12 months ago | |
mbEditorPro2.0 | 12 months ago | |
LICENSE | 2 years ago | |
README.md | 1 year ago |
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Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
mbEditorPro v 2.1
Team Magicbane presents to the community technology allowing MagicBox administrators
to fully modify their game using nothing more than notepad.exe.
- Tool directly converts Shadowbane .cache file data to and from a high fidelity pure JSON representation.
- Media such as textures and sound are converted in-situ.
- Enumerations are used throughout hiding from the user ugly signed ulong values.
- Written in Python and open-source allowing modification and extension with ease.
- Want to raise all weapon damage by x%; Just modify item values as they are being parsed!
The tool built with Eldritch Technologies parses all Shadowbane .cache files giving the user complete control over the game
Team Magicbane aims to deliver you the best crackhead free MMO technology around; all for free!
mbEditorPro requires pillow for image manipulation and tqdm for metrics.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
mbEditorPro.py unpack cobjects
mbEditorPro.py unpack all
JSON output will be placed into the folder ARCANE DUMP
mbEditorPro.py pack textures
mbEditorPro.py pack all
New binary cache file(s) will be built from the JSON and output into the current directory.
Hirelings, ZoneEvents and Mobile Inventory are not parsed or written as there were no
examples in the .cache files to begin with. The game does seem to support them, however.
The tool generating pure JSON has the following benefits:
- It's ubiquitous and the tooling is mature. The standard interop exchange format.
- Human and machine-readable.
- Ease of importing into MySQL or other databases.
- Use as an intermediate representation to build a GUI World Editor or FBX importer.
mbEditorPro will be the cornerstone of Magicbane's data project. The Team's goals are threefold:
- Ship MagicBox 1.5 with both Aerynth and Vorringia mapsets.
- Integrate Magicbane's wpak extractor technology into the tool.
- Use data for a detailed audit of Magicbane's database.
More Information
See the mbEditorPro2.0 Wiki for more detailed information.