderold