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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.gameManager;
2 years ago
import engine.Enum;
import engine.loot.*;
2 years ago
import engine.objects.*;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
2 years ago
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
2 years ago
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
* Class contains static methods for data from Magicbane's loot tables
public enum LootManager {
2 years ago
//new tables
public static final HashMap<Integer, GenTable> generalItemTables = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<Integer, ItemTable> itemTables = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<Integer, ModTypeTable> modTypeTables = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<Integer, ModTable> modTables = new HashMap<>();
// Drop Rates
public static float NORMAL_DROP_RATE;
public static float NORMAL_EXP_RATE;
public static float NORMAL_GOLD_RATE;
public static float HOTZONE_DROP_RATE;
public static float HOTZONE_EXP_RATE;
public static float HOTZONE_GOLD_RATE;
// Bootstrap routine to initialize the Loot Manager
public static void init() {
// Load loot tables from database.
2 years ago
// Cache drop rate values from Config manager.
NORMAL_DROP_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_NORMAL_DROP_RATE.getValue());
NORMAL_EXP_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_NORMAL_EXP_RATE.getValue());
NORMAL_GOLD_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_NORMAL_GOLD_RATE.getValue());
HOTZONE_DROP_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_HOTZONE_DROP_RATE.getValue());
HOTZONE_EXP_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_HOTZONE_EXP_RATE.getValue());
HOTZONE_GOLD_RATE = Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_HOTZONE_GOLD_RATE.getValue());
public static void GenerateMobLoot(Mob mob, boolean fromDeath) {
2 years ago
//determine if mob is in hotzone
2 years ago
boolean inHotzone = ZoneManager.inHotZone(mob.getLoc());
2 years ago
//get multiplier form config manager
float multiplier = NORMAL_DROP_RATE;
//if mob is inside hotzone, use the hotzone multiplier from the config instead
if (inHotzone)
multiplier = HOTZONE_DROP_RATE;
2 years ago
//iterate the booty sets
if (mob.getMobBase().bootySet != 0 && NPCManager._bootySetMap.containsKey(mob.getMobBase().bootySet) == true)
RunBootySet(NPCManager._bootySetMap.get(mob.getMobBase().bootySet), mob, multiplier, inHotzone, fromDeath);
if (mob.bootySet != 0 && NPCManager._bootySetMap.containsKey(mob.bootySet) == true)
RunBootySet(NPCManager._bootySetMap.get(mob.bootySet), mob, multiplier, inHotzone, fromDeath);
//lastly, check mobs inventory for godly or disc runes to send a server announcement
if (!fromDeath) {
for (Item it : mob.getInventory()) {
ItemBase ib = it.getItemBase();
if (ib.isDiscRune() || ib.getName().toLowerCase().contains("of the gods")) {
ChatSystemMsg chatMsg = new ChatSystemMsg(null, mob.getName() + " in " + mob.getParentZone().getName() + " has found the " + ib.getName() + ". Are you tough enough to take it?");
if(it.getBaseValue() == it.getItemBase().getBaseValue())
2 years ago
private static void RunBootySet(ArrayList<BootySetEntry> entries, Mob mob, float multiplier, boolean inHotzone, boolean fromDeath) {
if (fromDeath)
DropEquipment(mob, multiplier);
else {
2 years ago
for (BootySetEntry bse : entries) {
switch (bse.bootyType) {
case "GOLD":
GenerateGoldDrop(mob, bse, inHotzone);
case "LOOT":
//always run base table loot drop
GenerateLootDrop(mob, bse.lootTable, bse.dropChance, multiplier, false); //generate normal loot drop
if (inHotzone)
//run another iteration for the hotzone table if in hotzone
2 years ago
if (generalItemTables.containsKey(bse.lootTable + 1))
GenerateLootDrop(mob, bse.lootTable + 1, bse.dropChance, multiplier, true); //generate loot drop from hotzone table
2 years ago
case "ITEM":
GenerateItemLootDrop(mob, bse, multiplier);
public static MobLoot getGenTableItem(int genTableID, Mob mob, Boolean inHotzone) {
if (mob == null || generalItemTables.containsKey(genTableID) == false)
return null;
MobLoot outItem;
int genRoll = new Random().nextInt(99) + 1;
GenTableRow selectedRow = generalItemTables.get(genTableID).getRowForRange(genRoll);
if (selectedRow == null)
return null;
int itemTableId = selectedRow.itemTableID;
if(itemTables.containsKey(itemTableId) == false)
return null;
//gets the 1-320 roll for this mob
int roll2 = TableRoll(mob.level,inHotzone);
ItemTableRow tableRow = itemTables.get(itemTableId).getRowForRange(roll2);
if (tableRow == null)
return null;
int itemUUID = tableRow.cacheID;
if (itemUUID == 0)
return null;
if (ItemBase.getItemBase(itemUUID).getType().ordinal() == Enum.ItemType.RESOURCE.ordinal()) {
int amount = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(tableRow.maxSpawn - tableRow.minSpawn) + tableRow.minSpawn;
return new MobLoot(mob, ItemBase.getItemBase(itemUUID), amount, false);
outItem = new MobLoot(mob, ItemBase.getItemBase(itemUUID), false);
Enum.ItemType outType = outItem.getItemBase().getType();
if (outType.ordinal() == Enum.ItemType.WEAPON.ordinal() || outType.ordinal() == Enum.ItemType.ARMOR.ordinal() || outType.ordinal() == Enum.ItemType.JEWELRY.ordinal()) {
if (outItem.getItemBase().isGlass() == false) {
try {
outItem = GeneratePrefix(mob, outItem, genTableID, genRoll, inHotzone);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Failed to GeneratePrefix for item: " + outItem.getName());
try {
outItem = GenerateSuffix(mob, outItem, genTableID, genRoll, inHotzone);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error("Failed to GenerateSuffix for item: " + outItem.getName());
return outItem;
private static MobLoot GeneratePrefix(Mob mob, MobLoot inItem, int genTableID, int genRoll, Boolean inHotzone) {
int prefixChanceRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
double prefixChance = 2.057 * mob.level - 28.67;
if (prefixChanceRoll < prefixChance) {
GenTableRow selectedRow = generalItemTables.get(genTableID).getRowForRange(genRoll);
if(selectedRow == null)
return inItem;
ModTypeTable prefixTable = modTypeTables.get(selectedRow.pModTable);
if(prefixTable == null)
return inItem;
int prefixroll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
if (modTables.get(prefixTable.getRowForRange(prefixroll).modTableID) != null) {
ModTable prefixModTable = modTables.get(prefixTable.getRowForRange(prefixroll).modTableID);
if(prefixModTable == null)
return inItem;
ModTableRow prefixMod = prefixModTable.getRowForRange(TableRoll(mob.level, inHotzone));
if(prefixMod == null)
return inItem;
if (prefixMod != null && prefixMod.action.length() > 0) {
inItem.addPermanentEnchantment(prefixMod.action, 0, prefixMod.level, true);
return inItem;
private static MobLoot GenerateSuffix(Mob mob, MobLoot inItem, int genTableID, int genRoll, Boolean inHotzone) {
int suffixChanceRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
double suffixChance = 2.057 * mob.level - 28.67;
if (suffixChanceRoll < suffixChance) {
GenTableRow selectedRow = generalItemTables.get(genTableID).getRowForRange(genRoll);
if(selectedRow == null)
return inItem;
int suffixroll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
ModTypeTable suffixTable = modTypeTables.get(selectedRow.sModTable);
if(suffixTable == null)
return inItem;
if (modTables.get(suffixTable.getRowForRange(suffixroll).modTableID) != null) {
ModTable suffixModTable = modTables.get(suffixTable.getRowForRange(suffixroll).modTableID);
if(suffixModTable == null)
return inItem;
ModTableRow suffixMod = suffixModTable.getRowForRange(TableRoll(mob.level, inHotzone));
if(suffixMod == null)
return inItem;
if (suffixMod != null && suffixMod.action.length() > 0) {
inItem.addPermanentEnchantment(suffixMod.action, 0, suffixMod.level, false);
return inItem;
private static int TableRoll(int mobLevel, Boolean inHotzone) {
if (mobLevel > 65)
mobLevel = 65;
int max = (int) (4.882 * mobLevel + 127.0);
if (max > 319)
max = 319;
int min = (int) (2.089 * mobLevel + 22.14);
min += mobLevel;
int roll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(max - min) + min;
return roll;
public static void GenerateGoldDrop(Mob mob, BootySetEntry bse, Boolean inHotzone) {
int chanceRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
//early exit, failed to hit minimum chance roll
if (chanceRoll > bse.dropChance)
//determine and add gold to mob inventory
int high = bse.highGold;
int low = bse.lowGold;
int gold = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(high - low) + low;
if (inHotzone == true)
gold = (int) (gold * HOTZONE_GOLD_RATE);
gold = (int) (gold * NORMAL_GOLD_RATE);
if (gold > 0) {
MobLoot goldAmount = new MobLoot(mob, gold);
public static void GenerateLootDrop(Mob mob, int tableID, float dropChance, float multiplier, Boolean inHotzone) {
try {
int chanceRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
//early exit, failed to hit minimum chance roll
if (chanceRoll > dropChance * multiplier)
MobLoot toAdd = getGenTableItem(tableID, mob, inHotzone);
if (toAdd != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO chase down loot generation error, affects roughly 2% of drops
int i = 0;
public static void DropEquipment(Mob mob, float multiplier) {
//do equipment here
if (mob.getEquip() != null) {
for (MobEquipment me : mob.getEquip().values()) {
if (me.getDropChance() == 0)
float equipmentRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
float dropChance = me.getDropChance() * 100;
if (equipmentRoll > (dropChance * multiplier))
MobLoot ml = new MobLoot(mob, me.getItemBase(), false);
if (ml != null)
public static void GenerateItemLootDrop(Mob mob, BootySetEntry bse, float multiplier) {
int chanceRoll = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(99) + 1;
//early exit, failed to hit minimum chance roll
if (chanceRoll > bse.dropChance * multiplier)
MobLoot lootItem = new MobLoot(mob, ItemBase.getItemBase(bse.itemBase), true);
if (lootItem != null)
public static void AddGenTableRow(int tableID, GenTableRow row) {
if (!generalItemTables.containsKey(tableID)) {
2 years ago
//create the new table
2 years ago
GenTable gt = new GenTable();
generalItemTables.put(tableID, gt);
} else {
2 years ago
//add row to existing table
GenTable toAdd = generalItemTables.get(tableID);
public static void AddItemTableRow(int tableID, ItemTableRow row) {
if (!itemTables.containsKey(tableID)) {
2 years ago
//create the new table
2 years ago
ItemTable it = new ItemTable();
itemTables.put(tableID, it);
} else {
2 years ago
//add row to existing table
ItemTable toAdd = itemTables.get(tableID);
public static void AddModTypeTableRow(int tableID, ModTypeTableRow row) {
if (!modTypeTables.containsKey(tableID)) {
2 years ago
//create the new table
2 years ago
ModTypeTable mtt = new ModTypeTable();
modTypeTables.put(tableID, mtt);
} else {
2 years ago
//add row to existing table
ModTypeTable toAdd = modTypeTables.get(tableID);
public static void AddModTableRow(int tableID, ModTableRow row) {
if (!modTables.containsKey(tableID)) {
2 years ago
//create the new table
2 years ago
ModTable mt = new ModTable();
modTables.put(tableID, mt);
} else {
2 years ago
//add row to existing table
ModTable toAdd = modTables.get(tableID);