2 changed files with 414 additions and 0 deletions
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package engine.objects; |
import engine.Enum; |
import engine.powers.effectmodifiers.AbstractEffectModifier; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
public class PlayerCombatStats { |
public static HashMap<PlayerCharacter, PlayerCombatStats> combatstats = new HashMap<>(); |
public PlayerCharacter owner; |
//main hand data
public int minDamageHandOne; |
public int maxDamageHandOne; |
public float attackSpeedHandOne; |
public float rangeHandOne; |
public float atrHandOne; |
//off hand data
public int minDamageHandTwo; |
public int maxDamageHandTwo; |
public float attackSpeedHandTwo; |
public float rangeHandTwo; |
public float atrHandTwo; |
public int defense; |
//regen rates
public float healthRegen; |
public float manaRegen; |
public float staminaRegen; |
public PlayerCombatStats(PlayerCharacter pc) { |
this.owner = pc; |
this.update(); |
} |
public void update() { |
this.calculateATR(true); |
this.calculateATR(false); |
this.calculateMin(true); |
this.calculateMin(false); |
this.calculateMax(true); |
this.calculateMax(false); |
this.calculateAttackSpeed(true); |
this.calculateAttackSpeed(false); |
this.calculateAttackRange(true); |
this.calculateAttackRange(false); |
this.calculateRegen(); |
this.calculateDefense(); |
combatstats.put(this.owner, this); |
} |
public void calculateATR(boolean mainHand) { |
Item weapon; |
float atr; |
if(mainHand) { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
}else { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
String skill = "Unarmed Combat"; |
String mastery = "Unarmed Combat Mastery"; |
int primary = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
if(weapon != null) { |
skill= weapon.getItemBase().getSkillRequired(); |
mastery = weapon.getItemBase().getMastery(); |
if(weapon.getItemBase().isStrBased()) |
primary = this.owner.statStrCurrent; |
} |
float skillLevel = 0; |
float masteryLevel = 0; |
if(this.owner.skills.containsKey(skill)) |
skillLevel = this.owner.skills.get(skill).getModifiedAmount(); |
if(this.owner.skills.containsKey(mastery)) |
masteryLevel = this.owner.skills.get(mastery).getModifiedAmount(); |
float primaryCalc = primary * 0.5f; |
float skillCalc = skillLevel * 4; |
float masteryCalc = masteryLevel * 3; |
float atrEnchants = 0; |
float stanceValue = 0.0f; |
for(String effID : this.owner.effects.keySet()){ |
if(effID.contains("STC")){ |
for(AbstractEffectModifier mod : this.owner.effects.get(effID).getEffectModifiers()){ |
if(mod.modType.equals(Enum.ModType.AttackDelay)){ |
stanceValue = mod.getPercentMod() * 0.01f; // account for weapon prefix and suffix mods
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(this.owner.bonuses != null){ |
atrEnchants = this.owner.bonuses.getFloat(Enum.ModType.OCV, Enum.SourceType.None); |
} |
atrEnchants -= stanceValue; |
atr = primaryCalc + skillCalc + masteryCalc + atrEnchants; |
atr *= 1 + stanceValue; |
if(mainHand){ |
this.atrHandOne = atr; |
}else{ |
this.atrHandTwo = atr; |
} |
} |
public void calculateMin(boolean mainHand) { |
Item weapon; |
double baseDMG = 6; |
int primaryStat = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
int secondaryStat = this.owner.statStrCurrent; |
double weaponSkill = 0; |
double weaponMastery = 0; |
if (mainHand) { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
} else { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
String skill = "Unarmed Combat"; |
String mastery = "Unarmed Combat Mastery"; |
if (weapon != null) { |
baseDMG = weapon.getItemBase().getMaxDamage(); |
skill = weapon.getItemBase().getSkillRequired(); |
mastery = weapon.getItemBase().getMastery(); |
if (weapon.getItemBase().isStrBased()) { |
primaryStat = this.owner.statStrCurrent; |
secondaryStat = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
} |
} |
if (this.owner.skills.containsKey(skill)) { |
weaponSkill = this.owner.skills.get(skill).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
if (this.owner.skills.containsKey(mastery)) { |
weaponMastery = this.owner.skills.get(mastery).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
double minDMG = baseDMG * ( |
0.0048 * primaryStat + |
0.049 * Math.sqrt(primaryStat - 0.75) + |
0.0066 * secondaryStat + |
0.064 * Math.sqrt(secondaryStat - 0.75) + |
0.01 * (weaponSkill + weaponMastery) |
); |
if (mainHand) { |
this.minDamageHandOne = (int) minDMG; |
} else { |
this.minDamageHandTwo = (int) minDMG; |
} |
} |
public void calculateMax(boolean mainHand) { |
//Weapon Max DMG = BaseDMG * (0.0124*Primary Stat + 0.118*(Primary Stat -0.75)^0.5
// + 0.0022*Secondary Stat + 0.028*(Secondary Stat-0.75)^0.5 + 0.0075*(Weapon Skill + Weapon Mastery))
Item weapon; |
double baseDMG = 6; |
int primaryStat = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
int secondaryStat = this.owner.statStrCurrent; |
double weaponSkill = 0; |
double weaponMastery = 0; |
if (mainHand) { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
} else { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
String skill = "Unarmed Combat"; |
String mastery = "Unarmed Combat Mastery"; |
if (weapon != null) { |
baseDMG = weapon.getItemBase().getMaxDamage(); |
skill = weapon.getItemBase().getSkillRequired(); |
mastery = weapon.getItemBase().getMastery(); |
if (weapon.getItemBase().isStrBased()) { |
primaryStat = this.owner.statStrCurrent; |
secondaryStat = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
} |
} |
if (this.owner.skills.containsKey(skill)) { |
weaponSkill = this.owner.skills.get(skill).getModifiedAmount(); |
}else{ |
} |
if (this.owner.skills.containsKey(mastery)) { |
weaponMastery = this.owner.skills.get(mastery).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
double maxDMG = baseDMG * ( |
0.0124 * primaryStat + |
0.118 * Math.sqrt(primaryStat - 0.75) + |
0.0022 * secondaryStat + |
0.028 * Math.sqrt(secondaryStat - 0.75) + |
0.0075 * (weaponSkill + weaponMastery) |
); |
if(mainHand){ |
this.maxDamageHandOne = (int) maxDMG; |
}else{ |
this.maxDamageHandTwo = (int) maxDMG; |
} |
} |
public void calculateAttackSpeed(boolean mainHand){ |
Item weapon; |
float speed; |
if(mainHand) { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
}else { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
if(weapon == null) { |
speed = 20.0f; |
}else{ |
speed = weapon.getItemBase().getSpeed(); |
for(Effect eff : weapon.effects.values()){ |
for(AbstractEffectModifier mod : eff.getEffectModifiers()){ |
if(mod.modType.equals(Enum.ModType.WeaponProc)){ |
speed *= 1 + (mod.getPercentMod() * 0.01f); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
float stanceValue = 1.0f; |
for(String effID : this.owner.effects.keySet()){ |
if(effID.contains("STC")){ |
for(AbstractEffectModifier mod : this.owner.effects.get(effID).getEffectModifiers()){ |
if(mod.modType.equals(Enum.ModType.AttackDelay)){ |
stanceValue = mod.getPercentMod() * 0.01f; // account for weapon prefix and suffix mods
} |
} |
} |
} |
float bonusValues = 1.0f; |
if(this.owner.bonuses != null){ |
for(AbstractEffectModifier mod : this.owner.bonuses.bonusFloats.keySet()){ |
if(mod.modType.equals(Enum.ModType.AttackDelay)){ |
bonusValues += mod.getPercentMod() * 0.01f; // calculate all alac bonuses
} |
} |
} |
bonusValues -= stanceValue; // take away stance modifier from alac bonus values
speed *= 1 + stanceValue; // apply stance bonus
speed *= bonusValues; // apply alac bonuses without stance mod
if(speed < 10.0f) |
speed = 10.0f; |
if(mainHand){ |
this.attackSpeedHandOne = speed; |
}else{ |
this.attackSpeedHandTwo = speed; |
} |
} |
public void calculateAttackRange(boolean mainHand){ |
Item weapon; |
float range; |
if(mainHand) { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
}else { |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
if(weapon == null) { |
range = 6.0f; |
}else{ |
range = weapon.getItemBase().getRange(); |
} |
if(owner.bonuses != null){ |
range *= 1 + this.owner.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(Enum.ModType.WeaponRange, Enum.SourceType.None); |
} |
if(mainHand){ |
this.rangeHandOne = range; |
}else{ |
this.rangeHandTwo = range; |
} |
} |
public void calculateRegen(){ |
if(owner.bonuses != null){ |
this.healthRegen = 1.0f + this.owner.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(Enum.ModType.HealthRecoverRate, Enum.SourceType.None); |
this.manaRegen = 1.0f + this.owner.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(Enum.ModType.ManaRecoverRate, Enum.SourceType.None); |
this.staminaRegen = 1.0f + this.owner.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(Enum.ModType.StaminaRecoverRate, Enum.SourceType.None); |
}else{ |
this.healthRegen = 1.0f; |
this.manaRegen = 1.0f; |
this.staminaRegen = 1.0f; |
} |
} |
public void calculateDefense(){ |
int armorDefense = 0; |
int shieldDefense = 0; |
int dexterity = this.owner.statDexCurrent; |
double armorSkill = 0; |
double blockSkill = 0; |
double weaponSkill = 0; |
double weaponMastery = 0; |
int flatBonuses = 0; |
//armor defense value need to loop all equipped items and log armor defense values
ArrayList<String> armorTypes = new ArrayList<>(); |
if(this.owner.charItemManager != null){ |
for(Item equipped : this.owner.charItemManager.getEquippedList()){ |
if(equipped.getItemBase().isHeavyArmor()){ |
armorDefense += equipped.getItemBase().getDefense(); |
if(!armorTypes.contains(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired())) |
armorTypes.add(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired()); |
} else if(equipped.getItemBase().isLightArmor()){ |
armorDefense += equipped.getItemBase().getDefense(); |
if(!armorTypes.contains(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired())) |
armorTypes.add(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired()); |
} else if(equipped.getItemBase().isMediumArmor()){ |
armorDefense += equipped.getItemBase().getDefense(); |
if(!armorTypes.contains(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired())) |
armorTypes.add(equipped.getItemBase().getSkillRequired()); |
} else if(equipped.getItemBase().isClothArmor()){ |
armorDefense += equipped.getItemBase().getDefense(); |
}else if(equipped.getItemBase().isShield()){ |
shieldDefense += equipped.getItemBase().getDefense(); |
} |
} |
} |
//armor skill needs to calculate all trains in armor types
for(String armorType : armorTypes){ |
if(this.owner.skills!= null){ |
if(this.owner.skills.containsKey(armorType)){ |
armorSkill += this.owner.skills.get(armorType).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.owner.skills.containsKey("Block")) { |
blockSkill = this.owner.skills.get("Block").getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
String primarySkillName = "Unarmed Combat"; |
String primaryMasteryName = "Unarmed Combat Mastery"; |
Item weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(1); |
if(weapon == null){ |
weapon = this.owner.charItemManager.getEquipped(2); |
} |
if(weapon != null){ |
primarySkillName = weapon.getItemBase().getSkillRequired(); |
primaryMasteryName = weapon.getItemBase().getMastery(); |
} |
if(this.owner.skills != null){ |
if(this.owner.skills.containsKey(primarySkillName)){ |
weaponSkill = this.owner.skills.get(primarySkillName).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
if(this.owner.skills.containsKey(primaryMasteryName)){ |
weaponMastery = this.owner.skills.get(primaryMasteryName).getModifiedAmount(); |
} |
} |
float stanceValue = 0.0f; |
if(this.owner.bonuses != null){ |
for(String effID : this.owner.effects.keySet()){ |
if(effID.contains("STC")){ |
for(AbstractEffectModifier mod : this.owner.effects.get(effID).getEffectModifiers()){ |
if(mod.modType.equals(Enum.ModType.AttackDelay)){ |
stanceValue = mod.getPercentMod() * 0.01f; // account for weapon prefix and suffix mods
} |
} |
} |
} |
float bonusValues = 1.0f + this.owner.bonuses.getFloat(Enum.ModType.DCV, Enum.SourceType.None); |
bonusValues -= stanceValue; // take away stance modifier from alac bonus values
flatBonuses += bonusValues; // apply alac bonuses without stance mod
} |
double defense = (1 + armorSkill / 50.0) * armorDefense + |
(1 + blockSkill / 100.0) * shieldDefense + |
(weaponSkill / 2.0) + |
(weaponMastery / 2.0) + |
dexterity * 2.0 + |
flatBonuses; |
this.defense = (int) (defense * 1.0f + stanceValue); |
} |
} |
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